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Everything posted by sjenkins

  1. You got me thinking. I have two Mac mini’s (one an m1) always on driving the tv’s. Could screen share from my mbp. Well let’s see if that drives better. Might be clunky too.
  2. Thanks @Michel Kohanim, any thoughts or plans on movement to a desktop admin app or applet which sustains better? Even something with keep alive like an ssh connection. Again, with the launch time in the current app which can be 20sec by the time you make the elements for the nodes and then hit programs and it makes the elements for them, once a day would be a big satisfier. thanks again for all you & your team does!
  3. Hey @Javi, Been working great for me since the start. I'll show you below an oddity. Notice my station 8 is outside the OpenSprinkler Stations. I cannot move it back in ; no way ; no how. Other than deleting the node server and adding it back which seems more effort than its worth. My OCD is killing me though. This is NOT a problem, just odd. Please do not waste any of your time on it, just keep it in the back of your head if you notice something which can cause this on one of your edits.
  4. I have this same set-up. Not saying this happened but sometimes I have come back to an open garage & it ended up not ever closing completely. the sensors were on the edge and with the vibration they sent the garage back up. Not sure how this might show in the logs of myQ if at all. The NS and MyQ side of my set-up have been solid for a number of years now.
  5. sure. also you may want to make sure the PLM works before you restore your whole big system. just add an extra device to it and run a small program. then you know it works for a small setup. then try the restore.
  6. Not the expert here but have been through the process. I would suggest not normal and try again. Let us know how it goes.
  7. @Michel KohanimUD mobile is pretty. Blew me away how you wiped out all the competition when you launched it. Made them irrelevant. With a bit of work setting your favourite screens up it is better than any portal program before now. I would not use it as my main programming interface but would love to check a program and troubleshoot from afar.....because that is when something breaks; when I am afar. My only complaint of the Admin is the speed of launch and the lack of ability to leave it 'always on'. I would like to have the app running on my MacBP and close my lid, come back later and do a bit more. This would add a ton of value. Currently when you come back to the Admin and have to re-log in, it usually does not quite work or sync the nodes properly, so you close the program and relaunch start again. Otherwise the interface is just fine. Perfect. No. Should you re-write to make it pretty. No. Your time is a finite resource, work on the cool stuff. I do NOT nor ever will use HA as another layer ; looked at it and found it wanting. Please, please do not do ANYTHING with windows.....ever. I have worked in planning, management, engineering, manufacturing, & led large groups of people. You will not make everyone happy. Take input. Ignore most of it but the good stuff.
  8. VIM !?!? a heathen! I of course use Emacs.
  9. there is a seller of black ones. I picked up a few for a basement reno. Ping that seller perhaps.
  10. I have about 20 leak sensors half Insteon half z-wave most are these zooz and then a couple of the homeseer units. All work well after a few months together on the IOP, never tried these on my now dormant 994
  11. @larryllix's version is pretty respectable as a hard core all-in-isy version. As an alternative I have been using MQTT for a while with the ISY MQTT node server. Mostly for my homemade IOT sensors well before the cheap off the shelf versions available now. In your application you could have a very simple program which updated an MQTT node off a sensor. This is sent to a common MQTT server (I run off an extra rPI3). Then on the other ISY or IOP you could have the mirror node and fire your program based on that. This allows easy two way communications if you have sensors on either unit. Its been pretty solid for me now for a few years. Hope this helps @asbril
  12. I think if the purpose is to log data in some way there are a number of ways to get there which might be tweaked depending on the task at hand. saying this I do agree it would be really nice now that we have Polisy to just right click on a node or variable and 'turn on logging' which is put to some rolling text file. This would be very cool. @MrBill a network push to IFTT, where they have a 'few' micro-aps to add to google sheets. a network push to an RPi (or any computer, just easy with linux and cheap with RPi) which would store a text file with a date stamp. if your use case is pretty stable then a node server which takes your data and sends to an MQTT and is pulled from there using one of the tools out there, or write your own with python.
  13. yup mine works great too ; it triggers off my wired system.
  14. I think you have it right. I also hope the platform will survive. This is still the best tech out there.
  15. knock wood but personally never had a failure. I am a factor of ten less then @kzboraybut have about 150 devices over a period of 7 years.
  16. I bought one to try & it seems to work well. Paired just fine, works with both scenes and programs in Polisy. Bought two more, one the way.
  17. That link is from last July. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Anyone know a method to do this from OS X or Linux. I have slowly weened myself of pc to where I only have my crappy work computer which is somewhat locked down. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I recently went from a couple z-wave to a bunch. We installed a new bathroom and bar in the basement so needed a bunch of leak sensors. Couldn't get more Insteon at the time. I am using the Zooz and the HomeSeer leak sensors. Both work fine flawlessly, the HomeSeer has an optional extension which comes with it ; I used it in the sump. I added a few z-wave extenders of the Aeotech variety to get where I needed to go. More expensive than the Insteon but not out of this world.
  20. Likely another unhelpful post but I moved to IoP and my Insteon (& z-wave) leak sensors are working. I did use a new PLM as I went to a USB version, needed to do a restore PLB and have since needed to restore most of my devices one by one. (I have felt like the restore PLM stopped in the middle of things). again, more to give you hope than do I think this is helpful.
  21. A light just went on in my head of why all my seasonal programs (temp of the lake which is under 6” of ice) came on when I moved to ISY on Poly. I will do both of these as well. Is there a best practice program page on wiki. Both of these need added. I will check after this meeting I’m on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Those companies spent millions on those ads and you’re thinking about your HA programs?!?! [emoji23][emoji2957] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I’m using that node server for some two step scenes. Works well when you want to know one of a few scenes came on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I had this same issues. I have about a hundred prowl NR’s. As per [mention]Michel Kohanim [/mention] If you update and click the sni box it will work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. For me my keypads are working fine. I changed from serial to usb plm so had to do a restore of the plm. Also I have found along the way that some devices were not responding so well. In each case a restore of the device solved the issue. As I am now using this time to refactor my scenes and programs a bit I am just restoring devices room by room as I touch them. Overall I can say everything is working well including my z-wave move. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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