experimenting /learning
so lets say I am using and ISY and have two SLs and an RL, and create a scene. There appears to be three different ramp and brightness levels
If I click on the SL I can set Brite and Ramp applied locally, so I guess this is when I physically press the SL?
then I can set scene brite and ramp, but this one I don't totally understand, because...
I can also set the RL key I have attached to that scene at yet another brite and ramp level, so does this mean that the levels are unique to that RL button?
if I were to have and add a Keypadlinc, would that button I assigned to the scene also have a unique brite and ramp level assigned to it?
so both the scene and any controller have separate levels?
and the reason the scene has separate levels is if the scene is called from a program? If I have it correct then there are a lot of choices, a little confusing, but I guess more control is better