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Everything posted by GTench

  1. @Geddy thanks but power cycling does not clear the problem. Will submit a ticket Gary
  2. Update seemed to go ok but when I tried to do a backup for IoX, I got these messages. Tried 2x with same result Gary
  3. @TheA2Zthanks for all this. I just bought my first Smartwings automated shade (Zwave) to try before hopefully getting more. I had a similar experience to you. It was easy to set up, added quickly to my eisy and works well. Delivery was faster than they indicated which was nice. Gary
  4. I get a number of Yolink not connected followed by Yolink is connected messages. It is my only node server that shows this behavior. Just wondering why. I attached the log file. YoLink_7-7-2023_52913_PM.zip
  5. OK thanks... like UD mobile very much... very impressed with it... great work
  6. Just added the Notification plugin via UD mobile. Went well. Then purchased the standard version but now have this message on the details page for the node server. Not sure what this means. This version of PG3 3.1.31 will not work properly with Pushover or UDPortal nodes, Please upgrade modules and restart PG3. isyVersion=5.6.2 isPG3x=True pg3Version=3.1.31
  7. Here is the PG3x log file based on a test that I just did pg3_6-22-2023_124130_PM.zip
  8. The modem is also the dhcp server and is a router
  9. I don't know if this will help but here are a few more details concerning what I did. I have an incoming fiber connection to a modem. The modem is connected to a unifi switch with an ethernet cable. The modem has its wifi turned off. Wifi is provided through out the house by unifi access points connected to the switch. I never enabled wifi on the eisy. Eisy is connected directly to the unifi switch with an ethernet cable. My testing consisted of unplugging the ethernet cable from the modem to the unifi switch for a couple of minutes then plugging it back in. If the disconnect/reconnect time is say 15 to maybe 30 seconds the node servers do do show fail but I have not timed this. Disconnect/reconnect of a few minutes caused a fail of all node servers I am using the latest releases of PG3x and IOX.
  10. Bob, The node server authors are passing the issue back to PG3x. EnvisaLink-DSC_6-21-2023_10902_PM.zip YoLink_6-21-2023_11016_PM.zip
  11. I did that first. Here is the reply that I got
  12. GTench

    Node Server Fails

    I already did that and this is what the response was
  13. GTench

    Node Server Fails

    Here is the log file. It seems to take an outage of a few minutes to trigger the fail. A short outage of say 15 to 20 seconds appears to be survivable but I did not time it Maybe just some background on this for interest sake... I( have a number of Zwave leak sensors connected to a Zwave shutoff valve but find working with Zwave wireless sensors to be quite frustrating especially trying to get them to reliably report battery level. I set up a number of YoLink leak sensors in place of the Zwave ones. The Yolink sensors are much easier to work with and the always report status, battery level etc. Knowing that they normallyYoLink_6-21-2023_11016_PM.zipYoLink_6-21-2023_11016_PM.zip require internet access to Yolink's cloud servers to report, I decided to direct connect them to a Yolink relay that I could check the status of even if the Yolink cloud was down. I can check the relay status using either an insteon device or a zone in my alarm panel. In order to test if the direct connect to the relay worked, I disconnected the internet in order to simulate the loss of the YoLink cloud server and that when I discovered all of my node servers failed not just YoLink
  14. Here is the log file. It seems to take an outage of a few minutes to trigger the fail. A short outage of say 15 to 20 seconds appears to be survivable but I did not time it EnvisaLink-DSC_6-21-2023_10902_PM.zip
  15. I will try again later and get the log file
  16. GTench

    Node Server Fails

    I disconnected the incoming internet cable from the modem then reconnected it after a minute of 2. I did not disconnect the cable from my eisy. The eisy was still connected to the internal LAN. I can try again later and send you the log file
  17. Maybe a minute or 2. I was doing some testing where I just disconnected the incoming internet from the modem then reconnected it after a minute or 2
  18. I have noticed that if there is a short internet outage, BlueIris disconnects but fails to automatically reconnect when the internet returns
  19. I have noticed that if there is a short internet outage, YoLink disconnects but fails to automatically reconnect when the internet returns
  20. I have noticed that if there is a short internet outage, EnvisaLink-DSC disconnects and fails to automatically reconnect when the internet returns
  21. OK thanks... will do. Yes, Weatherflow is one of the ones that crashed
  22. OK thanks. Just my opinion but I think if a node server needs/uses/relies on an internet connection then it should be able to recover from an internet outage not just crash. I have 5 node servers and they all fail if there is an internet outage. I guess I could check UD Mobile notifications for a failed node server and do a restart but it would be simpler if it was all automatic
  23. Thanks Bob, Since restarting pg3x does seem to solve the problem, is it possible to add an option/feature/flag to restart PG3x in this situation?
  24. I noticed that if I disconnect from the internet for a short time then reconnect that all node servers are in a fail state and I need to restart PGx3. Is this normal or will PGx3 reconnect by itself after some period of time?
  25. I noticed that after I try to do an update and it fails, I see a yolink failed followed by a yolink connected message seconds apart in the UD mobile notifications repeated about once every 3 hours. It is the only node server that I have that has this behavior. If I do a hard boot on eisy I only see one message indicating that yolink has connected but no 3 hour repeats. Not sure if it means anything to you but it does not seem to impact yolink's operation. Thanks. For now, I just deleted and reinstalled the node server and that worked as it always has. A bit of a nuisance but it works. I notice that the yolink nodes are scattered amongst the other nodes in IOX. The other node servers seem to create one parent entry for the node server with all children nodes below it. Any chance this could be done with yolink? Makes collecting things simpler in case of a reinstall. If I have problems in the future with updates I might take your suggestion and create a ticket
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