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@sjenkins No No I did not interpret it that way. I was just using the opportunity to vent against Hunter Douglas for not providing me an update path. My wife and I both like the shades but as you said very pricey. On with the testing. I created 2 new scenes in powerview for Foyer shade - one with tilt about half and the other with full tilt (both with shade fully closed). I deleted one foyer scene in powerview - which was foyer shade half open. I then did a discover in PGx3 and the new scenes showed up in AC but the deleted scene was still there. I tried re-discover in AC but no change. I tried activating each of the two new scenes and they both worked as they should. I then pushed close in the AC and the vanes closed. A restart also did not remove the deleted scene (40299) but a reinstall of the plugin did remove the deleted scene Basically new scenes are picked up but deleted scenes are not being removed by the discover process I believe your assumptions are correct and I cannot think of anything more to add... thanks hunterdouglas_3-4-2024_21920_PM.zip
@sjenkins thanks. Like I mentioned previously tilt is not a big deal for me ( I only have 2 shades with tilt capability - 6 without) but it might be important for others. Being able to set shade position and open/close is really nice now with your plugin - thanks. Previously I had to set scenes for each position that I wanted then use REST and there is no feedback using this. I also appreciate seeing the battery level so I can write scripts now to notify me when it is low. Previously I had to depend on checking in the Powerview app which I only did very infrequently. On a recent trip, came home to find a shade stuck open because the battery was too low. I will try the other test you asked for when I delete some of these scenes The delete/reboot/install/reboot I had been doing because I had needed to do this, if I recall, in earlier versions of PGx and I new this always worked. I will try the simpler approach next time Likely why hunter douglas updated to G3. I would have considered updating to G3 if it was just a matter of updating shade firmware and buying a new hub but I am not going to replace all the functioning shades themselves just to get G3. Doesn't make economical sense to me. Kind of disappointing that hunter douglas does not provide a migration path though
Did some more testing with the powerview app. Looks like I can only set the vane tilt when the shade is fully closed which I guess makes sense given their mechanical construction. If I try to create a scene in the powerview app it will only allow the shade to be fully closed if vanes are open to any degree. I might have known this at the time that I purchased them but it was so long ago that I forgot
@bpwwer thanks I suspect this is what might have caused my issue. I was in a hurry the last time
@sjenkins So I set the vanes to another opening using the powerview app and I got a new value of 41 reported as primary and shade position in AC. I does look like tilt is being reported to the primary field. Plugin still not able to change shade position if shade has non zero tilt. I closed the tilt on the vanes using powerview app tried open and close in the powerview app and that worked. Then tried setting position again in your plugin and that now works well as before
@sjenkins Tested open/close and shade positioning and they work fine. I used powerview app to set vanes for foyer shade. I originally had the shade open to 60% via your plugin. I then went to the powerview app and adjusted the vanes. Powerview app closed the blinds then adjusted the vanes once in closed position. I noticed the AC says the blinds are at 31% even after a query. Is this possibly the vane position now.?. In order to get the shade partially open with vane tilt I might have to create a scene. I also noticed with the shade closed and vanes tilted, the shade does not respond to plugin commands. {"shadeIds":[16966,62193,21564,10135,17792,24615,28437,36533],"shadeData":[{"id":16966,"type":6,"capabilities":0,"batteryKind":2,"smartPowerSupply":{"status":0,"id":0,"port":0},"batteryStatus":3,"batteryStrength":155,"roomId":20814,"firmware":{"revision":2,"subRevision":1,"build":2813,"index":1},"name":"TWVkaWEgQWxjb3ZlIFJpZ2h0IDM=","groupId":5552,"positions":{"posKind1":1,"position1":32106}},{"id":62193,"type":23,"batteryStatus":3,"batteryStrength":177,"roomId":18239,"firmware":{"revision":2,"subRevision":0,"build":1382,"index":12},"name":"TGl2aW5nIFJvb20=","groupId":7366,"aid":2,"capabilities":1,"batteryKind":"unassigned","smartPowerSupply":{"status":0,"id":0,"port":0},"positions":{"position1":27170,"posKind1":1},"signalStrength":4},{"id":21564,"type":23,"batteryStatus":3,"batteryStrength":167,"roomId":35121,"name":"Rm95ZXI=","positions":{"posKind1":3,"position1":20538},"firmware":{"revision":2,"subRevision":0,"build":1382,"index":12},"aid":3,"capabilities":1,"batteryKind":2,"smartPowerSupply":{"status":0,"id":0,"port":0},"groupId":23735},{"id":10135,"type":6,"capabilities":0,"batteryKind":2,"smartPowerSupply":{"status":0,"id":0,"port":0},"batteryStatus":3,"batteryStrength":153,"roomId":35468,"name":"V2luZG93IE92ZXIgQmVk","firmware":{"revision":2,"subRevision":1,"build":2813,"index":1},"groupId":22562,"positions":{"posKind1":1,"position1":0},"signalStrength":2},{"id":17792,"type":6,"capabilities":0,"batteryKind":2,"smartPowerSupply":{"status":0,"id":0,"port":0},"batteryStatus":3,"batteryStrength":155,"roomId":20814,"name":"TWVkaWEgQWxjb3ZlIExlZnQgMQ==","firmware":{"revision":2,"subRevision":1,"build":2813,"index":1},"groupId":5552,"positions":{"posKind1":1,"position1":28709}},{"id":24615,"type":6,"capabilities":0,"batteryKind":2,"smartPowerSupply":{"status":0,"id":0,"port":0},"batteryStatus":0,"batteryStrength":0,"roomId":35468,"firmware":{"revision":2,"subRevision":1,"build":2813,"index":1},"name":"QWxjb3ZlIExlZnQgMQ==","groupId":22562,"positions":{"posKind1":1,"position1":0}},{"id":28437,"type":6,"capabilities":0,"batteryKind":2,"smartPowerSupply":{"status":0,"id":0,"port":0},"batteryStatus":3,"batteryStrength":159,"roomId":35468,"name":"QWxjb3ZlIFJpZ2h0IDI=","firmware":{"revision":2,"subRevision":1,"build":2813,"index":1},"groupId":22562,"signalStrength":0,"positions":{"posKind1":1,"position1":0}},{"id":36533,"type":6,"capabilities":0,"batteryKind":2,"smartPowerSupply":{"status":0,"id":0,"port":0},"batteryStatus":3,"batteryStrength":159,"roomId":20814,"name":"TWVkaWEgQWxjb3ZlIENlbnRlciAy","firmware":{"revision":2,"subRevision":1,"build":2813,"index":1},"groupId":5552,"positions":{"posKind1":1,"position1":32170}}]} hunterdouglas_3-3-2024_114545_AM.zip
@bpwwer thanks, that is useful information. I have been doing some testing of @sjenkins hunter douglas plugin with him over the past week or so. This involved deleting the plugin, rebooting via AC, reinstalling the plugin, rebooting again via AC then testing functionality. So, there were multiple boots via AC and no power cycling during that time until I had the problem. The problem of the disconnected plugin occurred after the latest updated plugin was installed. Could it be the multiple reboots eventually caused this? This is pretty much all I can add. Do you still think it is worthwhile submitting a ticket
OK set shades at 50% and both tilt and secondary to 50% for foyer shade and clicked set shade position. No tilt happened hunterdouglas_3-2-2024_34833_PM.zip
I can live with either convention but if it is not inconvenient I would prefer 100% to mean fully open and for the open button to fully open the shade to 100% . I have a few Zwave shades as well and that is their convention. But if you want to stay consistent with G3, that's ok by me since I will be using a program to control them. I will try the tilt now and get back to you
Interesting. If I set shade position to 15%, it opens to 85%. If I set shade position to 85%, it opens to 15%. Looks like flipping the open/close also flipped the positioning
Just tried the 45% position and that worked. Might have done something wrong before. Set tilt at 100 and clicked set shade position. Nothing happened. Then clicked open and shaded open all the way. Clicked close and shade closed but still no tilt. Clicked tilt open but not tilt. Clicked tilt closed but no tilt hunterdouglas_3-2-2024_15211_PM.zip
I noticed that AC shows the shade as 100% open now when it is in fact fully closed (see pic). I am testing the foyer shade in the pic below. Clicked open in AC and shade opened all the way but primary shade position shows 0 in the AC. Set shade to 50% and clicked shade position. Shade is still open all the way but shows 50% in the AC. Set shade at 100% and clicked shade position and shade closed fully. I have not tried the tilt because setting the shade posion at intermediary values now seems to just fully open or close the shade hunterdouglas_3-2-2024_13938_PM.zip
I tried that twice from the AC with no luck. I just resorted to power cycling the eisy and that worked. thanks... back to testing
@sjenkins When I installed the latest version, it said it was disconnected. When I tried to uninstall it, it failed with I installed another copy of the plugin in another slot with the same result; so, now I have 2 disconnected version of the plugin. Thinking this might be a PGx issue I submitted a ticket Gary
I have a plugin that says disconnected but if I try to delete it I just get a message that says it failed to uninstall. I installed another copy in a different slot but I have the same problem with it as well Gary
@sjenkins did some more testing. Only two issues that I found. 1. Tilt does not work and tilt field in AC is blank. This is not an issue for me as only two shades have tilt capability and it is not something that is ever used. 2. As I mentioned before, if I click the close button the shade opens fully. If I click the open button, the shades closes fully Scene activation and setting shade position both work well. Now I can get rid scenes if I want. They were only there because the cell phone app needed them hunterdouglas_3-1-2024_34756_PM.zip
@sjenkins Bingo! Looks like it is working. Congrats. I noticed open and close button on shades do the opposite. Will do more testing later. Scene worked also hunterdouglas_3-1-2024_114056_AM.zip
@sjenkins Still no joy. Log file is attached. Not sure if this is significant but when I send rest commands the port 80 is included in the address. hunterdouglas_2-29-2024_25036_PM.zip
@sjenkins just tried the new version but shades and scenes still not responding to comm ands from AC. I have attached latest log file. hunterdouglas_2-28-2024_111502_AM.zip
@sjenkins No, thank you for doing the journey. I much appreciate it. I agree with you about the names. Looks like a concatenation of different items that I created in the cell phone app. I will likely rename them at some point but for now I can see the full names in the PG3 nodes list; so, I can link to the AC name for clarification.
@sjenkins I tried sending open and close commands as well as trying to activate scenes but none worked. I see some error messages in the attached log file hunterdouglas_2-27-2024_24141_PM.zip
I notice that full names show up in the debug log but are truncated in the AC. I assume this is a limit of the AC. I attached one more screen shot.
Wow... Nice - thanks, looks like everything is there in the AC. Just need to spend some time today figuring out exactly what I am seeing and doing a bit of testing. If you need me to do anything else please let me know. I have attached new log file and a screen shot from AC hunterdouglas_2-27-2024_115158_AM.zip
@sjenkins ok did as you suggested. I still don't see shades in the AC. I rebooted eisy after deleting and again after reinstalling. I have attached the log file. hunterdouglas_2-26-2024_105227_AM.zip
@sjenkins Thank you for doing this. I am no hurry and would be happy to help anyway i can. Enjoy your hockey game.