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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. Thank you for the information. With Vista being shipped on almost all new computers. This will be a big help.
  2. I also have seen many messages on the Smarthome and other Automation Forums on Insteon modules going full on after a power failure. One module that is known to is the now MIA SocketLinc Dimmer. It didn't even match the Full Users manuals saying it remembered its state after a power loss. I pointed it out to them and they gave a workaround that was not what I could use. So the fix was a new manual that didn't say it rememberd the last state and gave the workaround in print.
  3. One thing to remember is CF bulbs don't always like Triac type dimmers either. So use care. Fast ramp rate helps as does dimmable type CF bulbs. I have seen ApplianceLincs of mine with some brands of CF lights do the samething and also with rare inductive type loadsalso
  4. Thank you for the fast reply.
  5. I see on your web site both the ISY-26 New and Refurbished; now do not include a PLM. Does that mean if we want a complete ISY-26 Kit; we have to order the PLM from Smarthome or pay Smarthomes added $90 surcharge over you old prices to get a complete kit?
  6. Guess I will have to try mine as my XP Pro updated a few days ago also.
  7. Brian H

    PLM Firmware

    Yes 52 is the latest released. I believe the 2.4 on you sticker is the Hardware Rev. I have older Firmware 24's; 4A's and 52's. From varried purchases.
  8. 4A showed problems for me with Busy_Rats PLMTest program. http://busyrat.com/plmtest
  9. Then it is dead for sure.
  10. You may have wanted to try reset before swapping it out. Sometimes a noise glitch will confuse LampLincs; ApplianceLincs and such. Unplug for maybe 30 seconds then reconnect and see if it now works. I have had ro reset a few ApplianceLincs myself. Though I also had one of the first ones to Flame Out with certain loads. Thus the Smarthome Recall of early ApplianceLincs. LampLincs have a fues in them so an overload like someone pluged a heavy load in it it maybe blown. Soldered in not user replaceable normally.
  11. Thank you to all who posted replies in a very rapid response. I have ordered one from Smarthome and may have more questions as time progresses.
  12. WOW Great support. I may just try that. If not a router isn't too much to be added. May add a network card for an added connection.
  13. Can a single computer with no network connection be setup to run the ISY-26? Right now I have the network connector running a DSL interface [does not have a built in router like some do] with PPPOE directly. Through a Linksys Network Switch not a router. Mainly to allow one computer at a time to access the DSL unit; when I have a second test computer running. I have seen that some network devices can be used with a computer if a cross type cable is used. I do have XP Pro with all the latest updates. Thanks for any thoughts. Brian H
  14. The RemoteLinc remotes, to save the batteries go to sleep and will not respond unless; as you found are in the Linking Mode. Using HouseLinc Desktop. I also could not find mine; even though I added the 6 digit ID manually. Some have indicated if you hold the Bright-Dim combination bottons for 10 seconds; it will also wake up. I tried that combo and it did wake up. Note this combo is also for turning on and off the beeper or LED. So if used do not use the Bright Button alone or the All OFF Button to get out of the mode. I also found it will time out in 4 minutes
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