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Everything posted by GQuack

  1. Greetings. OK, I am going to bite the bullet and move to Polisy next month. I am running 5.3.3 on the ISY and I see the releases are now up to 5.4.4 although they are designated IoP (Polisy). Do I want to convert to (or attempt to) that release prior to my migration or jump directly from 5.3.3 on the ISY to 5.4.4 on the Polisy? Thanks in advance.
  2. Kentinada, this is where I was scratching my head also. The instructions say “create an application.” What do you mean, create an application? I’ve written a lot of code and created a lot of applications in my time, so what kind of application am I creating? This made no sense to me until it finally dawned, you’re not “creating an application”, you’re “registering” your unique use of Pushover with whatever method you need. This wording is really confusing.
  3. I figured out my issue. The configuration entries for my email settings had “disappeared” so I re-entered those and re-entered the text message entries as well. Both working now as expected.
  4. I’m having a similar issue with text notifications that have been working fine and now stopped. I can send a test text message via the console to my phone with no issue but when executed from a program, do not get sent.
  5. GQuack


    Michel, after that restore PLM process, I can see I am still missing at least one device which was the one I originally noticed problems. I'm sure the answer will be to delete the device and re-link it? Is there an easier option since I have a bunch of scenes associated with that device? Update: I've been messing around with button options, PLM communication retries, etc. to see if I can get the PLM to recognize more devices and seeing weird results. One time: at 228 links, then up to 494, then down to 371, then up to 931. Is that kind of dynamic change normal?
  6. GQuack


    That process took me to 228 links which is a much better number. Let's see if my Gremlins are gone. Doug Warner, how the heck are you, been a while since we've touched base.
  7. GQuack


    Thank you Michel. I did check the links table last night and got a count of 44 just as I did now. Based on this article, that number is way low. Think I will try the restore process first and see what I get and then go from there.
  8. GQuack


    I upgraded to 5.0.16C a few weeks ago and while things are working pretty well, occasionally I experience what I can only call gremlins in the system and I have a bad case of them right now. For the most part, devices that are part of a controller / responder relationship are working correctly but I have a number of programs that are triggered by key presses on various keypads or mini-remotes and all of a sudden those are going wacky. The ISY doesn't even recognize that a key was pressed, doesn't execute the program based on that key press, the status of keypad buttons is reported as OFF when they are ON and vice versa. I've rebooted the ISY a couple of times, unplugged the PLM as well, and still the gremlins are hanging tough, what is going on? I can right click a keypad button and select query and see nothing going on in the event log, just like nothing happened. PLM going bad? It was replaced in January of this year so that seems way too early.. Thoughts anyone?
  9. Wow, makes my brain hurt just to think through all those scenarios! My wife is already saying, if you’re gone, what would I do if something doesn’t work? It’s a good question and when my old ISY gave up the ghost and I looked at the things that were not working or I couldn’t control because of that, I started putting more thought into Plan B, and C, and D with alternate ways of doing things.
  10. Thanks bpwwer, pretty much as I expected, I need to think this through how to do things the best way. It is interesting when the items to monitor are more analog in terms of behavior than digital. What will be helpful is that my first area of interest will be temperature which should be less volatile than something like wind so I should be able to learn a bit from how that behaves and adjust accordingly.
  11. Greetings, I had my original Weatherflow Air and Sky system working fine and just replaced them with the new Tempest, also working fine. I haven't yet started using the data in programs but expect to soon. Can anyone point me to some good info on do's and don't's for programming? I've looked at the options for the devices and here is an example: if I want an action to take place once the wind hits a certain velocity, I would have expected that to be a "control" condition not a status, but control is not available. If I have gusting wind and certain actions to take once it gets too high or conversely too low, does each change in velocity get reported? I'm uncertain as to what is considered a "reportable" event to the ISY. If I don't do things correctly I could see actions happening more frequently than necessary since I live in an area subject to gusting conditions. Temperature would be another question. Once temperature hits a certain threshold, turn on fans as one example. Once the temperature goes lower than the threshold, turn off the fans. If I have a cloudy day and the temperature is widely variable, will the fans be turning on, then turning off in another 10 minutes then turning back on in 15? I'm thinking wide use of variables as I do for most everything anyway would play a role here and using a range of values seems reasonable rather than setting too tight of an upper and lower threshold. Any thoughts or links to good information would be appreciated since I haven't found anything yet that focuses on the programming side.
  12. OK, the lengthy loading issue is behind me, not sure what that was, but added the node server, both inverters are now there. Thank you xKing and bpwwer!
  13. OK, interesting.... I tried tonight to get my new configuration to load. Without deleting the node, I first stopped and started the node server and tried adding all nodes. In the log, I can see the messages where the two inverters and two batteries are found but also seeing a message where the model of inverter is not supported. Would explain why I get no values at all in the ISY under the Inverter node but the node for the battery looks OK but bpwwer to your point, the values look aggregated. Any thoughts on why the the inverter model is not supported? This is a standard SolarEdge inverter model. solaredge-0021b90250ef-2 (1).txt
  14. I may be able to help. You should have admin rights to your site, yes? Look for “charts.” Took me a few tries to figure it out but you can select the component in the left frame (battery or inverter1 or 2), and the data items you can “chart” show up on the right. Select which one(s) you want to see and the portal will draw a chart using Adobe Flash for the time period you select. You can then export that in a .csv format for Excel. Lots of detail info...
  15. When you say aggregate of the two inverters, you see a total of the two and not separate nodes, that seems odd. They have a similar approach on their web portal which aggregates both inverters and both batteries which I don’t care for. I have two strings of panels with each string feeding their respective inverter with their respective attached battery but everything gets lumped together.
  16. Hi all, I’m revisiting this post because I’ve just upgraded my system and added a 2nd inverter with attached battery. I’m thinking there are several options and wanted to reach out here to get these added to the ISY. 1) Stop and restart the node server and see if the new nodes show up since the new components are now part of the overall SolarEdge site. (answer: tried this and they don’t) 2) Delete the existing nodes within the ISY, then add all nodes again (seems like a more likely approach) 3) Try to add all nodes within the ISY and see if the new nodes show up (answer: tried this and they don’t) 4) other?
  17. That is helpful, I didn't know that was there. Also just experimented with the Copy Folder to Clipboard and then paste to Excel or Word which would also be possible to use with search in those programs plus form a basis for the documentation. Thank you MrBill
  18. Does a means exist to create a cross reference of where devices and variables are being used in programs? I know you can see where devices are used in scenes, but I use variables as a major piece of logic control and manually having to find everywhere a variable and / or device is referenced in multiple programs leads me to always miss something. I'm feeling like I may have to do something drastic like create detailed documentation, the last thing anyone wants to do. ?
  19. bpwwer, you are da man! That was exactly it, Polyglot did not act on the api-key it received until stopped and then restarted. I now have 4 entries, 1 for the controller, 1 for the site plus 2 sub-notes under that, 1 for the battery and 1 for the inverter. Thank you so much! Hope this helps you as well when you get your system.
  20. I just deleted the SolarEdge from the ISY, re-added it, generated a new api_key, added that to the config parameters, same result. I don't speak Python but it looks like there may be some errors in this log data (attached), anyone speak Python that can take a quick look? Screen shot from SolarEdge below showing the new api-key, screen shot of the configuration page, and text file of the log. solaredge-0021b90250ef-2.txt
  21. I do know for a fact Michel that I do have Admin Access as that was a struggle with SolarEdge to acquire and I had to use a separate email account to do that. I have the ability to create, modify, and assign profiles to my inverter which requires admin access. I'm going to try to start over and delete what is there and add it again now that I have the api-key value. It's also possible once I generated that key it may have taken some time on the SolarEdge side for everything necessary to propagate.
  22. Where can I find some documentation on setting this thing up so I don't have to keep posting questions? The wiki has very little info and nothing on SolarEdge that I can find. I entered the api_key, the controller node shows up in the ISY but is blank with no information. I see the 4 nodes available to install under the node server configuration but when I select Add all, nothing happens. I'm clearly missing more setup info.
  23. Thank you MIchel, I will look for that but...how do I specify that value within the configuration?
  24. Hi all, just upgraded to V5.0.15A and am taking my first adventure into Polyglot. I am working on adding WeatherFlow and SolarEdge to my ISY. I was successful with WeatherFlow and that seems to be working correctly, my issue is with SolarEdge. I am seeing the message in the log: Please specify api_key in the NodeServer configuration parameters and did some searching on this forum for that info. I am the administrator of my site so I have the site ID which looks to me like a seven digit number. I see the comments referring to both site_ID and API_key. I am assuming these are one and the same? My question is: add it where? In the NodeServer configuration, I tried adding that seven digit number as a custom configuration parameter under both site_ID and api_key but that has not been successful. What am I missing?
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