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Everything posted by epete

  1. Thanks everyone. The Aeotec looks like a nice device. I may just wait on that to have a bit more availability. Not sure I want to pay over $80 for it at the moment.
  2. Thanks.
  3. I am looking for a Motion Sensor that is compatible with ISY. I have the ZWAVE module but no ZWAVE devices so I am not sure that is a good solution. Insteon Motion Sensors are impossible to find anymore. I have Polisy Pro but do not have it connected. Still haven't quite figured it out with the limited time I have. Do folks have experience with Non Insteon Motion sensors that have some sort of connection to ISY that can be used?
  4. oh, nice. Got it. Thank you for that. By the way, the space that I used for the 8 button keypad was originally a switched outlet that I simply wired as permanently on so the A Button has no load and is capped off.
  5. Given I am limited to 8 buttons, but have many more devices I would like to control; I would like to program my 8 button KeyPad link to light up if any light in the living room is on and then pressing the lit button will turn all lights of in the living room. Pressing the button when the button is not lit, would simply turn on the scene with all lights in the living room. I would like to do this for each room in the house (Dining Room, Family Room. Kitchen, Outdoors, Basement). The main use would be to understand where lights are still on at night and simply shutting off an area at night without having to go to that specific room to do so. Anyone have a suggestion on the most efficient way to program this?
  6. My problem is now resolved, while the SW was cautioning not to power down the unit, that was the ultimate solution. A power cycle fixed all of my issues.
  7. I am also seeing the 'ISY was not able to load nodes'
  8. ok, I think it was working all along. When launching I now see an Admin Console (LAN), Admin Console (Cloud) and Dashboard. I used to only see Admin Console and Dashboard. I was now using Admin Console (LAN) as I am local and this was and is giving me the mismatch. When I select Admin Console (Cloud) I can access. Not sure if this is a problem or not but at least I can connect again. Now that I have connected I have also upgraded to 5.3.3
  9. ok, will try again. I have been on 5.3.0 since the beginning of the year. I only learned there was a 5.3.3 today when trying to connect with my Surface. I was not upgrading from 5.0.16C no matter what the software thinks I am doing.
  10. ok, will try again. I have been on 5.3.0 since the beginning of the year. I only learned there was a 5.3.3 today when trying to connect with my Surface. I was not upgrading from 5.0.16C no matter what the software thinks I am doing.
  11. I even tried using the ISY's IP address and see the same, so I am wondering if java is launching something else that is in memory
  12. That is where I got the launcher in the link above 7. Launch the 5.3.0 Admin Console and/or Dashboard by going to the following link: - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp
  13. I have been having trouble getting Local Admin Console to launch on my Surface Pro7. I have loaded the latest version of JRE I have cleared the Java Cache (several times). Since I have Admin Console FW 5.3.0 loaded on my ISY, I am using the https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp Console. The problem I am seeing is a version mismatch stating I have Admin Console v.5.0.16C and ISY Firmware v.5.3.0. What step have I missed? By the way, I have no problem accessing using the same link from my HP Desktop PC.
  14. I will try the reset. This 2 wire switch only controls one High Hat light in a closet. The Room that has this closet has four 3-wire dimming switched in that room all within about 8 feet from the 2-Wire switch. All other High Hats in the room are LED. I can simply keep them switched off to validate they are not interfering with the RF.
  15. OK, I really must have confused everyone. I wasn't using the sensor with the switch. I was simply using it in the same area that the switch is mounted to validate that the Insteon RF Signal is strong enough in that area. I created a program to make another nearby device beep to confirm it was working.
  16. Techman, correct. Maybe my wording was confusing. Last week you pointed out to use with incandescent and so today I purchased one and re-tried with the incandescent and noticed I still have the problem. I then wanted to validate the RF Coverage near the switch was good so I placed a hidden link sensor in the same location as the 2-Wire Switch and confirmed communication with the hidden link sensor was good and could not get the hidden link sensor to fail. Earlier in the thread I also noted I tried the Dual Mode Dimming lamp module as an extender which did not resolve the issue with the 2 wire switch.
  17. OK, I went to Home Depot to purchase a BR30 Incandescent 100w bulb. No luck. I think the maximum you can buy these days is 65W. This is too dim for my purposes. But I have the 65W bulb and inserted. I am still having communications issues with this 2 wire switch. I have now programmed a battery hidden link door sensor to make some of my other insteon devices near the switch beep when the status changes. I can carry that hidden link right next to the 2-Wire switch and the RF Communication with the Hidden Link works every time. Maybe it is a faulty 2-wire switch? By the way, anyone know where I can buy a 100W BR30 Incandescent bulb? Rewiring may be the best option but not sure how difficult that would be. I don't want to cut a hole in the ceiling to access the junction box. I do have Dimming Micro Modules.
  18. ok, thanks. Will have to figure out some other solution.
  19. Would that be dangerous to use this Y adapter inside the high hat chamber to insert the parallel night light?
  20. thanks for the info. I have a bunch of these (unused) glad I didn't spend money for an extender. By the way as I mentioned above the Lamp Module did not fix the problem and Brian H may have pinpointed the issue that I am powering an LED Bulb
  21. I saw that the 2 wire dimmer is only designed to work with incandescent when it arrived. I have high hat lighting with built in LED. I figured I would try it anyway to see if it worked. My understanding (from looking on the web) was that using an LED limits the current to power the device making it difficult to turn on after being dimmed. It seemed to work fine from a switching perspective. I hadn't thought there would be impact to the RF Receiver, but I guess that makes sense. I can replace that unit with the old incandescent type and see if that solves the problem. I threw out all of my incandescent bulbs. Can you even buy 100W incandescent bulbs anymore? It is too bad this design only supports bulbs that are becoming obsolete.
  22. I have to say, I am quite disappointed in Insteon RF Communication. All of the Powerline stuff seems to work fine in my home, I have over 50 wall dimmer modules / keypads installed throughout my home and would think that should be sufficient for RF Coverage. I have found that several RF HiddenLink door sensors see spotty and I had to install a 2-wire dimmer where a light was wired without neutral that just doesn't connect at all (Well was able to link it to ISY but ISY cannot communicate 90% of the time. I installed a Keypad link nearby hoping that would fix thea problem and also plugged in a "plug-in" dimmer in a nearby outlet which didn't help either. So, my question is; are the Insteon Plug-in Range Extender any better than the Dimmer Wall switch or Plug In dimmer modules for repeating RF Signals? Just wodering before I shell out any more money on this.
  23. ok, I will submit a ticket. Not exactly the same constant beeping. But after the SW update I have 3 LEDS Fast Blinking for 30 Seconds then goes down to two LEDs fast blinking then a beep with only one LED Blinking once followed by two beeps and back to all three LEDs blinking again (this sequence constantly repeats itself.)
  24. just playing around some more but don't really know what I am doing login as: admin Using keyboard-interactive authentication. Password for admin@polisy: Last login: Sun Nov 15 12:27:09 2020 from desktop-78qab1r FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p1 r355229 POLISY Welcome to Polisy! [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service mongod status Password: mongod is not running. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue... FreeBSD-base repository is up to date. Updating udi repository catalogue... udi repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue... FreeBSD-base repository is up to date. Updating udi repository catalogue... udi repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Checking for upgrades (0 candidates): 100% Processing candidates (0 candidates): 100% Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) Your packages are up to date. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service mongod status mongod is running as pid 23101. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service mongod status mongod is not running. [admin@polisy ~]$ what should I try as a next step?
  25. It's been a while but I went back through the steps again and executed the additional items I found in this thread login as: admin Using keyboard-interactive authentication. Password for admin@polisy: Last login: Sun Oct 11 07:12:38 2020 from desktop-78qab1r FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p1 r355229 POLISY Welcome to Polisy! [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service polyglot stop Password: Stopping polyglot. Waiting for PIDS: 910. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service udx stop Stopping udx. Waiting for PIDS: 1057. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo pkg update Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue... Fetching meta.txz: 100% 236 B 0.2kB/s 00:01 Fetching packagesite.txz: 100% 19 KiB 19.8kB/s 00:01 Processing entries: 0% Newer FreeBSD version for package FreeBSD-zfs: To ignore this error set IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes - package: 1202000 - running kernel: 1201000 Ignore the mismatch and continue? [Y/n]: y Processing entries: 100% FreeBSD-base repository update completed. 277 packages processed. Updating udi repository catalogue... Fetching meta.txz: 100% 796 B 0.8kB/s 00:01 Fetching packagesite.txz: 100% 96 KiB 98.7kB/s 00:01 Processing entries: 100% udi repository update completed. 353 packages processed. All repositories are up to date. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service polyglot start Starting polyglot. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service udx start Starting udx. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service mongod status mongod is not running. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue... FreeBSD-base repository is up to date. Updating udi repository catalogue... udi repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue... FreeBSD-base repository is up to date. Updating udi repository catalogue... udi repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. New version of pkg detected; it needs to be installed first. The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): Installed packages to be UPGRADED: pkg: 1.12.0 -> 1.15.10 [udi] Number of packages to be upgraded: 1 The process will require 3 MiB more space. 7 MiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y [1/1] Fetching pkg-1.15.10.txz: 100% 7 MiB 1.9MB/s 00:04 Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) [1/1] Upgrading pkg from 1.12.0 to 1.15.10... [1/1] Extracting pkg-1.15.10: 100% pkg: Failed to execute lua script: [string "args = {}..."]:11: attempt to call a nil value (field 'stat') Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue... FreeBSD-base repository is up to date. Updating udi repository catalogue... udi repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Checking for upgrades (68 candidates): 100% Processing candidates (68 candidates): 100% The following 108 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): Installed packages to be REMOVED: python27: 2.7.17_1 New packages to be INSTALLED: apr: [udi] bash-completion: 2.11,2 [udi] brotli: 1.0.9,1 [udi] db5: 5.3.28_7 [udi] gdbm: 1.18.1_1 [udi] gmp: 6.2.0 [udi] gnupg: 2.2.23 [udi] gnutls: 3.6.15 [udi] libassuan: 2.5.4 [udi] libedit: 3.1.20191231,1 [udi] libgcrypt: 1.8.7 [udi] libgpg-error: 1.39 [udi] libidn2: 2.3.0_1 [udi] libksba: 1.4.0 [udi] liblz4: 1.9.2_1,1 [udi] libtasn1: 4.16.0 [udi] libunistring: 0.9.10_1 [udi] nettle: 3.6 [udi] npth: 1.6 [udi] p11-kit: 0.23.21 [udi] p5-Clone: 0.45 [udi] p5-Encode-Locale: 1.05 [udi] p5-HTTP-Date: 6.05 [udi] p5-HTTP-Message: 6.26 [udi] p5-IO-HTML: 1.001_1 [udi] p5-LWP-MediaTypes: 6.04 [udi] p5-Term-ReadKey: 2.38_1 [udi] p5-TimeDate: 2.33,1 [udi] p5-URI: 1.76 [udi] p5-subversion: 1.14.0 [udi] pinentry: 1.1.0_6 [udi] pinentry-tty: 1.1.0 [udi] py37-mock: 3.0.5 [udi] serf: 1.3.9_5 [udi] sqlite3: 3.33.0_1,1 [udi] subversion: 1.14.0 [udi] tpm-emulator: 0.7.4_2 [udi] trousers: 0.3.14_3 [udi] utf8proc: 2.5.0 [udi] Installed packages to be UPGRADED: bash: 5.0.11 -> 5.0.18_3 [udi] boost-libs: 1.72.0 -> 1.72.0_3 [udi] c-ares: 1.15.0_1 -> 1.16.1 [udi] ca_root_nss: 3.48 -> 3.58 [udi] curl: 7.67.0 -> 7.73.0 [udi] cyrus-sasl: 2.1.27 -> 2.1.27_1 [udi] dmidecode: 3.2 -> 3.3 [udi] e2fsprogs-libuuid: 1.45.3 -> 1.45.6 [udi] flashrom: 1.1 -> 1.2 [udi] gettext-runtime: 0.20.1 -> 0.21 [udi] git: 2.24.1 -> 2.29.2 [udi] gmake: 4.2.1_3 -> 4.3_2 [udi] icu: 65.1,1 -> 68.1,1 [udi] isc-dhcp44-client: 4.4.1_1 -> 4.4.2_1 [udi] libconfuse: 3.2.1_1 -> 3.3_2 [udi] libffi: 3.2.1_3 -> 3.3_1 [udi] libftdi1: 1.4_14 -> 1.5_1 [udi] libnghttp2: 1.40.0 -> 1.41.0 [udi] libpci: 3.6.2 -> 3.7.0_1 [udi] libuv: 1.34.0 -> 1.40.0 [udi] libwebsockets: 2.4.2 -> 4.0.21 [udi] mongodb36: 3.6.14_1 -> 3.6.20 [udi] node: 13.3.0 -> 15.2.0 [udi] npm: 6.12.1 -> 6.14.8 [udi] p5-CGI: 4.44 -> 4.51 [udi] p5-Error: 0.17028 -> 0.17029 [udi] p5-HTML-Parser: 3.72 -> 3.75 [udi] p5-IO-Socket-SSL: 2.066 -> 2.068 [udi] p5-Mozilla-CA: 20180117 -> 20200520 [udi] p5-Net-SSLeay: 1.85 -> 1.88 [udi] pciids: 20191211 -> 20200922 [udi] pcre: 8.43_2 -> 8.44 [udi] perl5: 5.30.1 -> 5.32.0 [udi] polyglot: 2.2.8 -> 2.2.9_7 [udi] powerdxx: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4 [udi] py37-acme: 0.39.0,1 -> 1.9.0,1 [udi] py37-asn1crypto: 0.24.0 -> 1.3.0 [udi] py37-certbot: 0.39.0,1 -> 1.9.0,1 [udi] py37-certifi: 2019.9.11 -> 2020.6.20 [udi] py37-cffi: 1.13.2 -> 1.14.3 [udi] py37-configargparse: 0.15.2 -> 1.2.3 [udi] py37-dateutil: 2.8.0 -> 2.8.1 [udi] py37-distro: 1.4.0_1 -> 1.5.0 [udi] py37-holidays: 0.9.11_1 -> 0.9.12 [udi] py37-idna: 2.8 -> 2.10 [udi] py37-josepy: 1.2.0 -> 1.4.0 [udi] py37-parsedatetime: 2.5 -> 2.6 [udi] py37-pip: 19.1.1 -> 20.2.3 [udi] py37-pycparser: 2.19 -> 2.20 [udi] py37-pycryptodome: 3.9.0 -> 3.9.8 [udi] py37-pytz: 2019.3,1 -> 2020.1,1 [udi] py37-regex: 2018.02.21 -> 2020.7.14 [udi] py37-requests: 2.22.0 -> 2.22.0_2 [udi] py37-requests-toolbelt: 0.8.0_1 -> 0.9.1 [udi] py37-setuptools: 41.4.0_1 -> 44.0.0 [udi] py37-six: 1.12.0 -> 1.15.0 [udi] py37-urllib3: 1.25.6,1 -> 1.25.11,1 [udi] py37-yaml: 5.2 -> 5.3.1 [udi] python37: 3.7.5_1 -> 3.7.9_1 [udi] readline: 8.0.0 -> 8.0.4 [udi] snappy: 1.1.7 -> 1.1.8 [udi] sudo: 1.8.29 -> 1.9.3p1 [udi] udx: 1.0.26_4 -> 1.0.26_27 [udi] Installed packages to be REINSTALLED: p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1 [udi] (direct dependency changed: perl5) p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03_1 [udi] (direct dependency changed: perl5) p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1 [udi] (direct dependency changed: perl5) p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.72_1 [udi] (direct dependency changed: perl5) p5-Socket6-0.29 [udi] (direct dependency changed: perl5) Number of packages to be removed: 1 Number of packages to be installed: 39 Number of packages to be upgraded: 63 Number of packages to be reinstalled: 5 The process will require 33 MiB more space. 163 MiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y [1/107] Fetching udx-1.0.26_27.txz: 100% 555 KiB 568.7kB/s 00:01 [2/107] Fetching sudo-1.9.3p1.txz: 100% 876 KiB 896.9kB/s 00:01 [3/107] Fetching snappy-1.1.8.txz: 100% 22 KiB 22.7kB/s 00:01 [4/107] Fetching readline-8.0.4.txz: 100% 332 KiB 339.6kB/s 00:01 [5/107] Fetching python37-3.7.9_1.txz: 100% 16 MiB 3.4MB/s 00:05 [6/107] Fetching py37-yaml-5.3.1.txz: 100% 75 KiB 76.7kB/s 00:01 [7/107] Fetching py37-urllib3-1.25.11,1.txz: 49% 80 KiB 81.9kB/s 00:01 ET [7/107] Fetching py37-urllib3-1.25.11,1.txz: 100% 163 KiB 167.1kB/s 00:01 [8/107] Fetching py37-six-1.15.0.txz: 100% 19 KiB 19.6kB/s 00:01 [9/107] Fetching py37-setuptools-44.0.0.txz: 42% 216 KiB 221.2kB/s 00:01 ET [9/107] Fetching py37-setuptools-44.0.0.txz: 100% 512 KiB 524.4kB/s 00:01 [10/107] Fetching py37-requests-toolbelt-0.9.1.txz: 100% 65 KiB 66.3kB/s 0 0:01 [11/107] Fetching py37-requests-2.22.0_2.txz: 48% 40 KiB 41.0kB/s 00:01 E [11/107] Fetching py37-requests-2.22.0_2.txz: 100% 82 KiB 84.2kB/s 00:01 [12/107] Fetching py37-regex-2020.7.14.txz: 100% 291 KiB 298.1kB/s 00:01 [13/107] Fetching py37-pytz-2020.1,1.txz: 100% 157 KiB 160.9kB/s 00:01 [14/107] Fetching py37-pycryptodome-3.9.8.txz: 4% 496 KiB 507.9kB/s 00:19 [14/107] Fetching py37-pycryptodome-3.9.8.txz: 15% 1 MiB 1.1MB/s 00:10 [14/107] Fetching py37-pycryptodome-3.9.8.txz: 32% 3 MiB 1.8MB/s 00:04 [14/107] Fetching py37-pycryptodome-3.9.8.txz: 61% 6 MiB 2.9MB/s 00:02 [14/107] Fetching py37-pycryptodome-3.9.8.txz: 100% 10 MiB 2.6MB/s 00:04 [15/107] Fetching py37-pycparser-2.20.txz: 100% 164 KiB 168.4kB/s 00:01 [16/107] Fetching py37-pip-20.2.3.txz: 100% 2 MiB 894.2kB/s 00:02 [17/107] Fetching py37-parsedatetime-2.6.txz: 100% 57 KiB 58.3kB/s 00:01 [18/107] Fetching py37-josepy-1.4.0.txz: 100% 74 KiB 75.6kB/s 00:01 [19/107] Fetching py37-idna-2.10.txz: 100% 62 KiB 63.3kB/s 00:01 [20/107] Fetching py37-holidays-0.9.12.txz: 100% 74 KiB 76.2kB/s 00:01 [21/107] Fetching py37-distro-1.5.0.txz: 100% 23 KiB 23.3kB/s 00:01 [22/107] Fetching py37-dateutil-2.8.1.txz: 100% 255 KiB 261.1kB/s 00:01 [23/107] Fetching py37-configargparse-1.2.3.txz: 100% 26 KiB 26.9kB/s 00:0 1 [24/107] Fetching py37-cffi-1.14.3.txz: 100% 206 KiB 211.4kB/s 00:01 [25/107] Fetching py37-certifi-2020.6.20.txz: 100% 146 KiB 149.5kB/s 00:01 [26/107] Fetching py37-certbot-1.9.0,1.txz: 100% 293 KiB 299.6kB/s 00:01 [27/107] Fetching py37-asn1crypto-1.3.0.txz: 45% 72 KiB 73.7kB/s 00:01 ET [27/107] Fetching py37-asn1crypto-1.3.0.txz: 100% 159 KiB 162.7kB/s 00:01 [28/107] Fetching py37-acme-1.9.0,1.txz: 100% 65 KiB 66.1kB/s 00:01 [29/107] Fetching powerdxx-0.4.4.txz: 100% 100 KiB 102.7kB/s 00:01 [30/107] Fetching polyglot-2.2.9_7.txz: 100% 17 MiB 3.6MB/s 00:05 [31/107] Fetching perl5-5.32.0.txz: 100% 14 MiB 3.0MB/s 00:05 [32/107] Fetching pcre-8.44.txz: 100% 910 KiB 466.1kB/s 00:02 [33/107] Fetching pciids-20200922.txz: 100% 213 KiB 218.3kB/s 00:01 [34/107] Fetching p5-Socket6-0.29.txz: 100% 16 KiB 16.7kB/s 00:01 [35/107] Fetching p5-Net-SSLeay-1.88.txz: 100% 258 KiB 263.8kB/s 00:01 [36/107] Fetching p5-Mozilla-CA-20200520.txz: 49% 64 KiB 65.5kB/s 00:01 E [36/107] Fetching p5-Mozilla-CA-20200520.txz: 100% 128 KiB 131.1kB/s 00:01 [37/107] Fetching p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.068.txz: 24% 40 KiB 41.0kB/s 00:03 E [37/107] Fetching p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.068.txz: 100% 164 KiB 168.2kB/s 00:01 [38/107] Fetching p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.72_1.txz: 100% 13 KiB 13.1kB/s 00:0 1 [39/107] Fetching p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1.txz: 100% 12 KiB 12.0kB/s 00:01 [40/107] Fetching p5-HTML-Parser-3.75.txz: 100% 79 KiB 81.4kB/s 00:01 [41/107] Fetching p5-Error-0.17029.txz: 100% 27 KiB 27.3kB/s 00:01 [42/107] Fetching p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03_1.txz: 100% 10 KiB 10.2kB/s 00:01 [43/107] Fetching p5-CGI-4.51.txz: 100% 151 KiB 155.0kB/s 00:01 [44/107] Fetching p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1.txz: 100% 40 KiB 41.5kB/s 00:01 [45/107] Fetching npm-6.14.8.txz: 100% 4 MiB 742.2kB/s 00:05 [46/107] Fetching node-15.2.0.txz: 100% 7 MiB 745.4kB/s 00:10 [47/107] Fetching mongodb36-3.6.20.txz: 100% 36 MiB 928.7kB/s 00:41 [48/107] Fetching libwebsockets-4.0.21.txz: 100% 366 KiB 375.3kB/s 00:01 [49/107] Fetching libuv-1.40.0.txz: 100% 118 KiB 121.1kB/s 00:01 [50/107] Fetching libpci-3.7.0_1.txz: 100% 53 KiB 54.3kB/s 00:01 [51/107] Fetching libnghttp2-1.41.0.txz: 100% 116 KiB 119.1kB/s 00:01 [52/107] Fetching libftdi1-1.5_1.txz: 100% 118 KiB 120.4kB/s 00:01 [53/107] Fetching libffi-3.3_1.txz: 100% 39 KiB 40.0kB/s 00:01 [54/107] Fetching libconfuse-3.3_2.txz: 100% 55 KiB 55.9kB/s 00:01 [55/107] Fetching isc-dhcp44-client-4.4.2_1.txz: 9% 96 KiB 98.3kB/s 00:0 [55/107] Fetching isc-dhcp44-client-4.4.2_1.txz: 66% 648 KiB 565.3kB/s 00:0 [55/107] Fetching isc-dhcp44-client-4.4.2_1.txz: 100% 978 KiB 501.0kB/s 00:0 2 [56/107] Fetching icu-68.1,1.txz: 100% 10 MiB 769.3kB/s 00:14 [57/107] Fetching gmake-4.3_2.txz: 100% 416 KiB 425.7kB/s 00:01 [58/107] Fetching git-2.29.2.txz: 100% 5 MiB 737.2kB/s 00:07 [59/107] Fetching gettext-runtime-0.21.txz: 100% 148 KiB 151.1kB/s 00:01 [60/107] Fetching flashrom-1.2.txz: 100% 183 KiB 187.1kB/s 00:01 [61/107] Fetching e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.45.6.txz: 100% 34 KiB 34.7kB/s 00:01 [62/107] Fetching dmidecode-3.3.txz: 100% 61 KiB 62.5kB/s 00:01 [63/107] Fetching cyrus-sasl-2.1.27_1.txz: 100% 230 KiB 235.4kB/s 00:01 [64/107] Fetching curl-7.73.0.txz: 100% 1 MiB 553.4kB/s 00:02 [65/107] Fetching ca_root_nss-3.58.txz: 100% 285 KiB 291.6kB/s 00:01 [66/107] Fetching c-ares-1.16.1.txz: 100% 137 KiB 140.0kB/s 00:01 [67/107] Fetching boost-libs-1.72.0_3.txz: 100% 12 MiB 727.7kB/s 00:18 [68/107] Fetching bash-5.0.18_3.txz: 100% 1 MiB 417.1kB/s 00:03 [69/107] Fetching py37-mock-3.0.5.txz: 100% 42 KiB 42.7kB/s 00:01 [70/107] Fetching p5-HTTP-Message-6.26.txz: 100% 78 KiB 80.0kB/s 00:01 [71/107] Fetching p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04.txz: 100% 20 KiB 20.1kB/s 00:01 [72/107] Fetching p5-HTTP-Date-6.05.txz: 100% 10 KiB 10.6kB/s 00:01 [73/107] Fetching p5-TimeDate-2.33,1.txz: 100% 33 KiB 33.5kB/s 00:01 [74/107] Fetching p5-URI-1.76.txz: 100% 76 KiB 78.3kB/s 00:01 [75/107] Fetching p5-IO-HTML-1.001_1.txz: 100% 14 KiB 14.5kB/s 00:01 [76/107] Fetching p5-Clone-0.45.txz: 100% 10 KiB 10.5kB/s 00:01 [77/107] Fetching p5-Encode-Locale-1.05.txz: 100% 12 KiB 11.9kB/s 00:01 [78/107] Fetching brotli-1.0.9,1.txz: 100% 356 KiB 364.5kB/s 00:01 [79/107] Fetching p5-subversion-1.14.0.txz: 100% 1 MiB 533.3kB/s 00:02 [80/107] Fetching utf8proc-2.5.0.txz: 100% 54 KiB 55.2kB/s 00:01 [81/107] Fetching subversion-1.14.0.txz: 100% 3 MiB 536.5kB/s 00:06 [82/107] Fetching serf-1.3.9_5.txz: 100% 83 KiB 84.8kB/s 00:01 [83/107] Fetching apr- 100% 467 KiB 478.3kB/s 00:01 [84/107] Fetching gdbm-1.18.1_1.txz: 100% 162 KiB 165.9kB/s 00:01 [85/107] Fetching db5-5.3.28_7.txz: 100% 1 MiB 504.6kB/s 00:03 [86/107] Fetching gnupg-2.2.23.txz: 100% 2 MiB 522.8kB/s 00:04 [87/107] Fetching pinentry-1.1.0_6.txz: 100% 16 KiB 16.6kB/s 00:01 [88/107] Fetching pinentry-tty-1.1.0.txz: 100% 28 KiB 29.1kB/s 00:01 [89/107] Fetching libgpg-error-1.39.txz: 100% 232 KiB 237.2kB/s 00:01 [90/107] Fetching libassuan-2.5.4.txz: 100% 78 KiB 79.7kB/s 00:01 [91/107] Fetching libksba-1.4.0.txz: 100% 174 KiB 177.8kB/s 00:01 [92/107] Fetching libgcrypt-1.8.7.txz: 100% 616 KiB 630.3kB/s 00:01 [93/107] Fetching gnutls-3.6.15.txz: 100% 2 MiB 634.6kB/s 00:04 [94/107] Fetching trousers-0.3.14_3.txz: 100% 475 KiB 486.6kB/s 00:01 [95/107] Fetching tpm-emulator-0.7.4_2.txz: 100% 114 KiB 116.4kB/s 00:01 [96/107] Fetching gmp-6.2.0.txz: 100% 477 KiB 488.4kB/s 00:01 [97/107] Fetching p11-kit-0.23.21.txz: 100% 394 KiB 403.1kB/s 00:01 [98/107] Fetching bash-completion-2.11,2.txz: 100% 185 KiB 189.5kB/s 00:01 [99/107] Fetching libtasn1-4.16.0.txz: 100% 124 KiB 127.4kB/s 00:01 [100/107] Fetching nettle-3.6.txz: 100% 684 KiB 350.4kB/s 00:02 [101/107] Fetching libidn2-2.3.0_1.txz: 100% 111 KiB 113.3kB/s 00:01 [102/107] Fetching libunistring-0.9.10_1.txz: 100% 484 KiB 495.7kB/s 00:01 [103/107] Fetching npth-1.6.txz: 100% 21 KiB 21.0kB/s 00:01 [104/107] Fetching sqlite3-3.33.0_1,1.txz: 100% 1 MiB 483.3kB/s 00:03 [105/107] Fetching libedit-3.1.20191231,1.txz: 100% 134 KiB 137.3kB/s 00:01 [106/107] Fetching liblz4-1.9.2_1,1.txz: 100% 151 KiB 154.4kB/s 00:01 [107/107] Fetching p5-Term-ReadKey-2.38_1.txz: 100% 19 KiB 20.0kB/s 00:01 Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) [1/108] Upgrading readline from 8.0.0 to 8.0.4... [1/108] Extracting readline-8.0.4: 100% [2/108] Upgrading libffi from 3.2.1_3 to 3.3_1... [2/108] Extracting libffi-3.3_1: 100% [3/108] Upgrading gettext-runtime from 0.20.1 to 0.21... [3/108] Extracting gettext-runtime-0.21: 100% [4/108] Upgrading python37 from 3.7.5_1 to 3.7.9_1... [4/108] Extracting python37-3.7.9_1: 100% [5/108] Upgrading py37-setuptools from 41.4.0_1 to 44.0.0... [5/108] Extracting py37-setuptools-44.0.0: 100% [6/108] Upgrading py37-pycparser from 2.19 to 2.20... [6/108] Extracting py37-pycparser-2.20: 100% [7/108] Upgrading py37-six from 1.12.0 to 1.15.0... [7/108] Extracting py37-six-1.15.0: 100% [8/108] Upgrading py37-cffi from 1.13.2 to 1.14.3... [8/108] Extracting py37-cffi-1.14.3: 100% [9/108] Upgrading py37-asn1crypto from 0.24.0 to 1.3.0... [9/108] Extracting py37-asn1crypto-1.3.0: 100% [10/108] Upgrading bash from 5.0.11 to 5.0.18_3... [10/108] Extracting bash-5.0.18_3: 100% [11/108] Installing libgpg-error-1.39... [11/108] Extracting libgpg-error-1.39: 100% [12/108] Installing gmp-6.2.0... [12/108] Extracting gmp-6.2.0: 100% [13/108] Upgrading perl5 from 5.30.1 to 5.32.0... [13/108] Extracting perl5-5.32.0: 100% [14/108] Upgrading ca_root_nss from 3.48 to 3.58... [14/108] Extracting ca_root_nss-3.58: 100% [15/108] Installing libassuan-2.5.4... [15/108] Extracting libassuan-2.5.4: 100% [16/108] Installing tpm-emulator-0.7.4_2... ===> Creating groups. Creating group '_tss' with gid '601'. ===> Creating users Creating user '_tss' with uid '601'. [16/108] Extracting tpm-emulator-0.7.4_2: 100% [17/108] Installing bash-completion-2.11,2... [17/108] Extracting bash-completion-2.11,2: 100% [18/108] Installing libtasn1-4.16.0... [18/108] Extracting libtasn1-4.16.0: 100% [19/108] Installing libunistring-0.9.10_1... [19/108] Extracting libunistring-0.9.10_1: 100% [20/108] Upgrading py37-idna from 2.8 to 2.10... [20/108] Extracting py37-idna-2.10: 100% [21/108] Upgrading py37-certifi from 2019.9.11 to 2020.6.20... [21/108] Extracting py37-certifi-2020.6.20: 100% [22/108] Installing p5-TimeDate-2.33,1... [22/108] Extracting p5-TimeDate-2.33,1: 100% [23/108] Installing gdbm-1.18.1_1... [23/108] Extracting gdbm-1.18.1_1: 100% [24/108] Installing db5-5.3.28_7... [24/108] Extracting db5-5.3.28_7: 100% [25/108] Installing pinentry-tty-1.1.0... [25/108] Extracting pinentry-tty-1.1.0: 100% [26/108] Installing trousers-0.3.14_3... ===> Creating groups. Using existing group '_tss'. ===> Creating users Using existing user '_tss'. [26/108] Extracting trousers-0.3.14_3: 100% [27/108] Installing p11-kit-0.23.21... [27/108] Extracting p11-kit-0.23.21: 100% [28/108] Installing nettle-3.6... [28/108] Extracting nettle-3.6: 100% [29/108] Installing libidn2-2.3.0_1... [29/108] Extracting libidn2-2.3.0_1: 100% [30/108] Installing libedit-3.1.20191231,1... [30/108] Extracting libedit-3.1.20191231,1: 100% [31/108] Upgrading py37-urllib3 from 1.25.6,1 to 1.25.11,1... [31/108] Extracting py37-urllib3-1.25.11,1: 100% [32/108] Installing p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04... [32/108] Extracting p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04: 100% [33/108] Installing p5-HTTP-Date-6.05... [33/108] Extracting p5-HTTP-Date-6.05: 100% [34/108] Installing p5-URI-1.76... [34/108] Extracting p5-URI-1.76: 100% [35/108] Installing p5-IO-HTML-1.001_1... [35/108] Extracting p5-IO-HTML-1.001_1: 100% [36/108] Installing p5-Clone-0.45... [36/108] Extracting p5-Clone-0.45: 100% [37/108] Installing p5-Encode-Locale-1.05... [37/108] Extracting p5-Encode-Locale-1.05: 100% [38/108] Installing apr- [38/108] Extracting apr- 100% [39/108] Installing pinentry-1.1.0_6... [39/108] Extracting pinentry-1.1.0_6: 100% [40/108] Installing libksba-1.4.0... [40/108] Extracting libksba-1.4.0: 100% [41/108] Installing libgcrypt-1.8.7... [41/108] Extracting libgcrypt-1.8.7: 100% [42/108] Installing gnutls-3.6.15... [42/108] Extracting gnutls-3.6.15: 100% [43/108] Installing npth-1.6... [43/108] Extracting npth-1.6: 100% [44/108] Installing sqlite3-3.33.0_1,1... [44/108] Extracting sqlite3-3.33.0_1,1: 100% [45/108] Upgrading py37-requests from 2.22.0 to 2.22.0_2... [45/108] Extracting py37-requests-2.22.0_2: 100% [46/108] Upgrading py37-pytz from 2019.3,1 to 2020.1,1... [46/108] Extracting py37-pytz-2020.1,1: 100% [47/108] Reinstalling p5-Socket6-0.29... [47/108] Extracting p5-Socket6-0.29: 100% [48/108] Reinstalling p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1... [48/108] Extracting p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1: 100% [49/108] Upgrading icu from 65.1,1 to 68.1,1... [49/108] Extracting icu-68.1,1: 100% [50/108] Installing p5-HTTP-Message-6.26... [50/108] Extracting p5-HTTP-Message-6.26: 100% [51/108] Installing utf8proc-2.5.0... [51/108] Extracting utf8proc-2.5.0: 100% [52/108] Installing serf-1.3.9_5... [52/108] Extracting serf-1.3.9_5: 100% [53/108] Installing gnupg-2.2.23... [53/108] Extracting gnupg-2.2.23: 100% [54/108] Installing liblz4-1.9.2_1,1... [54/108] Extracting liblz4-1.9.2_1,1: 100% [55/108] Deinstalling python27-2.7.17_1... [55/108] Deleting files for python27-2.7.17_1: 100% [56/108] Upgrading snappy from 1.1.7 to 1.1.8... [56/108] Extracting snappy-1.1.8: 100% [57/108] Upgrading py37-requests-toolbelt from 0.8.0_1 to 0.9.1... [57/108] Extracting py37-requests-toolbelt-0.9.1: 100% [58/108] Upgrading py37-josepy from 1.2.0 to 1.4.0... [58/108] Extracting py37-josepy-1.4.0: 100% [59/108] Upgrading pcre from 8.43_2 to 8.44... [59/108] Extracting pcre-8.44: 100% [60/108] Upgrading pciids from 20191211 to 20200922... [60/108] Extracting pciids-20200922: 100% [61/108] Upgrading p5-Net-SSLeay from 1.85 to 1.88... [61/108] Extracting p5-Net-SSLeay-1.88: 100% [62/108] Upgrading p5-Mozilla-CA from 20180117 to 20200520... [62/108] Extracting p5-Mozilla-CA-20200520: 100% [63/108] Reinstalling p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.72_1... [63/108] Extracting p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.72_1: 100% [64/108] Upgrading p5-HTML-Parser from 3.72 to 3.75... [64/108] Extracting p5-HTML-Parser-3.75: 100% [65/108] Reinstalling p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03_1... [65/108] Extracting p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03_1: 100% [66/108] Upgrading libuv from 1.34.0 to 1.40.0... [66/108] Extracting libuv-1.40.0: 100% [67/108] Upgrading libnghttp2 from 1.40.0 to 1.41.0... [67/108] Extracting libnghttp2-1.41.0: 100% [68/108] Upgrading libconfuse from 3.2.1_1 to 3.3_2... [68/108] Extracting libconfuse-3.3_2: 100% [69/108] Upgrading e2fsprogs-libuuid from 1.45.3 to 1.45.6... [69/108] Extracting e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.45.6: 100% [70/108] Upgrading cyrus-sasl from 2.1.27 to 2.1.27_1... *** Updated user `cyrus'. [70/108] Extracting cyrus-sasl-2.1.27_1: 100% [71/108] Upgrading c-ares from 1.15.0_1 to 1.16.1... [71/108] Extracting c-ares-1.16.1: 100% [72/108] Upgrading boost-libs from 1.72.0 to 1.72.0_3... [72/108] Extracting boost-libs-1.72.0_3: 100% [73/108] Installing py37-mock-3.0.5... [73/108] Extracting py37-mock-3.0.5: 100% [74/108] Installing brotli-1.0.9,1... [74/108] Extracting brotli-1.0.9,1: 100% [75/108] Installing subversion-1.14.0... [75/108] Extracting subversion-1.14.0: 100% [76/108] Upgrading py37-parsedatetime from 2.5 to 2.6... [76/108] Extracting py37-parsedatetime-2.6: 100% [77/108] Upgrading py37-distro from 1.4.0_1 to 1.5.0... [77/108] Extracting py37-distro-1.5.0: 100% [78/108] Upgrading py37-configargparse from 0.15.2 to 1.2.3... [78/108] Extracting py37-configargparse-1.2.3: 100% [79/108] Upgrading py37-acme from 0.39.0,1 to 1.9.0,1... [79/108] Extracting py37-acme-1.9.0,1: 100% [80/108] Upgrading p5-IO-Socket-SSL from 2.066 to 2.068... [80/108] Extracting p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.068: 100% [81/108] Upgrading p5-Error from 0.17028 to 0.17029... [81/108] Extracting p5-Error-0.17029: 100% [82/108] Upgrading p5-CGI from 4.44 to 4.51... [82/108] Extracting p5-CGI-4.51: 100% [83/108] Reinstalling p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1... [83/108] Extracting p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1: 100% [84/108] Upgrading node from 13.3.0 to 15.2.0... [84/108] Extracting node-15.2.0: 100% [85/108] Upgrading mongodb36 from 3.6.14_1 to 3.6.20... ===> Creating groups. Using existing group 'mongodb'. ===> Creating users Using existing user 'mongodb'. ===> Creating homedir(s) [85/108] Extracting mongodb36-3.6.20: 100% [86/108] Upgrading libpci from 3.6.2 to 3.7.0_1... [86/108] Extracting libpci-3.7.0_1: 100% [87/108] Upgrading libftdi1 from 1.4_14 to 1.5_1... [87/108] Extracting libftdi1-1.5_1: 100% [88/108] Upgrading gmake from 4.2.1_3 to 4.3_2... [88/108] Extracting gmake-4.3_2: 100% [89/108] Upgrading dmidecode from 3.2 to 3.3... [89/108] Extracting dmidecode-3.3: 100% [90/108] Upgrading curl from 7.67.0 to 7.73.0... [90/108] Extracting curl-7.73.0: 100% [91/108] Installing p5-subversion-1.14.0... [91/108] Extracting p5-subversion-1.14.0: 100% [92/108] Installing p5-Term-ReadKey-2.38_1... [92/108] Extracting p5-Term-ReadKey-2.38_1: 100% [93/108] Upgrading udx from 1.0.26_4 to 1.0.26_27... [93/108] Extracting udx-1.0.26_27: 100% [94/108] Upgrading sudo from 1.8.29 to 1.9.3p1... [94/108] Extracting sudo-1.9.3p1: 100% [95/108] Upgrading py37-yaml from 5.2 to 5.3.1... [95/108] Extracting py37-yaml-5.3.1: 100% [96/108] Upgrading py37-regex from 2018.02.21 to 2020.7.14... [96/108] Extracting py37-regex-2020.7.14: 100% [97/108] Upgrading py37-pycryptodome from 3.9.0 to 3.9.8... [97/108] Extracting py37-pycryptodome-3.9.8: 100% [98/108] Upgrading py37-pip from 19.1.1 to 20.2.3... [98/108] Extracting py37-pip-20.2.3: 100% [99/108] Upgrading py37-holidays from 0.9.11_1 to 0.9.12... [99/108] Extracting py37-holidays-0.9.12: 100% [100/108] Upgrading py37-dateutil from 2.8.0 to 2.8.1... [100/108] Extracting py37-dateutil-2.8.1: 100% [101/108] Upgrading py37-certbot from 0.39.0,1 to 1.9.0,1... [101/108] Extracting py37-certbot-1.9.0,1: 100% [102/108] Upgrading powerdxx from 0.4.3 to 0.4.4... [102/108] Extracting powerdxx-0.4.4: 100% [103/108] Upgrading polyglot from 2.2.8 to 2.2.9_7... ===> Creating groups. Using existing group 'polyglot'. ===> Creating users Using existing user 'polyglot'. ===> Creating homedir(s) [103/108] Extracting polyglot-2.2.9_7: 100% [104/108] Upgrading npm from 6.12.1 to 6.14.8... [104/108] Extracting npm-6.14.8: 100% [105/108] Upgrading libwebsockets from 2.4.2 to 4.0.21... [105/108] Extracting libwebsockets-4.0.21: 100% [106/108] Upgrading isc-dhcp44-client from 4.4.1_1 to 4.4.2_1... [106/108] Extracting isc-dhcp44-client-4.4.2_1: 100% [107/108] Upgrading git from 2.24.1 to 2.29.2... ===> Creating groups. Using existing group 'git_daemon'. ===> Creating users Using existing user 'git_daemon'. [107/108] Extracting git-2.29.2: 100% [108/108] Upgrading flashrom from 1.1 to 1.2... [108/108] Extracting flashrom-1.2: 100% ===== Message from bash-completion-2.11,2: -- To enable the bash completion library, add the following to your .bashrc file: [[ $PS1 && -f /usr/local/share/bash-completion/bash_completion.sh ]] && \ source /usr/local/share/bash-completion/bash_completion.sh See /usr/local/share/doc/bash-completion/README.md for more information. ===== Message from trousers-0.3.14_3: -- To run tcsd automatically, add the following line to /etc/rc.conf: tcsd_enable="YES" You might want to edit /usr/local/etc/tcsd.conf to reflect your setup. If you want to use tcsd with software TPM emulator, use the following configuration in /etc/rc.conf: tcsd_enable="YES" tcsd_mode="emulator" tpmd_enable="YES" To use TPM, add your_account to '_tss' group like following: # pw groupmod _tss -m your_account ===== Message from py37-urllib3-1.25.11,1: -- Since version 1.25 HTTPS connections are now verified by default which is done via "cert_reqs = 'CERT_REQUIRED'". While certificate verification can be disabled via "cert_reqs = 'CERT_NONE'", it's highly recommended to leave it on. Various consumers of net/py-urllib3 already have implemented routines that either explicitly enable or disable HTTPS certificate verification (e.g. via configuration settings, CLI arguments, etc.). Yet it may happen that there are still some consumers which don't explicitly enable/disable certificate verification for HTTPS connections which could then lead to errors (as is often the case with self-signed certificates). In case of an error one should try first to temporarily disable certificate verification of the problematic urllib3 consumer to see if that approach will remedy the issue. ===== Message from apr- -- The Apache Portable Runtime project removed support for FreeTDS with version 1.6. Users requiring MS-SQL connectivity must migrate configurations to use the added ODBC driver and FreeTDS' ODBC features. ===== Message from gnupg-2.2.23: -- GnuPG, when run on hosts without IPv6 connectivity, may fail to connect to dual-stack hkp servers [1]. As a workaround, add disable-ipv6 to /usr/local/etc/dirmngr.conf [1] https://dev.gnupg.org/rGecfc4db3a2f8bc2652ba4ac4de5ca1cd13bfcbec ===== Message from py37-certbot-1.9.0,1: -- The certbot periodic script has new config options: * weekly_certbot_pre_hook * weekly_certbot_post_hook * weekly_certbot_deploy_hook * weekly_certbot_custom_args For config details, see the certbot periodic script: /usr/local/etc/periodic/weekly/500.certbot-3.7 [admin@polisy ~]$ After rebooting I now seen to get all 3 LEDs fast blinking. then a beep with one LED than back to the 3 LEDs Blinking. Some sort of rolling reboot?
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