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Everything posted by sorka
It happened again tonight about 20 minutes ago. Links were lost between then and about an hour before that when it was still working. I had just made some changes to some of the ISY programs like I had the first time when I lost the links. I really think this is a 994 bug. On Friday morning, we had a robbery attempt. The security cameras got the license plate of the truck, and the face of the thief in one of the other cameras. All of which worked because the motion sensors turned on lights and rotated cameras. The thief was identified as a guy who had just been released on bail for home invasion burglary on December 15th. If it had not been for the system in place, we would not have been able to catch him. This is really really serious issue and I've lost confidence in Universal Devices. I will remove the new door sensor and water leak detectors and go back to the ISY99i until this issue is resolved. It's totally unacceptable and I don't believe for an instant that the PLM just decided to go bad as soon as I upgraded the to the 994.
Hmmm. OK, so it appears now there were a few things other than wireless that were also broken. I had 3 switches which I capture the double fast off to turn off all lights in the house. These were also busted. I hadn't tried them in a few days. I know they worked at least last week but last night noticed they didn't. These 3 switches were not getting the status into the ISY. I did a restore on them and they started working again. When I get back home in a few days, I'll go ahead and do a PLM restore. I didn't want to do it yesterday in case something went wrong and I didn't have time to fix it before leaving on my next trip.
My PLM is also a 1.4.
Odd. So I previously said that I hadn't changed anything, but I too just added 3 of the newer dual mode dimmer switches right before this happened. I spaced it because I installed them about a week before this occurred and then went on a 4 day trip, came back, and then several days later boom.
I think you mean fortunately It's either that or random corruption occurred. I don't by latter. I think this was done on purpose whether it's a bug or not. I don't think it was just random and the the plm "just lost it's links".
Could be. I suspect that you're right in the sense that something happened and that the PLM tried to write updates to the wireless devices and gave up triggering some bug or internal "I couldn't find these guys after enough retries so I'm going to remove them" behavior.
I haven't done a restore on the PLM. I only restored the wireless devices that apparently were lost.
Stranger things have happened. This is not totally unheard of, based on my time spend following these forums. No...I would not go back to the 99i. It is my experience that, sometimes, things happen for reasons that we can never discover. I agree, however, that it is a strange coincidence that it happened to all your motion sensors. My suggestion is to fix it and move on. Try restoring the motion sensors. I don't think it is overly difficult. Hopefully, that is all there is to it. I know my post was kind of lengthy, but I did mention that I had already done a restore on them to get them back up and running. In the other thread in the 4.1.1 section, I also mentioned that it turned out it was all wireless devices. 1) Motion sensors. 2) Door sensors. 3) Wireless contact closures. 4) Remote Lincs. I had to do a restore on all of them.
Thanks for the suggestion. However, I'd like to stay on topic here. The system has worked well for me for years. I've never had the PLM suddenly lose links. I don't think it's a coincidence that I upgraded to a 994 and installed 4.1.1. I suspect it's related to that. Maybe something in the ISY freaked out the PLM and caused it to drop just the motion sensor links. Who knows. But the fact that it just happened without any good explanation is seriously making me consider going back to my 99i and just giving up the door sensors and water leak sensors. I've already got 64 zones across 2 partitions on my DSC. I'm maxed out for zones and for current draw on the panel. The insteon motion sensors aren't meant for an alarm system. They're meant for home automation lighting and I've done a lot more than just triggering lights. They run a bunch of other functions many of them specific to each motion sensor. My camera setpoints are controlled by each motion sensor. When a motion sensor is triggered, all video cameras that cross the motions sensors field of view, have their setpoints for that location triggered. I could go on and on. It's quite an extensive setup that I spent years tuning. I need it to work as reliably as it always has. I would like the developers to at least consider there's a bug in 4.1.1 that caused the PLM to drop the links.
I won't argue with about what insteon is intended for or not. If I made these part of my DSC alarm system, it would go off far too frequently with false alarms and dispatched law enforcement. Are my 12 hidef video day/night cameras also not rated for security. I see you have a lot of posts, but I have found insteon to be reliable enough for this particular purpose. I'm not sure why you would claim that insteon is not suitable for secondary security tasks. This is the first time anything like this has ever happened. I made not recent changes except upgrading to the ISY994 about a month ago. I find it inconceivable that the PLM lost all link records for all motion sensors and nothing else, so I'm not buying that explanation. Perhaps someone else has another?
I posted this in the 4.1.1 beta thread, but I'm so desperate to find out what happened and prevent it from happening again, I needed to post here too. Ugh! Just wasted the entire night on my motion sensors. They all stopped working some time last night. I have 10 exterior motion sensors around the house. I have 6 access points and multiple new dual mode switches throughout the house. I could probably get rid of the APs now. Anyways, all the motion sensors stopped working. I brought them all into the house and set them next to various APs including the one next to the PLM and pressed the internal button. The status on the ISY page continued to show blank neither on nor off. Each time I pressed a button on the motion sensor, the AP would blink and the PLM would blink so I know something was getting through. I tried other wireless devices like my remote lincs and they all worked fine even from a good distances outside the house. Finally, I did a restore on one of them and it started working perfectly. I did a restore on the rest and they are all now working perfectly too. I've put them back in their positions outside and they are all working fine now from that distance. So the question is, what happened??? This was a critical failure. We have houses getting robbed left and right(literally). We've had 10 nigh time home invasion robberies in my neighborhood in the last 6 weeks.....that we know about. These motion sensors are critical for running occupancy simulation cascade lighting events during the night so anyone approaching our house from any direction will believe someone is present plus giving me advance notice. Nothing like this has ever happened before and I'm really upset about. Granted, I know I'm using beta software (4.1.1) but it was sort of necessary to add the door and water sensors.
Thanks. The ISY thermstat button at the top is what was missing. Had to restart homeseer and now it's showing up. Should have thought of that first Thanks again.
Yea, should have made sure to have it in the body and not just the topic. Homeseer. How can I set the setpoints for the thermostat from Homeseer?
Anyone know how to set the cool or heat setpoint of the Insteon 2441th thermostat? I see where the heat and cool setpoints are reported, but I can't seem to control them.
Stupid leading 0 bug still not fixed. Finally got it working but only after searching the forums to see the bug everyone else encounters.
OK, trying the substitution variables in email subect: AC Turned on to ${sys.node.22 18 05 1.CLISPC}. Current Temperature is ${sys.node.22 18 05 1.ST}. But all I get on the email is: AC Turned on to node[22 18 05 1]. Current Temperature is node[22 18 05 1].
I just installed the Insteon thermonstat. I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to read the current setpoint value? I need to be able to send emails when the AC is turned on with the setupoint formatted into the email. Kind of have to be able to do this or the thermostat goes back as that would be a deal breaker. I'm sure this is possible mainly because common sense would dictate this would be bare minimum funcionality, but heck if I can figure it out.
Is there any way to get temperature into the ISY even if it means just passing it up to Homeseer?
Hmm, was this every supported? I need to get temperature readings, multiple temperature readings, into variables so I can do arbitrarily complex actions based on a variety of conditions. Being able to reading temperature from an insteon thermostat would save me having to add CAI webcontrol devices when I already want to have an Insteon thermostat.
I'm not going to go around wiring one at a time and then adding it to the ISY. That would involve turning the power on and off for each and every switch. What I did when I had to do this before, HouseLinc had an option to do a swap. You could also hold all the writes and do them all at once in a batch later which saved a lot of time and comm traffic. So the process was: 1) turn power off. 2) Swap every switch making note of which address was going in for each one that was going out. 4) turn power on. 5) In HouseLinc, select the swap option for each switch and type in the replacement address. 6) Batch write. I'm going to be replacing 30 some odd switches. I'm still confused as to why I have don't have the pro version when I paid $400 bucks for it
I don't have the pro version. There was no such option available when I bought. What I bought was a bit more than the pro version. Did I get screwed here????
Um, well, I bought the most expensive ISY-99IR at the time. It was $399 from Smarthome. I don't believe there was a separate pro designation at the time. I see the pro with IR is $369 which is less than I paid for mine
Smarthome is sending me replacements for all of my v35 switches which is pretty much all of them. I'd like to do a mass replacement but there doesn't seem to be a swap option like there was for houselinc. I suppose I could just add each of the new switches and then select the replace option one at a time, but that will take forever and I'll have to deal with renaming and such. What would be really cool is if I could go into the database and manually replace all of the device ids with the new device ids and then do one massive restore.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll start checking them out. I actually do run home seer 24/7 as I used it to integrate my insteon, alarm system, and video surveillance system together. I'd prefer to an app that talks directly to the ISY as I found HS to lag sometimes. Going directly to the ISY would have the snappiest response vs going through HS and then to the ISY.
So I've got this new ipad sitting in my living room. It would be really cool if I could have an app that could be used to control my insteon lighting with a graphical layout of my house and all of the lighting controls where the lights are in each room.