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  1. that doesn't work. I have a monitor and keyboard connected and the username and password do not work. also have quite a few errors.
  2. My upgrade isn't going so well. can't ssh into the device with the admin username and password. Can't connect with bluetooth, adding a monitor is able to see the login screen but the login screen will not allow me to pass it with the username/password (username and password was not and has not changed).
  3. I think that I am hosed. can't ssh into the eisy. not accepting my password. I may have to put a ticket.
  4. Confused on this as I do have DHCP reservation and managed switch. when I ping eisy, I get: Pinging eisy.home.icu [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64 Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64 Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 3ms, Average = 2ms How are you determining the DHCP UID?
  5. I just upgraded without really knowing as I just happen to log in a the system was requesting a reboot. Then I clicked the upgrade no realizing it was a major upgrade. (saw email post click) Unit has been down for 30 minutes now (1240 PST). Edit: I am currently at an hour and the unit is not back up. OS was at 13.2 last time I checked
  6. Question for you. I have 5.8.3 and 3.2.22, can I update the PG3x to 3.2.27 from the my.iso portal? Or does that attempt to pull both the IoX and PG3x?
  7. Something like this? switch: - platform: template switches: rgb_network: friendly_name: "Network" value_template: "{{ is_state('light.network', 'on') }}" turn_on: service: isy994.send_node_command data: command: fast_on target: entity_id: light.network turn_off: service: isy994.send_node_command data: command: fast_off target: entity_id: light.network I believe that this creates a switch.rgb_network
  8. Ok. I'll look into that. Thanks
  9. @shbatm Is there anyway to default the Fast On to the normal and not just On. Have 4 Aeotec RGB bulbs that have a parameter to change the ramp rate but that does not work like the "Fast On" and "Fast Off" buttons in AC.
  10. Isy notifies me when it is off or online. And other that the major hardware failure I've been dealing with for the last 36 hours. Everything is up and running now, it still shows as offline. But voice commands work.
  11. All the devices show up on my.isy and it was set to use all. I changed to preferred isy. Devices show up in Google home but are grayed out. After I made the change for the "My Preferred ISY", the commands were resend to Google Home. Tried google voice and it did work, BUT the devices on the google home go offline and online all the time. Here is a video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/b7G2vo9gF7N3n3taA
  12. Mine hasn't worked for a few weeks now. Even removed and readded and nothing.
  13. Up and running. Can see them in UD Mobile. THANK YOU!
  14. Also deleted all NS and rebooted. Reinstalled into slot 6. Updated to 1.1.01 and then it reverted to 1.1.0. Here are the log files.solaredge_poly_6-21-2023_83403_PM.zip
  15. Installed the solaredge_poly in slot 10: Notice that the current version is 1.1.0 Updated it using the Update button and the same thing happened where after the update, the current version changed from 1.1.01 to 1.1.0. Only one node shows up in AC for each of the NS.:
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