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Everything posted by GQuack
If version 5 is stable, why hasn't UDI made that the "official" version? They show 4.7.3 as the official although 5.0.16 is now available.
mmb, I do not have that little right arrow option for variables in version 4.7. Going to have to think seriously now about migrating to V5.
Well that would explain a lot...keep wondering when version 5 is going to be "official."
I am trying to pull the humidity level from the thermostat. Based on that value I will take action using the IR control. Look for the variable in the thermostat.....where is that available, I don't see it anywhere?
I am sorry mmb, I don't see that option at all. I am in the Then section. The only choices I have are set to another variable or a number. I don't see that right arrow option anywhere. Is this perhaps a new option? I am running 4.7.3
Huh? Where is this? Where is "assign the Humidity value in the device?" I don't see that option in the program section..Thank you for your help, this is exactly what I was looking for. I just need to set up a program to periodically query the variable, right?
I may not be seeing it but is there a variable I can access in an ISY program for the humidity level as reported by an Insteon Thermostat? (2441TH). I am using IR control to turn on and off an A/C unit based on the temperature and that works just great. But..I would also like the ability to turn the A/C unit to it's humidifier setting if the humidity rises to a high enough level. While I see the humidity level on the thermostat display I don't see any way to access that value in a program. Am I missing it? Thank you for any help.
Hi all, pretty sure I know the answer but would like to confirm before I pull apart my previous wiring. I hooked up 3 new ceiling fans via fanlincs and 6 button keypads. I used the load connection for each keypad as the line to the fanlinc not thinking through the ramifications of that and setup a scene to turn on the light when the ON keypad button is pressed. The light works fine but I can only get the fans to work when the light is on since power is only being supplied to the fanlinc when ON is pressed....duh. I just need to tie the line connections together and the neutral connections together which means abandoning the load connection on the keypad. I can then continue to use the ON button to control the light via my existing scene and independently control the fan speed via the other buttons. I'm pretty sure not having anything connected to the load from the keypad would be a problem but would like to confirm that??? Thank you for any responses.
Hello all, thought it worthwhile to post a final follow-up and again a thank you to those who helped me through this. After replacing the bad IO Linc, I've completed the project which was to use IO Lincs to separate 4 sets of outdoor lighting into unique "zones" all using the same transformer. I used an outdoor plug-in module to control the main power to the transformer and routed the 4 sets of outdoor wiring through an electrical box in which I mounted a high quality surge power strip for the IO Lincs and wired each strand of the landscape wiring through it's respective IO Linc. Each IO Linc is controlled via a scene from a keypad. While I know the power strip is probably not a best practice, the overall result works great, I can now control each of the 4 zones independently but all powered from the same transformer. I've attached a couple of pictures for anyone who is interested. Regards
I am likewise experiencing this same issue. All has been fine and today tried to discover devices due to some changes and am getting the same error: Unable to complete your request. The Echo and ISY are talking just fine together, lights, scenes, etc already in Echo work without issue. Have tried: disable / enable skill, reset the network completely, unplug the Echo...all same result either through the Amazon app or browser.
Hi all, here's my report back. The short answer: The IO Linc was bad. Tested using the 9 volt battery and voltmeter and could not get a current to pass through. Still the same odd behavior with the LED status light. Replaced the IO Linc with a new one using the same configuration and with the 9 volt battery and voltmeter...success! LED status light is responding as expected. Rewired into the exterior lighting and tested again, still success, Yay!!! Moving forward.... Thank you all for your replies and help, this was a good learning experience other than the cost of a new IO Linc.
lilyoyo1, I disassembled the wiring yesterday. Going to experiment inside with a 9 volt battery as the power source and use the voltmeter to see if I can figure out what is happening. I’ll report back...
Yes, the lights work fine. I've had them direct connected for some time now and am trying to move into the segregation method. I've been reading and re-reading the section of the manual that palayman referenced...if you want an ON command to open the relay, set the relay to be open. If you want an ON command to close the relay, set the relay to be closed... Using the ISY, how do you "set the relay to be open" or "set the relay to be closed?" I have latching continuous selected and am using the N/O physical connection. I see no other options, Is there more to it than that?
Thank you all for your responses. ronvond: to answer your question, I do have a relay controlling power to the transformer but assuming I get this problem solved, I will be using 4 IO Lincs to control 4 separate runs of lights for the same transformer each run controlled with their own scene. palayman: to answer your question, I am using a 6 button Insteon keypad linc for this exercise and per my above comment, will be using 4 of those buttons each controlling one of the 4 scenes. The scene itself has only 2 devices in it, 1) the keypad linc button as controller, and 2) the IO Linc Relay (not sensor) as responder. The IO Linc is set to 100% relay on level. Turn the scene on, I expect the IO Linc to pass the current through the run wired to that IO Linc. Turn the scene off, the run turns off. oberkc: to answer your questions, I do not have anything connected to the sensor terminal. For testing, I am trying all the following; 1) turning the scene "ON" via the keypad button, 2) turning the scene "ON" via the admin panel, and 3) turning the Relay only "ON" via the admin panel. In all 3 scenarios, the admin panel shows the Relay status of "ON" but the status LED light behaves differently. The status LED light is lit only in scenario 3, it is not lit in scenarios 1 and 2. This makes no sense to me, I would expect the status LED to be lit anytime the relay is "ON" regardless of the method used to turn it on. I get no change in behavior (lights are not on) when the relay is either in "ON" or "OFF" status. I think the voltage probe is the next logical step. I'm sure there's something staring me in the face and I just don't see it. Any other comments or things to try are most welcome.
Hi all, having a bit of confusion with an IO Linc setup that has me baffled. I am trying to segregate my backyard landscaping lighting into separately controlled “zones” using IO Lincs as a simple relay to turn each zone on or off independently. Guesstimating about 40 watts of 12V lighting LEDs on the strand I am trying to set up first which is within the 5A 30 volts capacity of the relay. The wiring is setup as the diagram attached using the IO Linc manual as a guide. The IO Linc is set to continuous latching, LED on transmit box is checked. Created a scene with a keypad as controller, IO linc relay as responder, relay set to 100% When I press the keypad button, ISY status shows the scene as “ON”, relay device status shows as “ON”, and the LED is NOT lit on the IO Linc. If I set the relay device independently of the scene via the ISY to “ON”, the relay device status shows as “ON” and the LED IS lit on the IO Linc. But…the light(s) connected to the IO Linc do not turn on using either scenario. The behavior of the IO Linc seems odd with the LED light sometimes on sometimes not depending on whether I use a scene or the device directly. I don’t have enough experience with the IO Lincs yet to know if I have a setup problem, bad IO Linc, bad wiring, bad concept or something else entirely. Anyone see anything obvious I am missing? Thanks in advance for any help.
Techman, thank you for the reply. Cleared Java cache, including installed applications and applets. Installed ISY Launcher via the link you provided above. Selected Admin Console. Same result.....
Greetings, not sure this is an ISY issue or a general java question but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. Not sure exactly when this started but it has been fairly recently. I had hoped a new update of java would correct the issue but after installing yesterday I still have the problem. Everything has been working fine for some time and now I am getting the java error "Cannot determine a valid Java Home" using the ISY994 Administrative Console icon. I can launch using the admin.jnlp shortcut. I've followed tutorials to set JAVA_HOME on Windows 10 correctly, uninstalled, then reinstalled Java, installed the JDK, all with no success. Any suggestions on where my issue is?
I follow; went back to the ASV documentation and understand the feedback difference given the option of wiring for NO versus NC. Makes total sense, thank you!
Hi stusviews, I was able to get back to this project today. Good news, the valve is responding to the IOLinc. Relay On, valve is open, Relay Off, valve is closed. I did go ahead and connect the valve Green to IOLinc Ground, valve Purple to IOLinc Sense per Xanthros' post as I was reworking the wiring anyway. The sensor back to the ISY shows ON, when the valve is OFF, OFF when the valve is ON. I'm not sure having those logically reversed makes any difference to me. Any decision making logic will be based on leak sensors around the house, etc and not the status of the sensor unless I am missing something?? Next I'll start getting the link sensors added to the ISY and put some thought into adding logic for turning off the main valve programmatically. Thank you for your help!
Thank you stusviews. Makes sense to me to want the valve normally open providing fluid flow and sending Off to stop the flow. I’ll try that connection early in the week, raining where I am now. To confirm: the IOLinc should be set to “Latching?”
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I'm assuming I need to apologize for something I've said or done or not said or not done in the past on this forum. Can't remember a post that's lasted 10 hours without a comment or helpful suggestion much less 10 days. The folks here have been very helpful and knowledgeable. Guess I'll get out the voltmeter and see if I can figure it out through trial and error. Don't really want to experiment with figuring this out while messing with the home water supply plus having to crawl under the house to do it.
Greetings, I am trying to hookup my Greenfield ASV 100 water valve. I've read multiple posts on this forum which contain different information on how to hook this up or perhaps the differences are between the ELK version and the Greenfield version of the valve. One thread is here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19654-elk-water-shutoff-valve-and-insteon-io-linc/page-1?hl=greenfield With these specific instructions posted by Brian H. Connect the +12 volt power supply voltage to the IO Linc Relay Common. Connect the -12 volt power supply to the Black wire on the valve and relay coil. With the Red on the NC and White on NO the valve will be closed when the IO Linc is Off. When the relay in the IO Linc is switched. The +12 volt power on the IO Linc relay common terminal is switched between open and closed valve inputs. Indication of status. Wire the Green from the valve to one of the relay coils terminals. Wire the other relay coil terminal to the 12 volt common of the power supply. That is also connected to the Black Valve wire. Then use the dry relay contacts of the relay. Wired to the Sensor and Common Inputs. The second post is here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/12765-elk-wsv2-for-less/?hl=greenfield With these instructions posted by Xanthros. This is the method I tried first with no success; the Greenfield valve did not respond at all even though it appears the IOLinc status is showing correctly within the ISY. For Power, Red to the power source +12, Black to the power source ground. For Valve Control, Black to the IOLinc Relay Com, White to IOLinc Relay N/O For Feedback, Green to IOLinc Gnd, Purple to IOLinc Sense. Turn relay On to Open valve. When the valve is Open, the IOLinc sensor will report On. I am just trying to confirm I have the right instructions (Xanthros), and if so, I need to figure out why I am not getting the valve to respond. Thoughts from anyone??? Thank you.
Now I'm totally confused. I've tried installing my Greenfield valve with no success. I used the connections as described by Xathros in March of 2015 (posted below). But...I see a number of differences between Xathros' post and the connections cited in this post. In my case with Xathros' directions, it seems the IOLinc is responding as I would expect, when I turn it ON, I hear a click and the LED on the IOLinc turns bright. When I turn it OFF, I hear a click and the LED turns dim. Yet, the Greenfield valve doesn't respond at all. I'm trying to figure out what to do next..... Xathros Advanced Members 4,550 posts LocationRepublic of Vermont Occupation:System Administrator / ISY Integrator and Enthusiast / Home Automation junkie. Posted 23 March 2015 - 07:06 AM For Power, Red to the power source +12, Black to the power source ground. For Valve Control, Black to the IOLinc Relay Com, White to IOLinc Relay N/O For Feedback, Green to IOLinc Gnd, Purple to IOLinc Sense. Turn relay On to Open valve. When the valve is Open, the IOLinc sensor will report On. Hope this helps. -Xathros Edited by Xathros, 23 March 2015 - 07:07 AM.