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Everything posted by GTench

  1. Thanks for posting this. My experience was very similar but I had to do the update and save on each program that referenced one of the alarm zones. I use the Envisalink motion zones mostly to trigger lights. I found PG2 to be surprising quick in this regard. PG3 seems to be even quicker. I'm very happy overall. Gary
  2. GTench

    PG3 on Polisy

    Here is the process that occurred in a bit more detail I started off with 3 connected node servers in PG2 and showing up properly in IoP and functioning well. The same 3 node servers were also present in PG3 but were unmanaged with no obvious way to remove them. I did a backup of PG2. I deleted all 3 node servers from PG2, checked in IoP and there were no node servers now shown there. I did however still have the 3 phantom node servers in PG3. I tried numerous reboots of PG2, PG3, and polisy. Checked in IoP and PG2 again and there were still no node servers there. Checked in Pg3 and the 3 phantom node servers were still there but there was still no button to delete them. I tried numerous times to update PG3 from the PG2 backup with no success. I then installed a random free node server from the store in slot 4 as slots 1 to 3 were taken up by the phantom node servers. When the slot 4 node server finished installing I watched the PG3 screen as the phantom node servers vanished. I then deleted the slot 4 node server but cannot recall for sure if I tried to load PG3 from my PG2 backup again. PG3 now showed no node servers installed. I then manually installed my 3 node servers. Since I only had 3 of them, this was not a big deal other then renaming all my zones in IoP. I thought a fresh install might be a good thing to do kind of like reinstalling an OS to clean things up I should point out a couple of things that likely impacted my ability to use the PG2 backup based on comments in previous threads. My EnvisaLink-DSC node server is configured differently from the defaults in the store; e,g., I added a parameter to set the number of zones higher than the default - I have 48 vs the default of 8. I also added more parameters that are not present in the default settings. So there is not an exact match between the PG2 nodes in my backup vs the default set from the store. Also I notice that PLEX starts of with 1 node but my PG2 backup has multiple nodes that were dynamically added over time as new devices accessed PLEX. I also believe that some of the PG2 nodes, although named the same, appeared in a different order than some PG3 nodes but I cannot be sure now that I have deleted the PG2 node servers. Gary
  3. GTench

    PG3 on Polisy

    I think I tried that and it did not work for me but I cannot remember for sure
  4. GTench

    PG3 on Polisy

    Tried that but did nor work for me. After deleting PG2 nodes I was still left with 3 phantom unmanaged nodes in PG3. A restore from PG2 backup did nothing. If I try to install a new node server from the store it wants to go to slot 4 berceuse the phantom node servers are taking up the first 3 slots. So, what I found worked to get rid of the unmanaged 3 PG3 node servers was to just install any node server in the next available slot, 4 in my case. This then removed the unmanaged node servers. I then deleted the slot 4 node server and proceeded to install my 3 node servers into slots 1 to 3 as they were in PG2. Gary
  5. GTench

    PG3 on Polisy

    OK thanks. I have 3 node servers: Blue IRIS, PLEX, EnvisaLink-DSC. I purchased the EnvisaLink-DSC. I backed up PG2. PG3 shows the 3 node servers as unmanaged. I deleted the 3 from PG2. I opened IoP and saw that they were gone there. I restored from PG2 backup in PG3. The 3 node servers still show up as unmanaged in PG3. Should I now just install the 3 node servers on PG3 but will this leave me with a managed and unmanaged version of each in PG3? thanks, Gary
  6. GTench

    PG3 on Polisy

    Thanks... unfortunately they cannot be changed in the custom parameters. I edited them in ISY.
  7. GTench

    PG3 on Polisy

    So if for example, I delete my EnvisaLink-DSC node server in PG2 and restore a PG2 backup to PG3 will my IoP show all of the renamed Zone names from IoP as they were when connected to PG2 or will I have to rename all my zones again as I did when I first installed it on PG2. When EnvisaLink-DSC was first installed on PG2 it used default zone names in IoP (Zone1, Zone2, etc). I am hoping not to go through the renaming process again, thanks, Gary
  8. I bought the one from amazon.ca and is working fine for me with Polisy. Gary
  9. You're welcome. One other thing that I found quite useful is that when I connect sensors to a zone with type 26, the zone will not trigger an alarm when tripped but will still send an open/close signal to the node sever. I found this useful for a number of home automation purposes. For example, I put contacts on the freezer door in the basement so that if the door is accidentally left open it will flash the kitchen lights Gary
  10. oh and I also bumped up the "numcmdouts" parameter to 14 in my case...Gary
  11. I also have the Envisalink module connected to my DSC and use the Node Server on my Polisy for the integration. I have 48 zones that all show up on my ISY. This has been running for quite a while now but I believe that I got the 48 zones to show up by setting the node server parameter (under details) "numzones" to 48. Don't recall if I uninstalled the node server first before reinstalling it with the updated zone count. Has been working great! Gary
  12. GTench

    pop ups

    Thanks to both. I have Polisy, Network Resources, and the Portal. I will investigate your suggestions and get back if I have any further questions. What I wanted to do was get a pop up when I get motion triggered on my front porch by Blue Iris. I tried just using email but the cell phone polling for new mail is not as fast as I would like. I get some capability with the blue iris app but I want to tune out some false positives with ISY logic like if the front door is open (using its alarm contact status) then don't send any alerts Gary
  13. GTench

    pop ups

    Just wondering if there is a way to get the app to open a pop up message and/or play a tune on my cell phone based on an isy event or trigger thanks, Gary
  14. also the transmit loop problem happened sometime in the night and I did not have any indication of electrical disturbances however it is possible that something very brief could have happen that I am not aware of
  15. I should add a bit more info... the 8 button keypad dimmer caught in the transmit loop also caused a few lights to turn on (some on switchlics and some on plug in modules) and some but not all to turn off. One light plugged into a module did this twice. The on/off times were minutes apart. None of the lights that turned on or off were linked to the keypad dimmer. I power cycled the keypad dimmer (did not to a restore) and that solved the problem. The keypad dimmer now flashes green when buttons are pushed and there is no continuous red led indicator on
  16. Taken, Sorry for the late reply but I was away for a few days. The 2477D SwitchLincs are v 7.5. I also had a INSTEON Dual Band Keypad Dimmer 8 Button do the same thing last night. It was in some sort of transmit loop. The indicator light at the bottom was lite up dim red continuously. It is a ver 7.3Gary
  17. Hi Taken, Both units are reported as V.41 by the ISY Everyone... thanks for the replies... nice to know I am not the only one GaryT
  18. I recently had a short power outage the other day. It only lasted 3 or 4 seconds but I believe it caused an issue with two of my 2477D switches. I noticed that evening that not all lights were coming on at their scheduled time. I also had problems connecting to the ISY and some switches flashed red when operated manually. I I noticed that the ISY receive led was continuously flashing. I traced the problem to two 2477D switches that seemed to be in some sort of transmit loop. The LED lights that indicate dim level were continuously blinking regardless of the dim level that I set. After I did a factory reset I was able to log on to the ISY and its receive LED had stopped blinking. I did a restore on the switches and now everything is working fine. Just wondered if this is a common problem. Its the first time I have experienced it in over two years of replacing all my X10 stuff with insteon. GaryT
  19. Thanks Teken, I like your idea of placing them in the four corners. Just by chance this is almost the case now for the 2 main floors. I will do the same for the basement as part of the transistion. Gary
  20. Thanks All. I appreciate the comments. I have a mix of 7 or 8 insteon plug in modules throughout the house and 3 outside for Xmas lights now with plans for a few more inside, I have filters on all the major signal suckers (from the X10 install) like UPS, power bricks, Tvs, computers, etc. I even put one on the new firnace - it has a dc motor and thoght it might generate noise. I will likely try shutting off the breaker to the X10 repeater once I get down to just the X10 baseboard heater thermostat. I have not tried the 4 tap beacon test that Teken mentioned. I will give it a try. So far the system seems quite reliable. I like the scene concept but did miss the X10 capability to turn "all off" on a specific house code. This was quite useful for turning off all of mr wife's motorized/lighted Xmas decorations. I have done that with a scene now; it is just that the X10 way was simplier to initially set up.
  21. I have an older X10 set up that I installed in the early 90s that was controlled with a Leopard touch screen controller which finally failed on me last fall. I am about 3/4 done converting over to insteon using the ISY944. I will end up with 90 or so insteon devices once I am finished. The house is 3000 or so square feet (2 stories plus basement). I have replaced much of the leopard's touch screen capability with KPLs and later in the spring will likly add ipad or android touch screen control for sprinklers that was done on the Leopard's touch screen. I decided not to replace the Leopard's touch screen control of the RCS x10 tehermostat but to just stick with a trane ComfortLink II XL950 thermostat that I had installed when I changed out the furnace earlier this year. I have 1 X10 electric basebord heater thermostant installed which I will likely not replace because I cannot find an insteon equivalent. At the breaker panel, I have an X10 repeater (ACT I believe?) installed, a passive bridge (coupler) installed, and a passive bridge/coupler/blocker installed on the incomming main neutral conductor to block incomming and outgoing X10 signals (probably over kill). My question is how much of this X10 "stuff" that is installed at the main breaker pannel is worth keeping there once enevrything is converted to insteon. I suspect at least one coupler would be useful but I am not sure about the repeater. I am assuming that the repeater would not recognize insteon signals; so, would be of very little value. I currently have no insteon repeaters installed. I assumed that I would not need them because I ahve a fairly large number of insteon devices distributed throughout the house and they themselves repeat signals. Is this correct? thanks, Gary
  22. oberkc, thanks, I was aware of that. The levels were o.k. I had checked and rechecked these a number of times. Perhaps there were some bad or missing links. Once I removed and re-added the KPL that did not respond to the scene correctly from the admin console everything worked as it should.
  23. r3richard, The ISY will not let me put the pair of buttons into a new scene as controllers since they are already used as controllers in a scene. Thanks anyway for the suggestion. PurdueGuy, I tried your suggestion of triggering the scene from the admin console... good suggestion. The fan operates as it should and the light on one button of one of the KPLs changed but not on the other KPL; so, I thought I would try removing and re-adding it before I tried a full reset as you suggested and that worked. thanks for for the suggestion Adding all the KPL buttons to the scenes causes a lot of ISY writing to occur. I sometimes get a message saying that communication with one or the other KPL is lost but I notice that the progress bar keeps on going and things seem to finish o.k. Is this a concern or is it normal? This seems to happen sometimes when I do the "Copy Scene Attributes" To be safe I repeat the copy until I get a cycle without the message occurring. Not sure if I need to do the repeat step(s) Gary
  24. LeeG, thanks, I believe that have it set up the way you mentioned. There are 8 entries for the scene "fan high" which is button C on each KPL. the scene "fan high" has 1 entry for the fan motor, 4 entries for the C,D,E,F buttons on KPL1 and 4 entries for the C,D,E,F buttons on KPL2. The 2 C button entries are controllers, the rest are responders. The 2 C entries are set to 100% and the other 6 button entries to 0% in the scene. If I click on either C button entry in the scene, it shows no entry for itself and the C button entry for the other KPL is at 100%. All other 6 button entries are at 0%. The 4 C,D,E,F buttons are set to Non-toggle (on) in each of the KPLs stusviews, yes, I have 5 scenes (light, high, medium, off, low). If I push say the high fan button © on KPL1, the C button lights and the off button (E) that had been lit goes off and the fan turns on to the correct speed. What does not happen is that the fan button © on the other KPL does not light up and the off button on the other KPL remains lit. In other words there is no synchronization between the two KPLs. I do not have for example, the C button for each KPL entered in the "fan high" scene as both a controller and responder, just as a controller... not sure if that is what you were asking thanks for your help
  25. I have a fanlic controlled by two 8 button KPLs. Button "A" on each KPL controls the light. When I push the button on 1 KPL, the light comes on and button "A" on each KPL lights up. This is what I want. Button A on each KPL is a controller in the "fan light scene" along with the fanlinc light as a responder Buttons C,D,E,F on each KPL controls high, med, off, low The 4 buttons on each KPL C, D, E, F controlling the motor on the fanlinc are controllers for 4 scenes, high, med, off, low. Each of the scenes has two controllers (1 button from each KPL) and the other 3 buttons from each KPL are responders Scene 'high' sets button C on each KPL (controllers) to 100% and buttons D, E, and F on each KPL (responders) to 0% and the fan motor to high Scene 'medium' sets button D on each KPL (controllers) to 100% and buttons C, E and F (responders) on each KPL to 0% and the fan motor to medium etc... Each KPL operates the fan speed correctly with only 1 button out of the 4 fan speed buttons illuminated at any one time BUT does not change the corresponding button illumination on the other KPL. E.G. pressing D on KPL 1 results in the fan operating at medium speed and button D on KPL 1 being illuminated but button D on KPL 2 does not illuminate; the "off" button E on KPL 2 just stays illuminated. Am I missing something or is this not possible to do just with scenes and do I need to trigger an ISY program to change the button illumination? thanks Gary
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