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Everything posted by sjenkins

  1. 17 devices for 18 nodes total. don't think I'm seeing memory build over time as the Polisy is stable but it is slowing down the whole ISY.
  2. First, I really love this node server, but I just did an HTOP on my Polisy and wow there seems to be something going on here in this node server that isn't right. Attached are two runs of HTOP with the YoLink Node server running and stopped ( I think you can figure out which is which). Anyone else having this issue?
  3. So sorry I didn’t get back to the post. Yes I did put in and get an answer to my ticket. Basically that the occupancy was part of the pg-online and therefore not working. I sort of knew this but was unsure if policy brought it back as it was in the menu system still online.
  4. I’ve been using three of these for over a year now. Seem reliable. Been using for accent rgbw strips. Have programs to change for different seasons. (Christmas, Easter, Canada day, USA day, etc). Mostly use the white. Found timing of colour change to on/off can matter. Number of programs and outputs really grows as you add a few of these. As I say once through the growing pains they are very reliable.
  5. Yup ; no issues or changes with mine.
  6. Just did a "packages update" from ISY (or IoX) menu. Didn't come back on-line. Normally do a button push in this state but was in my comfy chair so did a sudo reboot from ssh; came back fine after that. Yes, had a 20sec pause for query, but nothing over the top. Backup of 5.4.4. before update was fine and the 5.4.5 backup after was also fine. Way back in time the last instance when my backup wouldn't work for me I had to revert then re-upgrade to make everything happy again. That was in the 994 and was early 5.0's.
  7. Could you set up as a hybrid like some companies do with commercial hardware ; a software open source to develop the software; then back to the commercial side for support contracts. I'm sure you have thought of that, I am curious what you lose as owner in that scenario. It's a bit what you're doing now with pg3 just more of your bits in the OS side, wouldn't require a ton of restructuring. Again not telling just curious your thoughts (I'm one of those strange EE with an MBA types).
  8. So since moving to Polisy, a few years ago now, I knew the occupancy was not working and was not too bothered. Had a few minutes and decided to resurrect it again... no joy. The configuration seems to be doing what its supposed to do, it finds my node and knows the id number. Even did the add node where it restarted the ISY and was out and login of both ISY and Portal a few times. Seems to look good in the configuration section. Cannot add or sync the nodes, get an 400 error with adding. Decided to do scorched earth and remove and restart (maybe didn't like the transfer from the 994 ?!?) but I get a 403 error if I do remove either in the configuration or occupancy. Any experience out there or is this a ticket item? Always hate to bother the UD team if its an easy fix.
  9. I do think it is the power on cycle. Those power supplies are often not of the switching variety and don't forget the 24vac going back to the furnace. I bet the voltage comes up slow and non linear.
  10. This would work.... GAEYAELE GRT8-S Asymmetric Cycle Timer SPDT Relay 220V 16A AC/DC12V-240V Electronic Repeat Relay(GRT8-S1,A230) https://a.co/j4A5gkG
  11. Yes a 120 control relay with delay on (some have a dial to set time). Instead of taking out the 24v mains just put the contact in line with the 24v to the thermostat. This could all be done down near the furnace still.
  12. I like your relay solution. Slow death power outages reek havok on electronics. Easy to test as well.
  13. ‘merican…
  14. I use that same ; works like a dream & only six bucks!
  15. Ooh I'm sooo excited !!! Take my money ... please !!!
  16. I appreciate UD has come to a nice middle ground. As @MrBill says I do like having access to the code, both to modify but also to learn from. I am also more than wiling to pass some money to someone even on github in the "Buy me a coffee" size. If the price is too high I will give feedback, not purchase, and respect the writers right to their opinion. I think it is neat that there is the ability to do subscription or buy outright options. Some people have violent opinions on both but it will be interesting which nodes work out one way or the other. I plan on "stealing shamelessly" when I write my next node server but for a different product & not to copy. Where open source meets the market it gets can grey depending on the situation.
  17. First, love the app @Javi, getting into it more each day. Second, I did search first but cannot find this one ; forgive me if I missed it. Feature request: I have folders for each room with scenes and items, programs in each one. The folder type acts like a status button which I have showing the status of a scene in the room. (% basis or ON/OFF). Push the bottom and you go into the folder, push the top and you toggle the scene displayed. I have places I would like to use commands. Would like to add commands to the folder button. Big deal to add? Just my opinion but I think it would be nice to be able to add commands to all the nodes which would mean the command type becomes part of the status type. Just a different way of cracking the egg I guess. Thanks again for all your hard work!
  18. Use it every day. No issues beyond Alexa voice recognition sucks
  19. The gen 2 api is pretty useful. Can activate a scene with... obviously insert your ip for mine and sceneId (capitol eye) for your number which you can get the list with
  20. @Javi just want to say what a wonderful job you have done with the notifications (sound, delete, groups!!!). I am slowly moving from my prowl push service (over 10years with it) to the app. One 'low level' request. I use the notifications a lot to let me know what is going on. would me 'nice' if when you looked at the notification it would become 'not new'. Means you do not need to ack every notifications just go into the app every so often to view them and scroll through them. Now I tend to delete them as its quick but I lose my history then. Again, great job. This app keeps getting better faster than I can implement the improvements!
  21. For others I have received my gen 3 blinds and gateway. I am at the very beginning of figuring this out but the api is slightly different. To get you going replace /api with /home , so.... http://{ip of your gateway}/home will give you a dump of current parameters in JSON http://{ip of your gateway}/home/scenes http://{ip of your gateway}/home/automations http://{ip of your gateway}/home/shades http://{ip of your gateway}/home/shades/{id of shade you want} You now know as much as I do so far. Have not found a document like the beautiful version 2 document as per above but using that as a beginning point. They seem to have changed a number of things subtilely....
  22. @Javi I am also having the silent push issue. Was able to push a test from the Admin with Prowl and it made noise. Checked my push settings & the sound slider is on. Feature request as well: with Prowl I can use a &priority=-2 to +2 which then has settings in the prowl app for an appropriate sound. I use notifications extensively which this priority setting lets me have an alarm level notification for something big and a little ping for something like the perimeter is closing at the house. Excited about the opportunity to drop Prowl after almost 10years and consolidate to UD !!! Thanks so much for your work, this app really rocks!
  23. @dakallcould you share an example or webpage resource for gen2. I don’t have my new blinds yet but may get going on my research.
  24. Thanks @Javi, really nice to have it up on my M1. For others it, like @Mayben, it took me backing up and starting from scratch twice before the default startup screen trick took hold.
  25. Don't know much about it but my wife has a bunch of the Gen3 on the way ; we'll see when they arrive. Of course my plan is to figure them out with a software & maybe hardware solution ; then of course get integration to the Polisy through NS or Network or MQTT.
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