Hi, just purchased an ISY-994i to replace an X10 system from the 90’s running on a DOS controller
This type of programming is completely new to me, so what may be obvious to others is something I am struggling to understand.
I am using 2 lamp modules to test with and mixing in some existing Leviton control switches … this is my test program which does not trigger at DUSK.
IF – Program ‘Dusk’ is True
Then – Set Module_1 On
Wait 10 seconds
Set Module_2 On
Send X10 ‘C1/On (3)’ <<< Leviton control switch
Else - Set Module_1 Off
Set Module_2 Off
Nothing happens when the Sunrise/Sunset time surpasses the Sunset time ?
there are no Diagnostic / Event Logs being generated … how do you enable them ?