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Everything posted by GTench

  1. @sjenkinsGlad to be able to help. Really appreciate you adding in the G2 functionality even though you did not need it for yourself
  2. @sjenkins For me personally, I don't see any need for using any type of automations with the powerview app now that your plugin works.
  3. @sjenkins Yes that works (see below) Clicking the scene "On" button moves each shade to its 15% position. Thanks
  4. @sjenkins I did not set up this scene in the powerview app only in the AC. I had previously tested single room scenes that I set up in powerview and they worked fine by pressing the activate button in the AC. Would you like me to set up a multi room scene in powerview and test that in the AC?
  5. @sjenkins I don't have any scenes at all for the shades. I just address them individually with programs. I created a test scene with 1 shade from each of 2 different rooms and set shade position to 30% then clicked "On" but shades did not move. They stayed at there original 10% position HunterDouglas_4-25-2024_100131_AM.zip
  6. @sjenkins FYI... I had to delete the original "hunterdouglas" plugin and do a fresh install of the "HunterDouglas" plugin. Could not just do an Update to the "hunterdouglas" plugin. Everything working fine for G2 with the "HunterDouglas" plugin
  7. O.K. thanks, I have a walkin closet in a bedroom that uses the motion detector to turn on the closet light. The door to the closet is now left open for some DIY upgrades; so, I do not want the light to come on if someone gets up in the middle of the night. I realize that I could just physically remove the motion detector or disable it but I thought this would be a simpler way and then I could just change the command back once I am ready to do so The triggering is done using a scene; so, I will try disabling the motion detector there. Interesting to know that node items are recreated/initialized at restart. This may explain some behaviors that I noticed with other plugin restarts
  8. I have a motion sensor where I have set the command string to "none" in the AC. If I restart the Yolink plugin, the command string gets reset to DON/DOF. Is this expected?
  9. @sjenkinsOK thanks. Don't have any immediate plans for more but will let you know when I do. Your idea about installing a second instance seems like the best approach
  10. I was originally quite interested in Matter when it was first announced but right now for me anyway not sure how relevant it is anymore Eisy with all its plugins have allowed me to integrate my various hardware together the way I always wanted to and was hoping to be able to do with Matter I am wondering what Matter can add to things that I cannot already or might want to do and what others feel about this
  11. Nice... Might get more in the future too but if so I assume they would be G3. Will you plugin work with a mixture of G2 and G3 hubs?
  12. Ah ok thanks, That makes sense. No problem with programs. If I remember correctly I had similar update and program issues with the Yolink plugin in the early stages. Just part of the learning curve
  13. @sjenkinsOK that worked. I see 0.1.8 as installed on PG3. Just curious if you know why most plugins show up sorted alphabetically except for the last 7. If I try to resort by clicking on name it does not correct this.
  14. Did a refresh and see 0.1.8 in the original position but I don't see the entry further up. I will try the update on the 0.1.8 entry that I see
  15. @sjenkins I only see 1 entry for HunterDouglas and that is the original one near the bottom of the list. Dis you change the name on the new entry?
  16. @sjenkinsNo luck for me. Store still shows 0.1.6 2024-03-31 even after a refresh. Don't see an update button in PG3 either
  17. @sjenkinsOK did a reinstall from the store. The store and your change log there show 0.1.6 and PG3 still shows 0.1.6 after the reinstall from the store
  18. @sjenkinsDo I need to do a reinstall? I don't see an update button in PG3
  19. @sjenkinsDid an update but still showed 0.1.6 in PG3. Tried a restart but still showed o.1.6. Also got a popup error in PG3 saying "Error fetching from gateway". Another thing was that programs stopped working but AC direct commands still worked. I tried just running the "run then" command but that did not work either. I needed to go into each program, select a line and slick update (did not change anything) then clicked save changes. After that the "run then" command worked hunterdouglas_4-6-2024_105628_AM.zip
  20. @sjenkinsJust did an update but version number is still showing 0.1.6 in PG3. Been using your plugin in programs for the past few days with no problems
  21. @sjenkinsI think you are in pretty good shape and I can't think of any other feature that I would like. I have been using the plugin in programs for the non tilt shades for a few days now and everything is working well. The tilt shades are still running from schedules in the powerview app but I will change that to your plugin in a day or two. I don't foresee any issues doing this but if there are I will report back.
  22. @sjenkinsFor Non Tilt shades: false, Open worked with AC primary at 100 false, Close worked with AC primary at 0 10, SSP worked with AC primary at 10 Created a new scene call Test1 in the powerview app in AC for HunterDouglas clicked Discover and got this error AC screen but Test1 did show up in the AC just not under HunterDouglas in the tree. When I did not originally see it I clicked Discover in PG3; so, not sure which of those caused it to appear. Maybe the log will help Created another scene Test2 and clicked Discover in the AC. This time it showed up under HunterDouglas and there was no popup error message I deleted Test1 using the powerview app and clicked Discover in the AC. Test1 was removed from the AC without any error message in the AC I deleted Test2 using the powerview app and clicked Discover in the AC. Test2 was removed from the AC without any error message in the AC hunterdouglas_4-1-2024_22119_PM.zip
  23. @sjenkinsinstalled latest plugin version, started AC and the Set Shade Position button was now gone from the bottom of the AC non tilt shade screen false,false, Tilt Open works with AC showing 49 false,false Tilt Close works with AC tilt showing 0 false, 25, SSP did not work but AC tilt showing 25 false,55, SSP worked with AC tilt showing 49 false,25, SSP worked with AC tilt showing 25 20,25, SSP worked with AC tilt correctly showing 0 and primary at 20 and shade physically open at 20% false,false, Tilt Open worked, shade closed and AC tilt at 49, AC primary at 0 false,false. Tilt Close works with AC tilt showing 0 false,20, SSP worked this time with actual shade and AC tilt at 25% (not sure why it didn't work before - could be I didn't click the button?) Tilt Close then activated a scene Foyer - Tilt Full and that worked the second time I clicked the button, AC shows 50 (not 49) not really a problem though Tilt Close worked Tilt and position working well for tiltable shades. I will test non tiltable shades next followed by using the discovery button when I add and remove scenes The odd time I need to click the AC button a second time for it to work but this is very infrequent and I don't see it as an issue just FYI hunterdouglas_4-1-2024_110700_AM.zip
  24. @sjenkinsjenkins the ssp button only shows up at the bottom on the non tilt shades AC screen and does not work. The ssp button also shows up in the middle of the AC screen for both tilt and non tilt shades and woks well there for both shade types. I agree that deleting the bottom ssp button makes the most sense. As you said it is redundant. I did try restarting the plug in and also tried the discovery button and restarting IoX but that did not remove the deleted scenes. The only thing that worked for me was a plug in reinstall
  25. @sjenkins false,false, Tilt Open worked with AC tilt showing 49 false,false, Tilt Close worked with AC tilt showing 0 Deleted 2 scenes in powerview app so 2 rooms now have no scenes, restarted plugin nodes and deleted scenes still showing upon restarting AC rebooted IOX but deleted scenes still there reinstalled plugin, restarted AC and deleted scenes were gone and nodes loaded successfully Looks like your fixes worked. Really appreciate all the time and effort you have put into this. Cannot be easy given the lack of good G2 api documentation and the fact you don't have a G2 hub. Your plugin will be quite useful for me. You should consider charging for it. I would be more than willing to pay for it. I will be tied up over Easter with kids and grand kids; so, don't know how much more testing I can do before Monday but the only issue I am aware of right now is the SSP button at the bottom of the non tilt shade in the AC. If you can think of anything else you want me to try, please let me know Gary hunterdouglas_3-29-2024_84857_AM.zip hunterdouglas_3-29-2024_81024_AM.zip
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