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  1. I agree that if I remove, reset, restore, I’ll just get the bogus links back from isy. So my question is if I remove, reset, restore ‘Device A’ that has a bogus link to ‘Device B’, won’t B just push the link back? Do you all think I need to do resets on both ends? Sucks, but dooable.
  2. So that worries me. 'Delete all involved devices'. I finally got my admin tool to work after a PC reinstall and java cert issues. thank you start.jnlp. So I have a Family Room Overhead, dimmer. It's in ZERO scenes. ZERO programs. yet. it likes to turn on C of the keypad next to it. Recently I noticed when my dad manually turned on the Driveway Flood, the overhead in the fam came on. so I looked at its config in ISY. nothing. not a controller of anything, not a responder of anything. I downloaded its links, and used the python isylib to export all my devices and HW addrs. === FamilyRoom 24.DF.7B -> 2A.92.C6 FF Yard.Master -> 3D.96.1C 01 NO SUCH DEVICE -> 2A.92.C6 03 Yard.Master.A - Driveway -> 2B.2A.B9 03 Yard Back Deck -> 2E.98.78 03 Kitchen Lamp === Yard.Master is the keypad in the garage. ON/OFF triggers the overnight lights. A-B-C-D are just quick links to other dimmers that are hard to reach nearby (Front porch, Front walkway, Front mailbox, Back laundryroom) ... no real function just for fun really and to make it easier. Yard Back Deck, is also the FamilyRoomKeypad(C or D) that gets triggered! Yard.Master.A is in a scene with Yard.Driveway. And somehow it's triggering the Fam overhead. So there is a ton of 'crap' in here. NO clue how it got here. I thought that if I delete an item. Add it manually. Reprogram it, what happens to the inverse links? You suggested delete all involved. Sigh. That's my fear. I can do it, but I don't like it. I don't like the fact these links are not visible in the UI, but clearly exist in the 'Diag show isy links'. Just as I was thinking of my reply another ghost got crazier, almost a polterguest. A billion years ago I coded my first 3 keypads with a 'program' that 'If this device is off, And this device is triggered to go off, Turn off all buttons and linked items' and the inverse 'If this device is on, And this device is triggered to go on, Turn On all buttons and linked items'. This was a neat trick to have a quick and dirty 'gimme all lights in this area' as in 'double click on/off'.. For whatever reason that program has been deleted 10 years ago. Yet my Kitchen, might have 3 buttons on. But when I turn the master on/off it triggers the lights (not the devices). lol! I was just in my kitchen and I noticed my Kitchen Keypad B button blinking on/off/on/off/on/off. I have msg blink enabled, verified at a nearby device that msg's are being sent. Quick came to my pc, went to isy, debug, events, all, and nada. Sigh! So... This is crazy. I'm wondering if I should just basically 'format and re-install'. It would SUCK ARSE. But the fact that my Family Overhead, has ZERO scenes, ZERO programs, but is somehow linked to my garage? and even my kitchen lamp (a device/scene I havn't touched in 10 years, yet I replaced via delete-add the overhead) so how the hell? I just wish the ISY debug could decode the x10 packets telling me in english what they mean, let me select them or save-edit-load and 'are you sure? are you really sure? Yo, you REALLY sure?' YES ! So best advice at this point. Sorry for the TL;DR... I love insteon (x10). 100x better then any z-wave insanity but omFg this is nuts! Thx :)
  3. SirParadox

    Ghost links

    Ever since I first deployed insteon my first two ever switches have had odd ghosts in the machine. One is a simple on/off for the back porch. Next to it is a multi button dimmer. The main is the family room light. A is one corner lamp Linq, b is another, C is to a micro on/off in the basement for Cide yard, and D is another micro on/off for a deck light. for some reason the independant on/off also tiggers C on the other. Sometimes D. I have replaced both a few times but the problem returns. This past week I did a debug, show isy links. In there is a set of repeating hex, where the next 3 hex on one line is the same ID as the side yard, and the other the deck, and the third an unknown item. Those links do not belong. The on/off switch is part of no scenes or programs. They also appear nowhere in the controller/responder list in the isy app. is there any way to directly edit these links? I can delete and re-add the switch, but won’t the link come back from the other direction? I also checked my kitchen switch which ‘turns off all buttons when the on/off is toggled’ which is a very ancient, deleted program, that I coded that on double off click turn off all buttons but that program is long gone. I’d really hate to delete and reconfigure that from scratch. But I can if I have to. im just wondering how can I have these renegade links, but not visible in the admin console, and nowhere to say download, edit, load, etc the config? thx on advance.
  4. Your not going to believe this. Side story: Ok, sister calls me Sunday, her home network is dead since a power outage, cable tech is there, she just asks for help, I open the unifi cloud app, and her network comes up. Then the tech did a ‘pinhole reset’ on my unifi router and blew it up. So she just asked, and it worked.. typical.. Now. Today, all day, same results as I posted with my isy. However just now I goto and shizam, I see isy lingo. I open my admin Java app, shizam works, … All I did was ask for more ideas, and like all tech, it got scared and worked. I have changed no settings, I have not power cycled it… it did not work a few hours ago, for a few weeks, and now it does. This has got to be the matrix and us network techies are some virus the system is afraid of. I guess I should take a backup, then find someone to sell me one of these shiny newer polisy models, which are still not available? I’ll open a new thread about upgrading, pros, cons, etc.
  5. sorry for the delayed response to your help. Went to the ER for severe allergies, couldn’t breath, turns out it’s congestive heart failure, heart only functioning 20%, and now I have my own defibulator vest, so I was out of pocket, lol! When I say I can’t reach any port.. I mean any tcp port, 23, 80, etc. I removed the static IP dhcp assignment from my router, rebooted the isy. My switch shows it connected, and my router shows, the expected IP. The ISY still operates my evening inside, and overnight outdoor scenes. However I am unable to icmp ping it, connect via a web browser, or the admin launcher, or manually reach port 80. I even went to far as to add a static ARP on my windows pc for it, and still nothing. sadly my last backup is just before I went into the attic and fixed, added, 3 insteon remote wire in modules Burried under the attic flooring. So reverting to that backup will not be fun, dooable, but not fun. so, any more ideas before I factory reset? With the failed network tests, I pondered even having it direct connect to a hub and my pc would probably not gain any results. it’s on a surge protector, behind a ups, behind a surge protector, on a whole panel surge protected, but we have had 3 or so odd neighborhood power blips.
  6. The local admin console does not detect it as usual. I tried adding http and https :// and got nothing. As for the isy portal, I use MobiLinq and it does not see the isy. Oddly it’s doing it’s AM and PM jobs. The switch shows connected. The router shows a dhcp allocation. Yet no ping or remote action. If I reset it to factory, and restored, sadly I’d be a few big changes back but that’s ok. At this point is there anything I can do to wake it up? Or do I need to do some factory reset?
  7. And yes I confirmed the switch and IP on my unifi switch.
  8. So I have a brand new problem. My ISY was acting funcky, not turning off all the nightly outdoor lights. Power cycled it. It’s working now, but I can’t ping or reach any port. Any idea how to debug?
  9. I do have the isy, and the latest (ordered online) zwave module. Should I replace it with a polisy?
  10. I see you said polisy hardware….. I want to update my isy 994. Is polisy a different piece of hardware?
  11. So I was working toward getting a node.js + ambient weather going... and I decided to check latest firmware. I see I am running v5.3, and v5.5 is out. I also see v** has been renamed to Polisy. I read the docs on how to upgrade to 5.5, and they appear to cover just polisy. The suggestion of going to Configuration -> Update does not exist. I only have one option anywhere, thats to manually update firmware. I tried to look for perhaps 5.4 as some middle-ware. Couldn't find it. Does anyone have a simple howto on how to go from v5.3.2 (On my Isy994i) to the start or latest polisy? Thanks in advance!
  12. I know the weather module went away awhile ago. And no I havnt been using anything since. Basically, it hasn’t snowed then iced in a few years so it didn’t matter. This year it did and I’d really like to reautomate my ice melter. you mentioned how upgrade from the isy994. What upgrades are there? I’ll search again but I havnt seen anything new in years except the zwave board that I just upgraded.
  13. SirParadox

    Weather data

    I have a single program that looks for current temp, and percip in the last 48 hours that use to use the weather plugin, this fires my roof gutter ice melt. What do folks recommend for a replacement?
  14. The good thing, I guess, is I have many backups. So I might try the newer upgrade and see if that works better. Rinse. Repeat..
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