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Everything posted by GTench

  1. @sjenkins After some testing to try to figure out why my nodes all vanished when I deleted some scenes, it seems that I need to have at least one scene configured in the powerview app in each room for the plugin to load nodes. Once I did that the nodes all loaded into PG3 and the AC
  2. @sjenkinsI just ran across another problem. I deleted a number of scenes using the powerview app to clean things up. I reinstalled/restarted your node server a few times but it does not pick up any nodes now. I attached the log file. Any ideas? thanks hunterdouglas_3-28-2024_113732_AM.zip
  3. @sjenkinsI did some more testing. The only issue I noticed with the tilt shades was that the Tilt Open button does not seem to work. SSP is working well. Open and Close work well For the non tilt shades, the only issues that I noticed was that the SSP button at the screen bottom does not seem to work. The button in the middle of the screen works well. I noticed some strange results just after I started testing the shades but the issues were not repeatable; so, maybe I clicked the wrong button or did something too quickly. For Foyer Tilt shade: false,fasle Tilt Open did not work false,19, SSP, worked and AC updated false,19, Tilt Open did not work but instead closed the shade, AC updated tilt to 0 false,19, Tilt Close did nothing as it should - just testing to see if Tilt Open and Close actions were reversed false,52, SSP, worked and AC tilt updated to 49 false,52, Tilt Close, worked and AC tilt updated to 0 10,52, SSP, worked with AC primary set to 10 and tilt left at 0 10,52, Open worked with AC primary set at 100 10,52, Close worked with AC primary set at 0 tried SSP with a shade that only has Bottom up - Media Room Center was at 10 initially, SSP to 5 worked with AC primary at 5 SSP to 10 caused the shade to fully open with AC showing 100 SSP to 20 caused shade to close partially with AC set at 83 but physically the shade appears to be at 20 SSP to 30 worked with AC primary at 30 SSP to 5 worked with AC primary at 5 SSP to 10 worked with AC primary at 10 - just testing again to see if shade would fully open again but it did not SSP to 15 using SSP at bottom of AC screen did not change anything SSP to 15 using SSP in the middle of AC screen worked with AC updated to 15 Open worked with AC updating to 100 Close worked with AC updating to 0 SSP to 10 using button at the screen bottom did nothing, AC remained at zero SSP with middle button to 10 worked with AC primary updated to 10 hunterdouglas_3-28-2024_105836_AM.zip
  4. @sjenkinsThanks for this. Looking good. Just did a few quick tests and they all worked. Will do more comprehensive testing tomorrow
  5. @sjenkinsWhen I scan the log file I see a reoccurring message that says a function/object... takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given. Maybe because of the change to accommodate shade functionality. Don't know if this will help
  6. @sjenkinsyes, status looks ok but controls don't work.
  7. @sjenkinsLooks like something broke with this update. Nothing seems to work: SSP or open/close. I see some error lines in the attached log hunterdouglas_3-26-2024_92933_AM.zip
  8. @sjenkinsLike the new AC interface. Nicely done. I just tried false,false tilt open but it did not work. I have attached the log file. hunterdouglas_3-26-2024_82903_AM.zip
  9. OK thanks. Did that and program looks fine now
  10. @sjenkins I rebooted eisy but did not reinstall your plugin then immediately tried false,false,false tilt open but it did not do anything but things seem to work well using SSP I also took a look at the program but it looks the same as before
  11. @sjenkins I should add that the program does run correctly even though the line of code does not itself show the open level. And great idea to add the Boolean to the position
  12. @sjenkins Great update. Working very well! Here are my tests in the sequence that they were performed. Again SSP = Set Shade Position button. Only thing that I have noticed is when I use the shade in a program and set it to either a variable of a number position, it does not show up in the code (see below) false,false,20 SSP works false,false,false SSP left tilt at 20 false,false,0 SSP returned tilt to 0 and updated AC false,false,15 SSP set tilt at 15 and update AC false,false,0 SSP returned tilt to 0 and updated AC 30,false,false SSP worked and AC updated to 30 30,false,25 SSP had no change from previous position 50,false,25 SSP opened blind to 50% and no tilt as it should be 0,false,25 SSP closed blinds and tilt remained at 0 as it should be false,false,false Tilt Open did not work false,false,false SSP followed by Tilt Open worked with AC set to 49 false,false,false Tilt Close worked false,false,60 SSP worked and AC showed 49 false,false,60 Tilt Close worked with AC updating to 0 false,false,false OPEN opened the shade to 100 and AC updated false,false,false CLOSE closed the shade and AC showed 0 hunterdouglas_3-24-2024_115623_AM.zip
  13. @sjenkins On second thought, I think my suggestion is getting too convoluted. How about if there are both tilt and primary entries and SSP is clicked just issue the primary value. If the shades are tilted, it will just fail. If they are not tilted it will work. Leave it up to user/me to make sure the tiltable shades are in the correct position/tilt before clicking SSP. I can also look after this in any program. It seems kind of messy to have this logic put into your plugin. At any rate I will leave it up to you...just my suggestion
  14. @sjenkinsNo, Not at all. I am enjoying this. Just glad you are willing to keep at it. I have 8 shades and look foreword to making use of your plugin leaving tilt at 1 to 100 is fine by me. I noticed that I cannot set primary value with SSP for both shades that have tilt capability and shades that don't. In other words only tilt is working now with the latest version. How about this... if both tilt and primary have a non zero value and SSP is clicked, can you issue a close tilt followed by the primary value (primary has priority) for G2 only. The tiltable shades will not open if they are in a tilt position. If only tilt is requested can you issue a close shade command prior to the tilt command to make sure the shade is closed. If the shades are open and a tilt is requested, they must be first closed before the tilt will work. This seems to be what the cell phone app does So to summarize, for G2 shades with tilt, can you issue a close shade command prior to issuing a tilt command; and can you issue a close tilt command before issuing a SSP primary shade open/close command and don't worry about the time... kids take priority
  15. @sjenkinsGetting there. Tilt now working but still cannot raise or lower primary shade. Here are my test results: Upon initialization the AC shows primary as 100 even though shade is closed. Tilt selection still goes up to 100 instead of 49. SSP for primary to 30 did not work; primary stayed at 100 in AC. SSP for tilt to 20 worked. Tilt closed worked. Tilt open worked with AC showing 49. Tilt closed worked again with AC showing 0. Tried SSP with primary at 22 and tilt at 0 but did not work; shade stayed closed with AC showing primary at 100. SSP with primary at 22 and tilt at 20; Shade tilted to 20, AC showed tilt at 20, AC still shows primary at 100 hunterdouglas_3-21-2024_92439_AM.zip
  16. @sjenkinsAh yes... the joys of programming. On the plus side your plugin still works ok on the shades that do not have tilt capability...just tested that. Nice to know the "gods" got a fix for you
  17. @sjenkinsThe other condition that might need some control logic is if a tilt and primary both have non zero entries and SSP is clicked. Should shade opening take priority?
  18. @sjenkinsOK tried the latest version (deleted and reinstalled). Cannot set the shade position or tilt. Seems like the changes for tilt may have broken something hunterdouglas_3-19-2024_14150_PM.zip
  19. @sjenkinsI think you posted this as I was writing my reply. 49 works OK. I don't think there is a rounding problem. 50 did not work before nor did anything over 49
  20. @sjenkinsTo test the initialization process, I left the shade at 14% tilt then deleted your plugin and reinstalled it. The tilt field in the AC showed 14% then after the reinstall; so, I am guessing if the tilt is zero at initialization that is when the AC tilt field is blank but primary is showing 100 even though shade is closed. I set the tilt to 0 and that worked but I cannot set the shade opening now. I tried to set it at 10% but no response. I clicked close and tilt close and tried again to set it at 10% but no response. Just to clarify, before when I set tilt to 49, 49 displayed in the AC. It seems that anything higher locks things up hunterdouglas_3-19-2024_125722_PM.zip
  21. @sjenkinsMostly good...thanks. Here are my tests in the sequence that I did them: SSP = Set Shade Position button; TO = tilt open button; TC = tilt close button. 40+SSP works, 10+SSP works, 90+SSP fails, 50+SSP fails, TO did nothing, TC worked - closed tilt, 49+TO failed and AC field stayed at 50, 49+SSP works, 15+SSP works, 50+SSP fails, 20+SSP fails, TC works, 49+SSP works, 14+SSP works. Looks like 49 is the largest tilt factor that works which I believe makes sense (0 to 49 are 50 positions) as that is the 90 degree position for the shade. I also noticed that when the AC first came up the tilt field was blank but did update when using SSP button. If a tilt value greater than 49 is entered it seems to lock out SSP until TC is used. Not sure what TO does - maybe only applies to G3? hunterdouglas_3-19-2024_103333_AM.zip
  22. @sjenkinsthanks for this. OK, I tested the tilt function. I set it at 40% and clicked tilt open. The Tilt field which was at 0 stayed at 0 and the shades did not tilt. I then clicked tilt closed but again nothing happened. I then activated a tilt scene and the shades tilted as expected and the tilt field updated to 30%. I then clicked close and the tilt closed but the tilt field did not update. I attached the log file. Hope tis helps. Let me know if you need anything else. hunterdouglas_3-18-2024_33337_PM.zip
  23. @sjenkinsthanks... I will give it a try later today. Sorry for the late reply. We were away last week at Disney World with the grand kids. It was fun but I am exhausted... not as young as I used to be
  24. Yes that seems right
  25. Yup that was it
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