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Everything posted by Whitehambone

  1. I will try one of your suggestions, thanks! Do you know if either of them have Dew Point, Heat Index and Wind Chill?
  2. With APIXU converting to Weatherstack, it would seem the APIXU Node Server will no longer work. On 10-14-2019 the APIXU server will shut down. What are the best alternatives? Dark Sky? Anyone working on a Weatherstack Node Server?
  3. I had this same problem, are you behind a Fortigate?
  4. Danbutter, That worked great! Turns out the content length is not important as seen in my screenshot above.
  5. I have set up NodeLink on a Raspberry PI. Really all I did was follow the NodeLink PI instructions, but it was on my network and working. I am not real familiar with the RPI or Linux command line usage. I would need help with this setup.
  6. I looked at the thread and when I try to duplicate your setup, I have no option for content length. I assume admin is your Blue Iris log in user and the IP is your BI server? Yeah, I just want to overlay a z-wave temperature on the garage camera. I already use Blue Iris Tools for weather info.
  7. I searched and can't find anything on how to put the value of a variable into a TXT file that can be accessed on the network. I want a single file with just the variable value that gets overwritten. I thought I could just make a custom notification with the variable in the message body. But how do I access the file over the network like a shared folder? @webpage:/mydir/garage.txt ${var.2.53} I see a bunch of information on logging and graphing and will like try it. I can access the info by Can a specify a shared directory in the custom notification? Ultimately I want to use the TXT file as a text overlay in Blue Iris. Is there an easier way that i am just overlooking? I am on 5.0.14. I am using Blue Iris to trigger events on the ISY, fun stuff!
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