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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. It doesn't do X10 at all or are there some X10 functions that don't work? I send an X10 A4 On every morning to a chime module and my X10 power line messages show up in the log also. Using 2.8.4
  2. Not sure if the TimerLinc can have its brightness set remotely. The on line manual only points out how to do it with the buttons. http://wiki.smarthome.com/index.php?title=2484D_Manual
  3. You may also want to look at the connector on the PLM and make sure the pins are not bent up too high.
  4. I would also like to say. On the rare chance a beta release had a problem. It is very rapidly addressed.
  5. The Beta ones have to be done manually. You download the file and use the Manual Update Tab. When an official version is released. You will get a message it is available. Been awhile so it just may happen and I don't remember.
  6. OK will do on the latest revision.
  7. I recently saw a error in my Error Log that I have not seen before. /LOG/A.LOG Anything I should be concerned about? Tue 2010/10/12 06:55:53 AM System -5 Start Tue 2010/10/12 06:55:58 AM System -110022 /LOG/A.LOG Tue 2010/10/12 06:55:58 AM System -100002 /LOG/A.LOG Tue 2010/10/12 11:25:58 AM System -140005 CLI-WBug Tue 2010/10/12 03:20:11 PM System -110022 /LOG/A.LOG Tue 2010/10/12 03:20:11 PM System -100002 /LOG/A.LOG Tue 2010/10/12 06:17:32 PM System -110022 /LOG/A.LOG Tue 2010/10/12 06:17:32 PM System -100002 /LOG/A.LOG Wed 2010/10/13 03:35:49 AM System -140002 CLI-WBug Wed 2010/10/13 11:55:50 AM System -140005 CLI-WBug Wed 2010/10/13 07:55:45 PM System -140008 CLI-WBug:503 Thu 2010/10/14 12:55:47 AM System -140002 CLI-WBug The weather bug ones I know are occasional missed updates and I don't worry about them.
  8. An in line filter would probably work. If it is not a generic type but one for X10 or Insteon. I have not seen any one specific to Insteon. If the total load is five or less amps. The Leviton has been used by many here and in the X10 forums. An on line search may find dealers with varied prices for the Leviton. http://www.smarthome.com/4835/Leviton-6 ... ock/p.aspx Since the setup was working for awhile. Maybe new CFLs will correct the problem. We did see a message here on CFLs getting noisier with age.
  9. In some installations. A black wire may not be a line wire and checking the 120 volts would verify it was correct. CFLs can make power line noise. Do you have any filters on the TV and Cable box or CFLs? It is possible the noise level or signal absorption from all that electronics. Makes communications marginal to the new SwitchLinc. To the point the CFLs being On takes it over the threshold of missed communications.
  10. Jumper 5 installed allows you to do remote programming with software. The updated users manual has details in it.
  11. For some reason today. It again asked me to accept the end users agreement. It never asked when I updated from 2.8.2 and it was running with no questions from day one of the update.
  12. Unless something has been updated in the RemoteLincs firmware. The All On/Off buttons can not be linked to any additional devices and only control devices linked to the six individual button sets. Both the on line Users Manual and the Quick Start Guide. Have no mention of the All buttons linked to added Insteon devices. The feature chart also only covers how they act with devices linked to the six individual buttons. That said. The sales page does indeed say the All Buttons can control extra devices linked directly to them. 10/11/2010: I took a factory reset RemoteLinc and a LampLinc. So no buttons where linked to anything. Held the ALL ON button for ten seconds and it went into the linking mode. Linked it to the LampLinc. The ALL ON and ALL OFF buttons then controlled the LampLinc. This is an older Date Code 2707 Rev 1.0 RemoteLinc.
  13. Thanks for the excellent support as always.
  14. I have a D-Link DI-604. FW 2.8.2 My router table says ISY99-HOME-AUTO. If I power cycled the router it then said unknown. If I did a power cycle of the ISY99i, Router, Computer and DSL Interface. It again said ISY99-HOME-AUTO.
  15. I also have never seen an ApplianceLinc act as a controller. Must be real new as none of mine will do it.
  16. From the Smarthome forums. The later KPLs have a improper load detection circuit and a continuous beep is what happens. If it senses an improper load. http://www.smarthome.com/forum/topic.as ... hichpage=1 See the message from mprimous in the above thread.
  17. Thank you for the hands on tests of the moisture sensor results.
  18. On the UDI sales page you can purchase the IR Hardware Module. That you install in the unit itself. Then in the Purchase Optional Modules function ISY. You can then purchase the IR support module for the program itself.
  19. Thanks for the update. Sounds like it may have been the old PLM.
  20. It could be a noise spike confusing the controller chip in the OutletLinc. I have what I call my module confuser load. An old style inductive ballast fluorescent under counter light. I can kill an older revision ApplianceLinc with it. Totally confuse it until it just goes deaf and refuses to work. Sometimes the LED goes full bright or off completely. Only way to correct it is a power removal for a total power up reset. Newer revisions can also on rare occasions be confused by the same test light.
  21. When you replaced the PLM did you use the Restore Modem (PLM) choice in the files menu. To up data the new PLMs address in devices?
  22. After it shuts down. It is unresponsive to any commands until the power is cycled to the OutletLinc?
  23. Smarthome has a new water detector sensor that can be used as an accessory with the I/OLinc. I have not seen it in a kit, just as an added purchased item. http://www.smarthome.com/71940/Minotaur ... sor/p.aspx They also have a Freezer Failure, Refrigerator Failure and Freeze Detector modules from the same manufacturer.
  24. Are any of the LEDs, other than the Green PWR LED, flashing or on steady? Can you get into the Administrative Screen? If so. Tools Diagnostics PLM Info/Status See what it indicates.
  25. The 2413S Dual band PLM, is 1023 links. The later revision 2412S PLM was 2016 links, but >800 seemed to be a problem for many. Original 2412S PLM was 417 links. Tools Diagnostics Show PLM Table When the table is read. There is a count button on the test screen. Note: It seems that any X10 or Insteon traffic on the power line during the test. Messes the count up.
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