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Everything posted by epete

  1. epete

    New to ISY

    Thanks. I am having better luck this morning after having everything unplugged overnight; powering up the PLM and letting it stabilize before powering up ISY also moved it away from the PC. I have a garage door kit that I was able to find on the ISY; however it did give me an error saying that "The following devices could not be added: 2B.FB.B6 (2450) IOLinc v.41 - Cannot determine device link table address" I suspect this is because I did not properly factory reset the IOLinc. I assume this confirms the PLC is still working. I assume I can apply the fix on this URL http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13866-repair-of-2413s-plm-when-the-power-supply-fails/to avoid possible future problems.
  2. epete

    New to ISY

    2413S V1.4 1051
  3. epete

    New to ISY

    I would hope it is not typical for a new PLM, however I just purchased a bunch of stuff from Costco.com when they had their Insteon sale a couple weeks ago. Then after reading about ISY I realized that was really what I wanted. This explains why I have the HUB. So I am low on cash now and the ISY was a refurb from orchestrated home and the PLM was used on ebay. I am aware of the capacitor issue and know how to replace components on a PCB so if that is the problem, I will be able to fix it. The PLM looked in New condition and worked for the several days I had it plugged in so the only think I worry about is an intermittent problem which could be a reason to sell on ebay. Who knows. I have the whole system unplugged now and will play again tomorrow as time permits. Again, thanks for all of the suggestions. Scottmichaelj, on the SMS/Text item, are you talking about system alerts by SMS/Text? I was aware of that capability. I am looking for the opposite. Such as sending the text "Office Lights On" to a google voice number which could be forwarded to another service or maybe grabbed in IFTTT to tell ISY to turn my Office Light on.
  4. epete

    New to ISY

    hmmm, I think my PLM just died. I am now getting safe mode and the PLM LET doesn't ever light.
  5. epete

    New to ISY

    Sorry if I am all over the place here. I was also wondering if there is a way to send a text to a google voice number and depending on what I say in the text it can control specific items. That may be better for me than any sort of mobile portal.
  6. epete

    New to ISY

    I have deleted all devices from the hub. I think I am supposed to now factory reset my devices. It is just a little confusing as to how to do this. Pressing and holding the settings button for 3 seconds twice followed by a third press. Not sure tat it worked. I still see my hub on the ISY and not sure how to unlink that, The ISY still cannot find the devices I unlinked from the hub. Allare connected in the same room.
  7. epete

    New to ISY

    ok, thanks all. this has been very helpful.
  8. epete

    New to ISY

    I haven't gotten very far in any setup so resetting is no bug deal. I did not purchase Mobilink, just the ISY Module and since it was a standard model, I upgraded it to Pro. If I cannot have ISY Portal and Mobilink at the same time is there another way to control from my iPhone? A DO button using IFTTT may be sufficient. I guess I will have to figure that one out too.
  9. epete

    New to ISY

    I purchased the Pro Module and the ISY Portal Module thinking that this would allow the best functionality for me. I was interested in integrating with the Echo and also having buttons available on my Iphone. Since I purchased the starter kit with Hub+2 Dimmer modules, I had a week or so head start playing with that before my ISY arrived. I like how I don't have to reference Issy when using the hub. It was very easy to set up and it just works. After the ISY arrived, I saw that the ISY Portal Module was really a 2 year subscription. If I had read that carefully before purchasing, I may not have purchased it at all. So this is why I still have my hub connected, I was thinking I could use that for integrating Echo and just letting the ISY Portal subscription run out. Could have used that money towards another device So given the advice received above, will using the hub for Echo integration cause problems or can they be used simultaneously with some caution? I also noticed that if using MobiLinc, there was something that I wanted to use that I had to disable. I cannot find where that is documented and forget what it was. Oh well. I will use the info above to work on my communication links and resolve those problems first. For now, I am happy just playing.
  10. epete

    New to ISY

    I have connected my ISY994i and was able to link a couple devices. I haven't done anything other than that so far but this morning I got a message that it could not communicate with 2 of my 3 devices. The device that was still linked was the Insteon Hub, which I guess I really didn't need to link but I was curious if the Hub and ISY could communicate. I see that they can link but cannot do anything else. Anyway, I deleted the two devices (dimmers) thinking I would just re-link them to fix the problem. Now I cannot get them to re-link. 1. The start Linking action and pressing the set button s for 3-5 Sec does not bring them back. 2. The Restore Device seemed to remember these devices used to be linked but also did not bring them back. I didn't try manually adding them using the address on the back of the devices yet, but really want to understand what I did wrong. Can anyone point me in the right direction on this?
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