Brian H
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Everything posted by Brian H
Most of the dimmable CFL bulbs I have tried are not linear. Many like to be started at 100% and then dimmed down. Some pulse when near their lowest setting before just going out. I have played with CCFL {Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp} bulbs. They seem to dim better. Are even more expensive than Dimmable CFL and only in lower wattages. I have taken CFL and Dimmable CFL bulbs apart. There is more electronics in a dimmable one. Not that the added parts cost that much extra.
Interesting. I was wondering how that thing worked.
I believe the EZFlora doesn't have a dry contact output. I believe it uses a triac to switch the 24 volts AC from the transformer input to the individual outputs. Chart on the Smarthome sales page says 24 volts AC at 400 ma per output. Some of the other Simplehomenet modules have dry contact outputs, but do some searching here. Their support from ISY depends on the firmware in the modules and which model module it is. You may want to look at the Smarthome Kit and how they did it. Not that I am endorsing their kit as I have no knowledge on how well it works. Just may give you some added information. The users quick start guide for the kit is on the page for you to look at. Their dry contact detector seems to have an added two pin wire. http://www.smarthome.com/318276I/I-O-Li ... Kit/p.aspx
Files menu. Restore Devices does the whole network and RemoteLincs if in the mix also. Though they may time out if there are lots of links.
Does the switch go off when you pull the tab all the way out? It should. If not it maybe defective. Above 5.0 have the Air Gap Switch. Older ones had a different method to do a factory reset. All of mine are older.
X10 Modules; Smarthome Insteon in X10 mode or the older Smarthome X10 compatible modules? Real X10 modules do not understand Preset Dim commands.
Thank you.
There is no special software needed to access the ISY99i. You can access it from your favorite web browser. Using the IP Address it is assigned. Also needs Java installed. I have used Ubuntu and Firefox to access all but the Administration Tab as Java isn't found even though I have tried a few times to get it there. Also go though IE8 with Windows XP SP3 While waiting for the hardware maybe you can study the manual. http://www.universal-devices.com/docs/i ... rguide.pdf
You still may have split phase in each panel. Do you have any Access Points or an Insteon passive coupler on the panel in use? You may get added date with a Scene Test or using the Event Viewer in level 3.
I was under the impression that the external optional power supply should be 5 volts 300 ma. I posted that data in the Smarthome forums on using the new 2413S Dual band PLM. Since it does not supply power like the older 2412S PLMs unregulated twelve volts. Their Administrator Isaac told me I was incorrect and UDI said five to thirty volts was OK. Can you verify which is correct.
If ISY doesn't do the linking for you. It will not know your system completely and may have incorrect status of RemoteLinc changes. Both of my RemoteLincs where linked through my ISY99i. Buttons to scenes. Have you had a chance to down load the users manual? http://www.universal-devices.com/docs/i ... rguide.pdf
My setup did the same thing a few times. For now the other fix is turn off automatic time checks and set it maybe every few days. I decided to go that way as I didn't want an alpha firmware. Though it has been reported to be very stable.
For the magnetic switch. Did you use the Black and Green wires or the Black and Red wires?
You may find some clues to Insteon workings here: http://www.madreporite.com/insteon/insteon.html I agree the $199 is not worth it. I joined the developers group; when Insteon was in its infancy for $99. Then it was worth it, but support from Smartlabs is almost 100% gone now.
If it has no power. It can't report anything as it is dead. Not sure where the last state before failure is coming from. Did a test. Query my Kitchen ApplianceLinc. Showed ON. Unplug ApplianceLinc and query My Lighting. Kitchen give communications error but uses the last knows state of ON. I am hoping that others may have a solution for you test of is the power on to the EZSwitch30.
If it is after the breaker and the breaker trips. It has no power and will not answer at all. Maybe the lack of response could be used some how.
To receive the motion sensors transmission you have to have one Access Point. You don't have a second one on the other phase? Try unplugging any Access Points you have and then wait thirty or so seconds. The reconnect them and try again. An Access Point may have been locked up.
APs don't get linked to anything. The LEDs only give you tests for communications and phase bridging. I believe in the Smarthome forums. The new Dual Mesh Lamplinc was reported to bridge with any AP new or old. On the sales page for the 2457D2 Dual Mesh LampLinc it says doubles as an Access Point.
New Dual Mesh LampLinc Manual. http://wiki.smarthome.com/index.php?title=2457D2_Manual Access Point Manual detailing how new and older versions act when testing phase and communications. http://wiki.smarthome.com/index.php?tit ... 43P_Manual
I would not use a LampLinc even at 100% With an inductive load. The load current lags the load voltage. Even at 100%; if the triac circuit is not designed for an inductive load. You could damage the load; the LampLinc or both. Also it is possible for a large spike to be generated when the LampLinc is turned off. I can not say about the new dual mesh version but the older ones have a internal fuse. It could also blow if the inductive load acts strange.
It most likely has a new Device Cat or Sub Cat ID number and ISY doesn't recognize it.
I have made a habit of doing a Factory Reset on every new device. When I install it. Smarthome has in the past shipped devices with Test Addresses in them.
Good to hear it worked.
Have you tried a Factory reset on the PLM? Unplug the PLM Disconnect the ISY99i from the PLM While holding the Set Button, plug the PLM in and hold the set button for three seconds. Release the button and wait for the LED to turn back on. Then you can unplug the PLM and reconnect the ISY99i
The older SwitchLinc relay and Icon On/Off switch do not have the air gap switch. Like the newer ones do. The Icon sales page does not show a link to the older models users manual, but I found it. http://www.smarthome.com/manuals/2876sb.pdf The breaker will reset the unit if it is lost. It will not factory reset it. Press and Hold top Paddle 10 seconds then release. Tap the set button in all the way Then release. Push the set button all the way in and hold it for at least 10 seconds. Then release. In a few seconds the load will turn on. Indicating a complete reset was done. If yours has the Air Gap/Set Button the present manual is correct. Pull Set /Air gap button switch all the way out for 10 seconds. Push the Air Gap/Set Button switch all the way in for 3 seconds. Release the Set/Air Gap button and in a few seconds the switch is factory reset.