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Everything posted by Ajax
Ok so still leaning towards insteon just bc of familiarity. My only concern is that Menards discontinued carrying them and they don't seem to coming out with anything new. But reading the news etc seem like they are sticking around. Thoughts? Does anyone have a contact for a good sale?
Lilyoyo1 are you referring to these? https://www.amazon.com/EATON-Wiring-RF9540-NDW-Aspire-Dimmer/dp/B00S9KMLCI/ref=asc_df_B00S9KMLCI/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=194019628201&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13185214876408767246&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9018273&hvtargid=pla-340551338844&psc=1
See that is the thing my last house was new construction, lived in it for 4 years and my PLM was just fine, maybe I was lucky! Bc from what I have read failures are the norm.
Thanks all keep 'em coming. Yeah I just like insteon simplicity and not having to worrying about healing networks etc. But the fact that I cannot find a sale at this moment for the switches is a little annoying once I realized Menards had them for $19.99, I am looking for about 140 switches and @ $48 a piece is a little steep.
OK I just spend the day reading and I am more confused than when I started. My last house was completely Insteon/Isy and I loved it. My parents are building a very large vacation home and asked me what they should install. I would prefer Insteon/Isy again bc I know and like it. But with all the z-wave and wireless switches I am just not so sure. I love the fact that I can the keypads etc from Insteon. I am mad bc last night I went on Menards website and they were selling Insteon dimmers for $19! Tried buying 200 but only 1 left in all of the USA for Menards since the discontinued it... So no real good sale that I can find at this moment. I know the arguments for z-wave over insteon protocol etc, but not sure what is the future, which I know is the million dollar question and everyone wish they knew... If you guys have time and are not too annoyed at this moment since this question comes up every week. Which direction would you go? This is for my parents so no need for voice control or anything like that. If you recommend something besides insteon do you mind providing names not just protocols of what you would use. My main wishes are: 1. Whole house control-Basically all off function. 2. Remote sensor monitoring (vacation home- water leaks etc BAD) 3. Option to change light control for different lights or scenes 4. Dimmers for LED. 5. Reliable, if wireless stops dont want then to call saying nothing is working. Thanks in advance
I did the above mentioned with all my keypads by the doors, but for foolproofness mine requires a double tap to run that scene
Well there seem to be a consensus that there are better ways to do this for the next round. But for now what are your thoughts or steps I should take in my original post? If you guys don't mind by quoting my post and answering each question would be appreciated. All I know is that I am going to miss the days of just telling "Echo" goodnight and she shuts of all the lights, lock the doors etc!
Yeah I was surprised that they wanted it to stay as well. But gives me a chance to redo the next house with new stuff!
OK guys I was only able to find one post of what to do when your house sells. The whole house has insteon with network module, Amazon alexa (6), Nest (thermostat and smoke), and Mobilinc (app control) working together... the new owners wanted it all to stay. I cannot just simply reset everything bc of 3-way scenes and fan control. So what would be the most painless for me and the new owner be? It is been so long since I did the initial setup I cannot remember the steps of tying it all together anymore Isy: 1. Change user and pass to "Admin" 2. Delete all programs/scenes that does not have anything to do with 3-ways, fan control, or water sensors notifications 3. Rename bedrooms etc. to something more generic in the Admin console. 4. Anything else? Amazon Alexa: 1. Remove them all from my amazon account. 2. Anything else? Isy Network Module: 1. No idea? - Do I change login credentials? - What about the Alexa link? Nest: 1. Just remove my network or reset to default, since its not tied in to the Isy. Mobilinc: 1. No idea? Anything that should be added or I am doing wrong? What would the new homeowner steps be to get it all up and running under his name? ( I really wanted to take it all with me but they liked it a lot!) Thanks!
Yeah it is a KPL controlling a On/Off Module 1714 rev1.1s Will check on the programs
Ok, must be my house trying to tell me get off my chair and go sleep in bed, but this morning I woke up in my living room chair with the floor lamps on. I know they were turned off, so curious why they would be on? Couple screenshots of memberships and logs. As you can see took me about 30min to wake up but the used MobiLinc to turn it off. Loking back thru my logs it seems to have happened a couple more time over the last 2 years. not at the the same time either....
Disabled and re-enabled the Skill, and working great again! Thanks
Is there a good way to see when? If I have to guess about 7-9 days ago.
Will have to give that a shot, cant get Alexa to control any of my devices anymore, using V3
OK so the scene in ISY that contains all my lights as responders and 1 keypad button(non-toggle-off) as the controller will turn of the scene either using the controller or at the scene level in ISY turning of the scene will turn everything off as well. I went ahead and added the ISY scene to Alexa via ISY portal. The scene shows up in Alexa app under "Devices" I can go to the device and toggle "off" and it would work one time then never again, unless I remove the scene from the portal and add it back. The Alexa does respond with OK when I say "Alexa good night" I did try it with another scene that turns some lights on, which works just fine the only difference is that the scene that is working does not have a control device, only responders. Where the one I have issues with has one control device as well.
Turning off a scene with devices set to on, so I have the routine set to turn the scene OFF, but nothing- I actually have tried both on and off for the scene control in the routine
OK I have my morning routine setup , turns on a couple devices, weather etc. But my Goodnight routine I cannot get to work. I have a "all off" for my main floor that I would like to use. I have tried both setting them up in a scene that I normally control with a keypad button by my bed, and a program that runs the scene. But nothing I do makes it run. I can go in my alexa app and select either the scene or program and trigger it just fine, but it does not want to do anything in a routine?
Yeah I have always used a scene and I just had to double tap my keypad when I leave. Worked great, but of course i missed a couple keypads etc, and wanted it to work perfect. Will wait for daylight and my wife to be gone before I attempt that again! It was kind of strange after I did my restore from a backup my contact list was empty, which was no big deal but was just surprised.
So to the guys that prefer a program over a scene. Does your program just consist of the "IF" being a controller(keypad) for me, and then just a bunch of turn off commands for each device? I will give the program instead of scene a shot.
Thanks again guys, next time I will just kill power to the house to reset it, instead of listening to my wife for 45min...
OK guys, I have a scene with most of my devices 70+ that I use a double tap on a keypad to shut-off everything that I want when I leave the house. Worked fine, except I realized I must have missed some devices on my 3-way switches and decided to redo that all "All-off" scene, removed everything from the scene just fine. Then selected all devices and added it to the "all off" scene thinking I can just remove the devices from that scene that I do not want in it, better than adding them instead. Since it took for ever I got distracted with other stuff, and left my computer be. Forgetting that it would go to sleep. Came back and it was sleeping, once woken it seem to keep doing its thing, but suddenly most of my devices would go thru on-off cycles every few minutes at 9pm at night after my 3 kids went to bed, so this left me with a screaming baby, 2 giggly girls that thought it was hilarious and one very pissed off wife.... I tried everything, first I restored a back-up that did not work, then I tried unplugging the PLC that did not work, finally I did a device restore and after about 45min everything stopped cycling on-off and was back to normal. So my questions, first why did it keep doing the on-off cycle once I unhooked the PLC? I always thought that was a good fail safe when stuff goes bad? Secondly what is the best way to recover from a crash like that? And of course I forgot to do a backup before this massive change (dumbass) and lost some new installed switches and programs, guess that was a good learning lesson...
Alexa has the option to train by individual voices as well. Options to use it is still limited to shopping and music lists.
So we can have something like weatherbug push a notification "alarm" for certain weather conditions like tornadoes?
Amazon did it again and broke device names with latest update...
Ajax replied to ahwman's topic in Amazon Echo
This is really starting to get frustrating. I had a scene called "Some" , which worked great for turning on some lights when I walked into the house, but now I get the dreaded " Found several devices that share that name..... Any fixes yet? -
Di Did you get this figured out?