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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. What do you mean no secure port? Something like port 80? If that is the case it says its closed
  2. I tried using that tool earlier but for some reason it would not let me enter(change) the IP but found another one (yougetsignal) and it says that it is open.
  3. Thanks for the fast reply-Sorry I might not have posted it correctly but I am using the one that I use to access my router from outside my network WAN. The same one that I use for the Ctrlhome app.
  4. Ok guys long time lurker, first time poster- finally got my system up and going. One major issue at this moment is that I cannot seem to access my Admin console from outside my network. I am running a Netgear R7800 router that has Unpnp but for some reason did not work when I tried to set my ISY for remote access. But I just went ahead and port forwarded port 443 and reserved the IP. I can use the App CtrlHome on my Iphone and access my ISY remotely on my desktop, but when I select admin console it goes there, shows the screen and then times out. So I figured I had to install the applet. I also cleared everything in the Java cache. So I installed the one that matches my firmware 4.5.1. Which brings up the ISY finder but I have tried https://myIp http://myip https://myip:443 http://myip:443 But keeps saying not found, what am I missing? Thanks
  5. Ajax


    Check the switches as well, I picked up a bunch today for $25 a piece with combined shipping of $7 dont look for the PRIME ones they are higher priced.
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