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Everything posted by jkraus

  1. jkraus

    new program

    so, when I write a new program as below it does not start right away unless I force it to, so I assume it does not start until 5:30 the NEXT day? If From 5:30:00AM To 10:15:00PM (same day) Then Repeat Every 20 minutes Wait 1 second Send X10 'L2/On (3)' Wait 2 minutes Send X10 'L2/Off (11)' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  2. and I now see that more than one RL button cannot be added to the scene, so only one controller per scene? Joe
  3. Thanks! I am sloooooowly getting it, but so far (when I got past the X10 dead PLM issue) I am pretty impressed with both Insteon and ISY THx Joe
  4. experimenting /learning so lets say I am using and ISY and have two SLs and an RL, and create a scene. There appears to be three different ramp and brightness levels If I click on the SL I can set Brite and Ramp applied locally, so I guess this is when I physically press the SL? then I can set scene brite and ramp, but this one I don't totally understand, because... I can also set the RL key I have attached to that scene at yet another brite and ramp level, so does this mean that the levels are unique to that RL button? if I were to have and add a Keypadlinc, would that button I assigned to the scene also have a unique brite and ramp level assigned to it? so both the scene and any controller have separate levels? and the reason the scene has separate levels is if the scene is called from a program? If I have it correct then there are a lot of choices, a little confusing, but I guess more control is better Thx Joe
  5. matapan In the disable/enable programs, is that status maintained during power cycle?
  6. matapan yes, could do that but as in my orig. statement, I do not know when the time will be that the warmth of summer starts, so was willing to manually make the change, but by date does not cut is, as I also have to change some valves on the pool pump when I go into summer mode Thx Joe
  7. Perfect! However the boot into false status concerns me a bit. On your second suggestion using disable/enable programs, is that status maintained during power cycle? Thx Joe
  8. just received my isy-99 and starting to program. I have gotten use to the interface, but I have one basic question: I do not see "variables" so this question may be left over from my Ocelot Programming days. What I used to do on my Ocelot is have two "Pool Pump" programs, one for winter and one for summer. Then at the proper time of the year (by seasonal warmth, not a set date) I would simply go in and change the variable then the program for winter would not run (checked against the variable status) and the summer program would start running. Very easy to change. I am sure there is a similar way in isy language, just need a little help Thanks Joe
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