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Everything posted by ccclapp

  1. Why would you use IR when you can go direct via network resource?
  2. Ill take that as a "yes" Thanks Now Im going OT and will start a new post if it becomes a conversation. It relates to using programs to better control scenes... Goal: Use a KP button to do more/different functions to a scene than the built-in on/off, fade up/dn, fast on/off from being a Controller of the scene. Method: 1. Removed button from scene 2. Put button in toggle mode 3. Created programs to control the scene all based on the button actions, where by: a. button on or off = scene On b. button fade up/dn = scene fade up/dn c. button fast on or fast off = a different scene On Result:This generally worked, but results were not constant, e.g repeated (slow) button presses yielded different and inconsistent light levels (but On and Off both trigger scene On via the controlling program) The gist of my question is: Is it a mistake to try to circumvent native insteon functionality by using programs? This is what dimming a scene via a program for Echo and what my button scheme attempt to do. Thanks!!
  3. Do I correctly understand you are saying: Echo aside, due to Insteon, ISY programs can only din/brighten a scene by 3% per "call"? Thus (Echo aside) dimming scenes via programs in not prudent?
  4. Is a workaround to have a program which solely exists to invoke a scene dim level, e.g program "Evening 50" turns on the Evening scene at 50% dim? One coule have 2-4 such programs for the critical scenes. Then in Echo "Alexa, Evening 50 On". Yes/No?
  5. As others have mentioned it would be good to be able to refer back to what's been added AND also to hide them to see only remaining ones. Might you implement a check-box to show/hide previously added devices?
  6. Read and follow the process in the link I gave above. It will take you time and effort. I am also a RPi noob and bought one and learned specifically for that over the past week. Maybe you can get Harmony to reply to Universal Devices request. IN the meantime, this is why we are doing the above.
  7. Yes, with some effort... The thread below discusses communicating 2-way between Harmony and Isy. It requires a raspberry pi (or other "server"). It enables the following: a. The active Harmony ACTIVITY to be reported to ISY (which can be used by ISY to trigger actions) b. ISY to change the Harmony ACTIVITY c. Harmony remote/app "Lighting Appliance" controls to trigger any ISY actioin Note a and b are activity, not device control. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/16787-isyhelper-interface-older-foscams-maker-ifttt-amazon-echo-and-more/ In addition, Harmony devices database (where you specify up your TV, etc) include the ISY yielding 45+/- IR codes that ISY responds to naively (assuming you have an IR compatible ISY (or add the IR module). This means, ISY can be incorporated into any Harmony activity and also be controlled individually, just live any other AV equipment. THis gives full 1-way control of ISY from Harmony. In addition, ISY can send out unlimited IR commands using the Global Cache WF2IR or other devices. In addition ISY can communicate with many AV components over wifi, using network resources. As you know you can control anything ISY can do via a KP. Thus, any of the above can happen via KP. Thus, peaking specifically about KP control of AV, you can: - change activity (ISYHelper on RPi) - control any individual device (network resources and/or IR) (does not involve Harmony, but that doesn't matter as long as activity is not changed, i.e if ISY changes channel or volume of TV, harmony doesn't care (vs turning off TV, can get out of sync and should be done via activity) - You didn't ask, but you can also control Sonos via ISY.KP. Together this covers most all things. Having said that, it takes a lot of thought, planning and time to fully integrate ISY/Harmony/KP. I am embarking on this at this time.
  8. Hi, thanks. I will try that. Also can you confirm am I able to use port forwarding if I use the portal or are they mutually exclusive?
  9. Yes, you can have separate profiles . But in all cases my remote profile for Izzy 2 will not work because if it goes to the portal it will populate with Izzy 1 dats and I don't believe I can do the traditional port forward if that isy is a member portal Sorry for the spelling of Izzy but that's what Siri does
  10. Thanks for the thinking, but the issue is a bit different: I have two separate ISYs in separate locations doing completely different things. I like the portal but I also like the mobile UI of Mobilinc. Portal users are supposed to be able to use mobilink, but in the event one has 2 ISYs in the portal, it seems mobilinc will always connect to only one and always the same one. Maybe my work around is to have two portal accounts, but I am hoping there is another approach. I had thought port forwarding would do it, but maybe that's not possible if using the portal. I expect Michel will clarify these things when he gets a chance. Thanks
  11. HiI MWareman Thanks for that info. I can port forward myself but had no idea that's what that switch was trying to do. Yes, normally I would use the portal but as I described two posts above I am not able because I have to Isys on the portal and MobiLinc seems to connect always to the first one only. Thus, I am not able to use the portal for both Isys if I want to movie mobilinc. At least that is how it appears yo be. Having said that, I'm not sure there is a solution because I understand if I use the portal I cannot use MobiLinc connect. I may have to abandon the portal for the second ISY...
  12. ...Adding to the above (separate, but possibly related item): I tried to "enable internet access" on an ISY which subscribes to the portal. I get an error message. Is there a reason I cannot enable internet access if I subscribe to the portal? Thanks
  13. Hi I have the portal for 2 ISYs on the portal. When configuring in mobilinc I set up 2 profiles, one for each ISY. However, both populate with the same UUID. Because both share the same portal UN/PW (because one can only have a single portal UN/PW) moblink grabs the UUID for the 1st one it sees. As a workaround, I 1st set up the ISY #2 profile using local IP (not via portal). That gave the correct UUID. Then I entered the portal info as an edit, when it connected it still grabbed the UUID for ISY #1. How do I handle 2 ISYs?
  14. Thanks Paul and xKing. I appreciate your info! I now understand #1, ie how to use ISY finder to the portal etc. I have two ISYs as separate locations and this method works well. One can even have two instances open so work on both admin consoles at the same time. Handy! I have not set up traditionally via port forwarding, but understand the process. As to VPN, yes my needs for this go beyond the ISY. I have just started to look into a VPN router or VPN server. My two locations are residential, so limited traffic. I have Netgear WNDR4300 and 5400 routers, which I believe dont offer VPN capabilities, but can pass VPN through. I am considering a custom ROM as a possibility for VPN router capability. I have also begun to read of making a RPi VNP server. Sounds fairly straight forward. Since I have a RPi to assist my ISY (for ISYHelper etc apps) I could give them a dual purpose as VPN server. Another chapter about to unfold... Thanks!!
  15. Hi 1) I am having difficulty gaining remote access to the Admin Console. I see the "ISY Information" but when I paste that into a browser it is now working. How to I invoke the "ISY Finder" 2) Also, If I wanted to, how would I access the admin console other than through the portal, ie if I did not buy the portal or for some reason prefer to access "conventionally" I assume this involves port forwarding. What port and what web address do I want to access? Thanks Thanks
  16. I have signed up and activated the portal. It seems to only allow access to the user interface, vs the admin interface, i.e I can trigger devices, etc, but not create new programs, etc. How does one gain remote access to the ISY Admin Console, either via the portal or otherwise. Thanks
  17. Hi Am I correct the Din Relay only opens/closes the circuit, or can it send a 12V trigger? If the relay cannot send the trigger what would you recommend for that purpose? I'm getting the feeling it doesn't support my intended use (to send 12V to my amp's "suspend" and "surround" triggers.) Thinking further... I suppose I could find a 12v wall wart and open/close its power flow through the din relay?? If so, (i) do I wire as follows: 1 wire from wall wart connects to Din on NC or NO, and then from COM to amp trigger. Other wire from wall wart direct to amp trigger. If this is correct, does it matter if + or - wire goes to Dim? (ii) If the amp wants a 12v trigger, do I get any generic wall wart thats 12V (I will be cutting the ends off anyway). Thanks and sorry for profound dumbness here! Thanks
  18. Hi Xathros I am trying to set up network resources to control the Din Rlay and the Web Power Switch. To make the topic easier for others to find/stumble upon, I started a new thread here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/15583-digital-loggers-din-relay-power-switch/ Would you take a quick peak and correct my NR basic setup and tell me what I am doing wrong? I expect its something simple like carriage return or login format. Also, once I get it going, do you mind if I paste your quote above into that thread, again to help others? One clarification about what you say above: Are you receiving "state" data from the Din Relay in ISY, or are you just tracking how many times you turn it on/off via variable 0/1? Thanks alot Xathros http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/15583-digital-loggers-din-relay-power-switch/
  19. Hi Thanks for doing this! I have read this thread, but not yet tried to install. Would you tell me if this can be used to select "favorites"? Will it also do other Sonos controls not mentioned above? If so, I assume one substitutes another sonos command in the script you provided. Is that conceptually correct? THanks
  20. Hi I add my thanks to this thread, as well. The following may be helpful to others: If following the procedure in the 1st post be sure you fix the error and end with \r\n (not the ,\r,\l as listed) GC has a huge database of IR codes here: http://irdb.globalcache.com/ just create a login and you can grab full command sets for most common devices. Then paste this into the network resource field in ISY and your good to go, no learning required. VERY helpful!!! As to the GC Database I list above, I found the following issue: For some devices no issue at all. For some, for example "Samsung TV, most models" (that's how the CG IR database labels the code set), all the codes have a break in them with two sets of quotation marks separated by a comma in the middle of the code. For example here is the Off code, which is typical. Note the part I underlined and bolded, below... sendir,1:1,1,38028,1,1,173,173,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,65,21,65,21,21,21,21,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,21,21,21,21,65,21,65,21,21,21,1832","0000 006D 0022 0000 00ad 00ad 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0015 0015 0728 If I paste this into ISY, I get an error when hitting "Test". I also tried pasting it into the GC iConvert utility (found here: http://www.globalcache.com/files/software/iConvert.exe and also get an error. If I delete everything from the 1st quotation mark to the end, it works fine i.e. I only use this portion of the code: sendir,1:1,1,38028,1,1,173,173,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,65,21,65,21,21,21,21,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,21,21,21,21,65,21,65,21,21,21,1832 Dont forget to add the \r\n to the end I dont know what the last section represents or why GC database includes it (since it causes an error with GC device). Possibly it is a 2nd reinforcing code of some type, which should be slightly edited to include more carriage returns, or "sendir" or something. I dont know. However, it seems to work without the 2nd 1/2 of the code GC provides. ​The iCOnvert utility mentioned above is also handy. As I understand it, it converts Hex code IR to GC IR format and vice versa. This can be used with many IR codes found at Remote Central, which may be in Hex format. I believe the Pronto codes are in Hex. This will convert them to GC format. In summary, between what's available at the GC database and at Remote Central, there should be little reason to physically learn any codes into iLearn or ISY. Thanks
  21. thanks guys! I just ordered three. Problem solved
  22. Hi Taken I don't know about syncro linc. I will read up on it. Thanks for the suggestion Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Hi I am working on whole-house AV with ISY. For non-IP (dumb) components e.g, older TV display, a chronic issue is becoming out-of-sync with on/off status in the global power on/off macro. For these dumb components I am thinking of using iMeter Solo to determine on/off state based on power reading. The issue seems to be that the iMeter is very slow to report the power change from on/off change. Questions: 1) is there a way to change the frequency of iMeter reporting/refreshing? 2) if not, is there a way to do a quick query command to obtain current energy draw, without burdening the ISY 3) assuming I can get quick readings, how do I use that reading in programs, e.g. to turn on, only if off (low power reading in iMeter) when I want to send System Off command (the tv in question only has on/off toggle, so knowing if it is on or off is critical to the system on/off macro) Is there a better way to quickly determine on/off state of a "dumb" device? Thanks!!
  24. I understand. Thanks
  25. Thanks Lee
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