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Everything posted by jkraus

  1. OK, will try over the next coupe of days as this KPL is not in a critical application so till I get time, I will report, so just put in the new one and try. Will do
  2. Sorry, not being clear. I have two ver D but have only tried this particular set up on one of them. On other units I have used mutually exclusive button, but never using pads A so was focusing in on that difference. The other "difference" is that I may have a defective device since again I have only tired one. I have another KPL in a box never used, don't know the version # but could try that as I think the ISY "replace" feature, although never tried, should make it pretty easy, as it does all of the programming for you, right? Thanks for your help Joe
  3. No, never said that. Now checking, I have 2 each Ver D and one ver 00 for a totall of three, but the one acting up is ver 2D
  4. I don't know how to tell. I bought them within the past 6 months, but how do I tell? Can I tell without removing it? if not I may replace with an extra KPL I have, but what is the difference? You said "I just checked two of my KPLs (neither of which are 2C; they are 29 and 31), and the both work fine: ", but I do not know what that means The description in the ISY console says "ver 2D"
  5. Michel Thought it was a communication issue I was having in another thread that I fixed: "OK, Looks like I figured it out. When I replugged everything into the socket that the PLM plugs into the isolation X10 filter was on the wrong side of the extension cord so all of the TV and DVR was not isolated. Now that it is seems to be working OK" but still having problem after reset and restore. Both A & C are both coming on when either is pressed, very weird Joe
  6. Now BOTH buttons come on and off at same time. I think I have over programmed it. How do I do reset. Can I do a Factory reset then do a restore from the ISY? Step by step , please!
  7. If you mean by "load button" button A, yes, although I am just using it in a scene.
  8. Interesting. To add to the confusion, I have keys B, D, E, and F on the SAME KPL in a Mutually exclusive group and they work fine, hence my question about something "different" about Key A since in a 6 pad configuration is controls the load I think, as currently my 3 KPLs are all in 8 pad mode
  9. May be narrowing in on my communication issues, but the mutually exclusive issue between C & A remains. To answer the questions, no they are not in another other scenes and yes I did a restore Joe
  10. Hmmm... I seem to be having other issues. I recently had our baseboard redone so APs and SL we unplugged for a few days. Now all plugged back in and things seemed to be working OK, but for two nites in a row now the outside lights that came on OK at the scheduled sunset but have not turned off at 11PM as they always have before., must be some other magical issue going on. Should I start from scratch with installing APs from the beginning as I have bout 5 of them. Once again, just when I think I have it all working something happens
  11. when you "restore" do you have to restore every pad in a KPL i.e. all 8?
  12. I have used Mutually Exclusive on KPL before, but first time with "A" Pad, may make a difference? I have "A" and "C" in two different scenes that both contain the same lights but to different level brightness. Each work OK but when "A" is pressed on the KPL backlight goes on but when "C" is pressed "A" backlight does not go off. If done the other way ( C then A) C backlight goes off correctly I have A & C in one of the mutually exclusive groups. Any thoughts?
  13. jkraus

    ISY wont reset

    did I need to format the 1GB card or anything else special before inserted? I too am wondering I I have a bad isy.
  14. jkraus

    ISY wont reset

    put in orig 512MB card and works fine now even during a reboot. The card may not have been well seated as I think it came out without first pushing it in. Is this "seating" problem indicative of the issue I was seeing? I want to resolve this even though it is working now, so that if the issue comes back? Thx Joe
  15. jkraus

    ISY wont reset

    put in a new 1GB SD card, same issue after power supplied blinking red light
  16. jkraus

    ISY wont reset

    Thanks ! What size SD card assuming I get a new one? Does not violate warranty to open up the isy?
  17. jkraus

    ISY wont reset

    Michel your comment 1. Use the link on your desktop to launch the admin console 2. Upgrade again to 2.7.6 3. Restore your backup 1) as previously posted I could not get the program to put an icon on the desk to work. I downloaded the program, but i would not launch 2) replacing the SD card is unclear. You mean to open the isy and replace an SD card inside? That all (except as you say to upgrade and download backup)? Joe
  18. jkraus

    ISY wont reset

    I got it form UDI (refurbished), but before I request RMA, once again after several power cycles I got it working again. Is this indicative of anything? or should I just get it RMA'd
  19. jkraus

    ISY wont reset

    problem back again! upgraded to 2.76 worked fine, but seemed some ofthe features were missing so decided to reboot form the admin consol. Got Red light blinking only, first 3 lights are solid green. Quick, how do I resolve this need the program to woerk!
  20. jkraus

    ISY wont reset

    to be more specific, I did "reboot" by power cycling (removing PLM connection) AND removing Network connection several times in the effort to fix it, but eventually just the err ligh still blinking, and fixed by plug/unplugging network cable Ver 2.7.5 isy pro
  21. jkraus

    ISY wont reset

    just err light blinking. What do you mean by file system error? After plugging and unplugging the network cable several times i is fixed. Please explain Joe
  22. jkraus

    ISY wont reset

    hmmm. got it working after unplugging/plugging network connection several time, but wish I knew the reason this happens Joe
  23. jkraus

    ISY wont reset

    temporarily disconnected power, when restores Pwr, RX, TX green, but blinking red error LED, tried power cycling, same issue, what can I do?
  24. jkraus


    although a system reboot seems to have worked, exclamation on key #1 gone, status works, all looks OK.....at least for now. Hmmmm Joe
  25. jkraus


    no, query does nothing
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