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About epete

  • Birthday 09/15/1964

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    Basking Ridge, NJ

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Community Answers

  1. Michael said in my Ticket "Hi Even, you have to cut it at the perforation. "
  2. Looking at the board now, it seems there are no traces that go to the upper half of the board beyond the "dotted line" so that looks like correct solution but will wait on the ticket.
  3. Thanks. I will open a ticket to confirm.
  4. Does anyone have any photos on how to assemble the Zmatter USB Dongle? The RF leads on the external connectors seem to be at the same height as where the Z-Wave/Zigbee card is supposed to be. Is the card supposed to somehow get placed beneath the RF Coax or above? I don't want to screw the card in and damage something.
  5. sjenkins, you are right. Insteon gave me a 7-day trial on the director for hub 2. I can no longer find the legacy app on google play. I am able to add my devices in parallel with PLM as you say. I think with Director, it still doesnt do much. Just schedule and scenes. I am also starting to think about moving to my Polisy for the future lower cost UD subscription.
  6. Ugh. I am in the same boat. Over 60 Insteon devices and still using ISY994i. Will probably sell my house in a year or so. I purchased Polisy and ZWAVE ZIGBE card. Installed into Polisy but never used. The level of effort to convert seemed to be over my personal threshold to make the switch. Then when eISY came out, I just couldn't bring myself to purchase the hardware when I just paid for Polisy and ZWAVE/Zigbe card. I think Techmans suggestion to use Insteon Hub 2 is spot on. I have a couple of the 2245-222 Hubs that were purchased a long time ago. Since the model number matches what is on Insteons site as a Hub 2, I assume it would be able to run the new director software. The issue there is I dont know what works and what does not work with the Insteon Director sw. ...and I guess I will have to factory reset all devices and re-program with the hub. I am not looking forward to this at all. I guess another option is to go hubless.
  7. ok, I feel dumb now. I cut and pasted that hyperlink , but that wasn't the page I was aware of when asking the question. I may not have any questions and will now read. Thank you for that.
  8. OK, I purchased the ZMatter! Z-Wave+ | Matter Module for Polisy (beta) There is very little information about this device. I assume it plugs into an open port inside my Polisy Pro. I have not opened Polisy Pro to confirm I have such a port. Then there is some text about enhanced range. I see two holes on the sides of my Polisy Pro where some antenna's could be mounded. Will this card come with the RF Cables and two antenna's that I can mount in those holes? I am currently still using my ISY994i and I have no Zigbee or Z-Wave devices. For now this will be just something to play with.
  9. ...from todays Insteon email... What happened to smarthome.com? Another entity has purchased the smarthome.com domain – Insteon is no longer connected to Smarthome. You’ll be able to buy Insteon products directly through Insteon.com and other partners in the future.
  10. I cannot figure out the install instructions from 4.7.3. I have updated my Java, Cleared my Java Cache, Backed up my system. Downloaded As I use PLM. I also just purchased the Z Wave HW Module and will install later. Launched selected upgrade option then browsed to the "insteon_5.0.16B" zip file from the download firmware step. After letting the files upload, I get "Upgrade Failed: Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid)" and "The ISY was not upgraded" ***UPDATE*** 4-Jan 2020 I successfully upgraded. I believe my problem was that I did not use the java parameter -Xmx512m
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