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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. Brian H


    300 Watts on the output is 12 volts 25 amps 12V X 25A=300W Since the transformer is not 100% efficient. The 120 volt primary will draw more than 300 watts. Now my math maybe rusty here. I believe at an efficiency of 80%. The AC 120 volt side would be drawing 375 watts or 120V X 3.125 A. If the transformer was a impossible 100% it would be 120V X 2.5 A =300 W.
  2. If you do decide to get a new PLM. The 2412S PLM is still back ordered until 07/30/10 {Yes new date} The dual band 2413S PLM is back in stock. If you get a 2413S remember it does not supply power to the ISY99i so get one of the optional power supplies also. http://www.smarthome.com/2413S/PowerLin ... and/p.aspx http://www.smarthome.com/1223PS/Univers ... ply/p.aspx
  3. My night on scene that is Sunset -10 minutes adjusted automatically when DST started. I also have my time set by the NTP Server through the Internet. I don't know if that has any bearing on it.
  4. The spec sheet for the 2412S says 2016 but from what I have seen here >800 seems to be a problem. The 2413S is 1023 from the sales page. I have not seen a number mentioned for with an ISY99i.
  5. Smarthome has said early firmware BoosterLincs and Insteon do not get along with each other. I have also seen reports of the later Insteon blessed ones causing trouble also. Is it possible you have a bogus link in the KPL and it is trying to contact the link?
  6. Passive couplers may pass Insteon signals as they are 131.65 KHZ and X10 is 120 KHz. I used the Smarthome Dryer Plug one for a time with OK results. I also have seen reports of some X10 repeaters seeing part of an Insteon signal and sending a bogus X10 signal on the power line. Now my JV Engineering XTB-IIR the blasts >10 Volts of X10 signal back on the line is Insteon aware and stays quiet. Smarthome had early BoosterLinc devices in a warning about removing then when you installed Insteon.
  7. Some one in the Cocoontec forums got an email that indicated Verizon was changing things. Not sure if yours is effected. http://www.cocoontech.com/forums/index. ... opic=16446
  8. My RemoteLincs show no status as a power failure caused a restart and all of then show no status. I just pushed a RemoteLinc button. ISY shows the LAST command the button sent, but the button is not physically on or off. So what you are seeing was the Status of the button and not it being physically on or off. As an RF device it goes into a power save mode and you can't access it unless woken up. That is why when the ISY programs a button you have to use the Bright Dim buttons to wake it up.
  9. Do you see modules changing in the GUI screen when you locally actuate them. Like does the ISY screen update if you turn a SwitchLinc on and off? Just curious to see if the PLM is passing anything on to the ISY99i.
  10. Have you tried. Tools Diagnostics PLM Info/Status Make sure it says connected and give the PLM firmware version.
  11. There is a problem with the T1700 sending bogus humidity readings. There is a modification you can do to the T1700 to correct it. If it has not been done yet. http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... ight=t1700
  12. If you didn't get the Users Manual yet. http://www.universal-devices.com/docs/i ... rguide.pdf The users guide indicates that a flashing Error LED is a file error and the MEM LED the internal memory is being accessed. You already reseated the SD card so UDI will most likely have more ideas.
  13. I doubt it. Take a real close look at the Motherboard. Look for swollen and oozing capacitors. I had a similar thing happen to me only in my case it was the Hard Drive. Used XPs Shutdown choice to turn it off for the night. It just hung for ever. I tried a hardware reset and the hard drive just banged it head on the stops then it no longer showed in the BIOS as a detected drive. If it had a separate video card it also may have failed.
  14. You do know that 2.7.15 is available and will be an official release if no major bugs are found? http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=4480
  15. Brian H


    I just let mine timeout. I never used a 1-6 button but poorly chose a button that would turned the LED off or the Beeper.
  16. My Lighting is quired at 3:00 AM everyday on mine. Was actually there from the factory when I installed the unit.
  17. Yes I have done it with the link buttons manually. Can get very tiring real quick. As others have found. My ISY99i has spoiled me. I almost abandoned Insteon due to early adopter issues. If it was not for the ISY26 that was then changed to an ISY99i. I most likely would be using a different protocol. Yes that can be taken as a vote for the UDI controllers. One point. If you later get an ISY99i controller. Most recommend removing all the manually added links and start from 0 and build up.
  18. No you do not link the PLM to the ISY99i.
  19. I just downloaded the update and it failed at 44% of the install. I am sorry I didn't note the exact file name it said it could not read. I retried it and the second attempt went to 100% and after clearing the Java Cache and rebooting everything looks fine. It may have been AVG as I can't find any way to turn it off easily. I did turn off Zone Alarm.
  20. No. The module is designed to have both relays go on and off together. At least that is how my earlier revision one is. I don't think the latest revision has changed anything.
  21. Fan motors are inductive and should not be controlled by a dimmer. Both the switch and the fan could be damaged. A SwitchLinc Relay, that does not dim, is what should be used and no speed control is done. http://wiki.smarthome.com/index.php?tit ... Rev_5.0%29 Read the caution part of the full users manual.
  22. The sticker is not the firmware version. It is the hardware revision. http://wiki.smarthome.com/index.php?tit ... _I_Have%3F From the chart in the link Rand gave. Look at the "Label On Device" column for the KPL. You will see that 1.3 was the earliest someone reported and 5.1 was the latest. The chart also gives known firmware revisions for each hardware revision reported and other data like I1 or I2 compatible. You may also see a few devices with different hardware revision numbers and the same firmware revision in the chart. I have a hardware revision sticker v1.4, six button KPL Dimmer, in a tabletop case. Firmware revision my ISY99i reports v.29 and Event Viewer shows adding and removing it from my system used the older i1 protocol. My V1.4 also had clear buttons and has both the 6 and 8 button sets in the box.
  23. I don't believe Smarthome/Smartlabs puts the modules firmware version on the modules anymore. They did on the older ones. The V number on the module is a hardware version and will not match the firmware version ISY is displaying.
  24. Do you have a thermostat that has a humidity sensor in it? The T1700 One day does not have that option, but it has been found to cause all kinds of varied humidity reports; with the V2 adapter. There is a fix posted in a thread here if yours is a T1700. Basically you have to solder two pads on the T1700s PC Board to stop the constant humidity swings.
  25. I do a factory reset on all my new modules before installation. Some module did get out of factory with test addresses in them.
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