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  1. Disregard. Think I got it. Thanks for the help gents!
  2. Just noticed this as a function through the Admin Console for my isy994i. In trying to test I can't really figure out how to call a simple IFTTT webhook (keeps throwing me errors). Anyone have an example of a setup to do this?
  3. Any idea if that works with the Wifi locks or is it just the older Zwave locks?
  4. Any thoughts on how this might be accomplished?
  5. Any idea where to get UDI Mobile?
  6. So no one knows where to find UDI Mobile? How can we utilize Geofencing now?
  7. That is the full blown app right? Was there just a slimmed down version for geofencing only?
  8. Is there a reason this App just disappeared? Anyone have a link or place to get it for Android?
  9. Had my old August locks in ISY previous to upgrading to the newer WiFi (No connect module required) locks. Is there a way to get these added back to ISY and get some functionality out of them? Previously had it set up to allow for a singal from the car into a dry contact module that would trigger the locks to open.
  10. Sending email now. Thanks. Would love to use an ISY SMTP server if possible.
  11. Wish I could do that with my ISP as I also would like to stay away from Google but Cox has "stopped providing email addresses" as of last year.
  12. This still down? Is the alternate solution a better one to go with permanently?
  13. Anyone lose their ability to control their thermostats via Admin Console with this release? I am still able to make changes with my Agave interface and also through Google home but it won't do anything through the Admin Console. I have tried removing/re-adding thermostats to no avail....
  14. It feels like 0 is MORE/MOST sensitive. Can anyone confirm?
  15. This seems like the way to go but I cannot seem to find vertical panels that have a somfy solution. We have a few of these and want to keep it the same across the board. Hopefully someone on here has done Hunter Douglas lately and can comment. I only see old threads referencing old fw versions and solutions.
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