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Everything posted by jim_

  1. Thanks larryllix for the reply I removed the "Run Program" line and you are correct, the decrement works With respect to "MS to send 'ON' only", is this the option ? (2844-222)
  2. I tried looking through the forum, but could not locate anyone posting this scenario / problem ... I have a number of motion or switch activated scenes running for years and while they work perfectly 99% of the time, you hit the scenario where the timer has JUST expired and a new trigger occurs (less than a second) ... lights go off, then on, then off Example: basement stairs, motion triggers human, lights go on, human descends stairs, but does a turnaround trip ... the timer expires (light off sent) but within milliseconds of the off, human is detected, light goes back on for less than 1 second and then go off again ... stairs are dark I use a variable to reset the timer if there is a lot of traffic in the stairwell, this seems to work well. I've looked through Log to see if double Off is sent, but only see 1. Its like the perfect software race condition where the command "off" is sending and motion is triggering "on" to restart the script Anyone guide me on what I'm looking for ? CODE ------------------------------------------------------ Basement Stairs Trigger If 'Basement Stairs Mo' is switched On Then Set 'Basement Stair 3way' On $sBasement_Stairwell_Light_Timer = 60 ------------------------------------------------------ Stair Light Timer Decrement If $sBasement_Stairwell_Light_Timer > 0 Then Wait 1 second $sBasement_Stairwell_Light_Timer -= 1 Run Program 'Stair Light Timer Decrement' (If) Else Set 'Basement Stairs 3 Way' Fast Off ------------------------------------------------------ Basement Stairs Light Stop If 'Basement Stair 3way' Status is Off Then $sBasement_Stairwell_Light_Timer = 0 Set 'Basement Stairs 3 Way' Off Stop program 'Stair Light Timer Decrement' ------------------------------------------------------
  3. Just FYI, with PLM's none existent, the fear is one of my three I have in service will die ... and the call came today from my kid ... ISY is dead Did normal reset etc ... PLM status showed NOT connected. Brought it to my house and tried several more resets, same status, ISY showed no PLM connected. Cracked the case and checked the capacitors, they all look good. A few years back I had my own failure, and read somewhere to reset the PLM x 3 in a row ... holding the reset a little longer after the buzzer stopped ... so I did and with luck this PLM works again Not sure if its on its last legs, but hopefully it lasts until PLM's are back in stock Just thought I would post this for anyone else who might have a "questionable" PLM ... its worth the extra few minutes to try
  4. Solved .... lots of leg work / testing and NOT the expected AC noise one would typically encounter ... Moved to IOLinc to isolated circuit (known clean from noise ... basically beside the PLM ... still failed Factory reset the IOLinc / reloaded, failures still present, but random on reload Checked the power terminals (plug prongs) and electrical plug ... noted some corrosion (typical long term humidity exposure) Replaced electrical plug, steel wool the IOLinc plug terminals, apply protective electric grease on terminals ... Working ... Thanks to all who responded and read my post
  5. I have 3 ISY-994 at different locations, all have i/o linc garage door modules and ALL show the same status ... You can write updates to the i/o linc all you want, they will always show the same status, yet have operated normally for years With respect to KPL, I have added, removed, factory reset several times with same result
  6. I have 2 existing KPL / Buttons (separate modules) controlling the garage door [2450 i/o linc] I'm trying to add a NEW KPL / Button so there will be 3 appearances to open / close the door ... I added the 3rd button to match the existing and remembered to set Toggle to match the existing When the new button is depressed, it flashes twice and goes dark, the buttons on the other KPL's light up, door remains closed I'm not sure what info I need to post for assistance ... please suggest what I need to look at / for to debug ?? PIC attached - Rear KPL & KPL 8 Fam are existing, KPL2 Front is the new button cheers jim
  7. I have done most units, did so methodically in line with killing each breaker circuit branch I still come back to why did the codes stop when daylight savings kick off March 13 .... something with a clock or corruption in program in ISY
  8. I had to chuckle when I read this ... I pictured myself standing out on the street at 2am looking at the neighbors houses to see if lights were flashing I ran into similar problem with a new neighbors TV satellite, they were using UHF remote to change channels which would also change my SAT channel ... Fortunately, it was easy to diagnose ... new neighbor, new SAT install ...
  9. Thank You for explaining ... My GDO (old tech) and Insteon controller has been installed for years Since the codes were only showing up in the middle of the night, I would rule this out ... also, when I killed the power to the garage, the codes still appeared
  10. Negative
  11. GDOs ??? Chamberlain models ???
  12. Good thoughts ... but No neighbors have X10 or insteon ... actual none have home automation ... Same UPS for past 5 years and I did try connecting on standard power
  13. I searched for over a month for any electrical device causing these mystery X10 codes .... finally gave up after a month having shutdown circuit breaker by breaker trying to isolate ... I needed to make an adjustment to a program and thought I would look at the logs tonight, and found the x10 codes stopped March 13, AKA daylight savings ... Since I have no X10 devices with any date control, I can only surmise this is related to ISY which does have date function .... Thoughts anyone ?
  14. Thank you for the tip ... I'll sweep the house for all chargers and any other unnecessary electrical appliances
  15. Thanks for the response and clarifications ... There is nothing running at that time of day, never has been. We've had a smart meter for at least 10 years (good thought), and back then I was running full X10 with no issues I'll start by disconnecting some legacy X10 and resetting the Insteon switches that I recently changed programming on, then maybe disconnect the Z-Wave overnight then check the logs in the morning ... at least its a starting point
  16. List grew last night to 336 X10 lines in the log starting at 1:30am and ending at 5:30am *** if X10 codes can live on Insteon, shall I assume factory reset and reload will clear one by one ? My oldest Insteon modules would be about 5 years old, nothing new in the home other than 6 x Z-Wave switches ... If electrical noise, one would expect to see these codes randomly at any time of day, but these only appear in the middle of the night ... odd Do not understand what "House code J is a 1111 and Status Request is a 1111." means, please explain ?
  17. My base build for years has been Insteon and few old X10 devices ... has been very reliable ... Since Insteon switches are no longer available, I purchased a few Z-Wave switches complete a few more rooms. Took a while to get them stable, but things were good for a couple of weeks. Then all of a sudden, basic events like dusk programs tarted to randomly fail or switches show on, but not the actual light. Been looking through logs and discovered hundreds mystery X10 codes appearing in the middle of the night and not related to my existing X10 units. None of my neighbours have X10 or Insteon devices, so codes must have their origin withing my home. Not sure if these codes are related to these new random failures, but should still try to correct whatever is causing them. I tried factory reset my PLM and restore. The list of codes has greatly reduced, but are still present ... Any suggestions on what to check ? Can these codes live in Insteon switches ? Is there a way to pin point / trace source ? Here a copy from last night of the codes found in LOG X10 J2 Mon 2022/01/31 02:45:56 AM System Log X10 P Status Request (10) Mon 2022/01/31 02:58:43 AM System Log X10 J10 Mon 2022/01/31 03:00:42 AM System Log X10 B Status Request (10) Mon 2022/01/31 03:09:12 AM System Log X10 J Status = off (2) Mon 2022/01/31 03:09:29 AM System Log X10 J Status Request (10) Mon 2022/01/31 03:11:45 AM System Log X10 J Preset Dim (12) Mon 2022/01/31 03:12:02 AM System Log X10 H Status Request (10) Mon 2022/01/31 03:46:21 AM System Log X10 M15 Mon 2022/01/31 04:02:48 AM System Log X10 J Status Request (10) Mon 2022/01/31 04:13:35 AM System Log X10 J Status Request (10) Mon 2022/01/31 04:26:21 AM System Log X10 F Status Request (10) Mon 2022/01/31 04:32:01 AM System Log X10 J On (3) Mon 2022/01/31 04:39:58 AM System Log X10 J Status Request (10) Mon 2022/01/31 04:43:39 AM System Log X10 J Status Request (10) Mon 2022/01/31 04:43:57 AM System Log X10 J Preset Dim (12) Mon 2022/01/31 04:46:47 AM System Log X10 J Extended Code (9) Mon 2022/01/31 04:47:38 AM System Log X10 J Status Request (10) Mon 2022/01/31 04:55:18 AM System Log
  18. Adding new ZWAVE switch's and found this issue when debugging a program ... I added this [SWITCH] (not DIMMER) to a monitor PROGRAM, I did NOT notice the ISY promoted with STATUS in percentage (There is a mix of ZW switches & dimmers) When I went to edit the program, I found this discrepancy ... the value NOW appears as ON / OFF as it should be in edit mode Is this a BUG ? Firmware = 5.3.0
  19. Came to the conclusion, it is not possible to add these Leviton DZ15S & DZ6HD switch's as Controllers in a scene
  20. Hey Lilyoyo1 I just figured out my question one ... When I purchased both DZ15S switch & DZ6HD dimmer 's, the electrical store TOLD ME I could use [dual] smart switches or special order the corresponding dumb followers. Since the costs for the Z-Wave switches are cheaper than dumb followers, the decision was easy. Its one of those days, read the manual 20 times and finally note the title "3-way wiring with DD0SR-DL" >>> AKA dumb follower Therefore, my question TWO stands .... can Z-wave switches be added to ISY in a similar manner as Insteon as controllers ISY is V 5.3
  21. Hey all With NO Insteon switches currently available for purchase, I opted to purchase some Leviton Z-Wave to complete an expansion project ... I made test purchase of a plug & dimmer first, tested signal limitations etc, had no issues integrating into ISY ... SO, I purchased a bunch of basic more ZW switches & dimmers and proceeded to wire in some 3 -ways today ... no luck Question 1 I wired as per Leviton instructions with signal follower wire, the 3-way does not work out of the box (including 15 second reset) .... I cannot find anything on the web explaining any programming required to support a 3-way standalone (not related to ISY) Question 2 When creating a scene and adding the switches, CONTROLLER is not an available option despite what is published in the WIKI (assuming this is how they should be added) Adding both to scene as Responder does nothing and the remote (non-controlling switch) has no control I'm lost ... any help appreciated
  22. I spoke to soon, seems anything with timers like a motion detector are affected ... one trigger, ok .... 2 or more triggers back to back and timer (scene) is very slow or fails Anyone encountered timers (scenes) being delayed and root cause ?
  23. Well, system is 99% back with no explanation of root cause of failure. There are still a few ghost issues where monitor indicators on KPL's are not always showing and a timed event turning off a switch not associated with a scene. I will open the ISY and measure the volts to the power LED once everything is stable ... maybe just solder in a new LED if the original is dead. Thanks to all for their suggestions and info Cheers
  24. All my modules are dual band, no Zwave, I have a custom bridge between phases wired inside panel (which I also change on spec with no resolve) and no new AC devices connected that have not existed in the house for months. I too have those Costco deformable garage lights on a 4-way for past year with no issues. My experience dates back to X10 days and have had to trouble shoot many strange noise issues before, but this failure was massive. Later last night, I restored the original ISY & PLM and things are SLOWLY beginning to work again. Many of the switch modules (not all) were failing basic function as in, you could turn lights "on" manually, but "off" either delayed / failed ... and the greater number of modules were flashing RED with errors on manual activation. Its like a wave of corruption travelled through all modules to point of 100% failure. The only notable change was temperature, we had a mini heatwave in the great white north, so everyone's AC was running on the street, but all my core equipment is kept cool and powered via a good quality UPS (which I also reset on spec as they can generate nasty harmonics when hit with power variations from the power grid) The current resolve appears to be slowly working through deleting affected modules from ISY, factory reset them, add them back into ISY, write changes manually to all devices related to each other / scenes. I still have no power LED on the ISY, but it seems to be working properly for now ... Still in restore mode for now ... I really need to learn how to decider the logs on the ISY ... and suggested articles
  25. Thanks Brian for your reply ... here's where I'm at - Since the original ISY & PLM combo could not be trusted and I have a new ISY & PLM (for my kid's new house, delayed by Covid), moving to full new equipment test. I looked through my old backups and applied a config to match the old 4.9 firmware on the new ISY, rebooted both, then run PLM update. This old config resulted in 50% of the important modules from the DB being restored, so testing limited to important modules only. 2) Disabled all programs, and deleted modules not longer present from the config, then started validating legacy modules with simple on / off via command menu. 50% work, 50% pop failed communications. Some of the failed switches are recoverable by invoking factory reset, purging them from the DB and re-adding from scratch. This appears to be working for a percentage, but not all. 3) here's an example ... simple LampLinc dimmer ... would NOT respond when connected to its original location. Moved to Stove plugs to test both sides of supply phase. Had to factory reset several times, finally added back as new device. Comms fail 50% of the time, phase 2 fails more than phase 1 .... Move the module back to original outlet and ran trace ... this is where I kinda get a little lost and ask for some assistance You can see failures only on the OFF request from the trace ... NEW PLM ID is correct in the trace (see attached logs) I also tried add a new out of the box 2477D ... results in failure, not sure where to translate the cause codes (see attached logs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: Question, back and forth trying different things, and noted this ... the new PLM has V2.6 software and the original has V2.0. I get more success communicating with devices on the old PLM with the new ISY ... I get major failures with the new PLM and new ISY IS there a software version issue ? Does the ISY have to be at the latest 5.3.x to work with new PLM ? on - off with errors - ISY-Events-Log.v4.9.0__Sat 2021.05.22 02.30.16 PM.txt adding a new device failure - ISY-Events-Log.v4.9.0__Sat 2021.05.22 02.35.36 PM.txt
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