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  1. Was suspecting that. Thanks for confirming. I performed most of my ISY994 setup about 10 years ago, including Mobilinc and it’s been pretty much “set and forget”. UD Mobile has been a bit of a learning curve. Not sure how Wes did it, but programs looked like any other object/device when assigning notifications by simply entering the desired text into a box in the app. . Another question: The wiki for UD Mobile references a variable list in the Wiki. I notice the variables used in the UD Mobile template aren’t in that list. (eg. “sys.program”, “alert.event”, etc) Is there a link to a more comprehensive variables list including details on these variables? Thank you for your patience.
  2. See screenshots below. Notice for programs no notifications option is available. Does this mean I have to create the notifications by scratch if I want to link it to a program that has no “If” conditions?
  3. Good to know. Thanks for your help!
  4. That did the trick, re: UD Mobile "device". It now looks like it's supposed to. Clicking on a test message in the Admin Console sends a message to UD Mobile on my phone. Thank you. Still don't see the ISY Portal plugin on the PG3x dashboard though. Is that plugin part of the Notification plugin or is it supposed to be installed by UD?
  5. Hi, found your PDF from this thread: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/42748-notifications-for-dummies/#comment-377486 I'm unclear if my plugin installation is proper, but some things don't line up in the screenshots compared to mine. For instance, in the plugins displayed in the dashboard in PG3x, I have the Notification plugin, but not the ISY Portal. In the section "Notification Controller Testing" starting on Page 4, I have a UD Mobile Device, however it does not look as in the screenshot on page 5. (Screenshot from PDF) Instead, to the EISY, it looks like a dimmer. (second screenshot). At this point, I'm unclear if my installation is correct. Any ideas?
  6. So program notifications must be created in the Admin Console?
  7. Yes, been following the Wiki. One thing I missed in the video the first time around is something about the default Notification Plugin being a basic version. Is there a more feature-laden version that will add program status notifications to the mix?
  8. Is this different than the Notification Controller I already see in PG3x?
  9. The notifications feature in programs doesn’t seem to be available in UD Mobile. Is there another way to do it? In Mobilinc, I was able to confirm the execution of various programs when I pressed on an icon on my iPhone. Trying to get back to that.
  10. As previously mentioned, clicking on any of the three submenu items brings up nothing. No pop-ups. The menu disappears and I’m back to the page.
  11. Tried logging in and out too. Same thing. Everything I did from my previous reply was from a PC. As previously mentioned, the same issue occurs in Firefox. I’m now on my iPad Pro and the same weird behaviour is occurring in Safari. Clicking on your link takes me to page 7 of another thread. If I click on a page # or Next, the page scrolls down until the row of page numbers is at the top of the browser, which was occurring before in both. ETA: Prev, Next and page jumps appear to work in my Iphone13 with Safari.
  12. Following the geofencing instructions in the wiki. When I click on Select tool...>Occupancy Node Server> followed by any of the selections, I get...nothing. Clicking on other menu items such as Information or Logs responds with a pop-up with relevant information, however none of the Node Server submenus work. Is this by design? Thanks Edit: Would this have something to do with being a long-time Mobilinc user who just recently set up UD Mobile? When I go to the Portals tab in the UD Admin Console and click on "more info", the account type is "Corporate".
  13. Still not working for me. 😕 FWIW, I cleared my cache, shut down all running instances of Edge, and rebooting my PC. Edge version is 126.0.2592.68 (Official build) (64-bit)
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