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Everything posted by trevorst

  1. It communicates through the REST interface, if you do a search on both this forum and the Demopad forum you will find very detailed info. Or here is the link to the ISY Post. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/9329-how-to-set-up-demopad-for-use-with-isy/?hl= Also feel free to contact me anytime for help...
  2. Take a look at Demopad, I think it is far more powerful and flexible than any of the other options. I have owned iRule and Roomie from day one but now use Demopad only. It works great with ISY both for Insteon control, status etc and maintaining sync across ios devices using variables. http://demopad.com
  3. Thanks Michel....
  4. Is there a time limit on a REST subscription to the ISY.??? I have a subscription setup from a Permanent On iPad mounted in the wall, running Demopad. The feedback from the ISY works fine at first but will stop working after awhile if there is no activity. I can setup a Demopad to subscribe at set time intervals if I know that the ISY will time out.
  5. Why not setup a VPN then Demopad acts as if it is local and can control or get feedback.
  6. That is because the Denon will only allow one connection at a time, so the first app running gets the connection. There is another method of controlling the Denon that connects via http that allows multiple connections. This is the method that the Denon iPhone app uses, however they have not published the Api.
  7. Thanks the scene requirement was the issue, I just found a post where that was described. So I created a scene with just that button as a responder and called the scene from the program. Works great now, seems silly to have to create a scene but no big deal.
  8. I have one of the 4 buttons on a 6 pad switch programmed to change the value of a status variable, this is working fine. Now I also change the status of this variable from an iTouch running Demopad remote software (great Product). What I would like to happen is when the variable is changed on theiTouch then the Button on the 6 Button Switch would either show on or off depending on the value. I can accomplish this using a regular switch as a test i.e. the light will switch on or off as I toggle the value of the variable on the iTouch, but the 6 button switch does not. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Thanks.. Hoped that was the case.
  10. I have a back door in my garage and we are always leaving it open in the summer. Also in our one burglary that was the way they got in, I have put a open/close sensor on the door. I have a program with the following code that switches a light on if the door is opened, would this program also run at Sunset to let us know if we have left the door open when going to bed. Or would I need a separate program to execute at Sunset. If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And Status 'Motion and DoorSensors / Back Door-Opened' is On Then Set 'Bedroom / Devices / Bedroom small Lamp' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  11. Can you post an example of the code you use for the network resource please.
  12. Great Steak & Lobster and I'll do it for you
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