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Everything posted by KSchex

  1. @asbril I am not very well versed in this particular equipment but I do have some suggestions that may or not apply. Just changing the amp out to a high dollar unit may not solve your problem. What ever caused the amp to fail is still there. First I would determine what failed in the amp; output, power supply, input. Obviously something has changed in your system; adding speakers, new TV, grounding, etc. The output of this amp is probably a bridge arrangement that is designed to source an 8 or 4 ohm load that is UN Grounded. Lower cost amps sometimes have little protection from speaker faults or miss connection. It is possible for one of your other devices to be providing a path to ground or "amp power common" within the amp. I had a similar problem connecting the output of an MP3 player to an amp. The player output was expecting a 4 ohm speaker. The amp input common was grounding the output of the player and cooked the amp in the player. Best of luck..
  2. Not going to retire the ISY any time soon. If it works don't touch it. Unless, Polisy is absolutely awesome and full of goodies.
  3. @kevindavis544 I am using 5.3.4 with two MIMOlites. However, the ISY has never operated properly with the MIMO 2+.
  4. I know this is an old question/problem and probably been asked many times: Has the ISY been fixed so that it works with the Fortrezz MIMO2+????
  5. KSchex

    ISY Discontinued?

    Hope all is good as I am getting ready to order another ISY for my fishing camp.Thanks all.
  6. KSchex

    ISY Discontinued?

    Thanks MrBill. I checked that too. Hoping a company rep would calm the nerves. You know you read all kinds of nonsence on the internet. Thanks..
  7. KSchex

    ISY Discontinued?

    So I have one serious question: Is the ISY994 still a product being activly sold by Universal Devices?
  8. I find in general, there is a lack of quality push button command/status type ZWave devices. After a year long escapade with Fibaro and Aeotec I wound up rolling my own. I used a Beagle Bone Black then an Arduino UNO WIFI R2 to send REST commands to the ISY. I built them in a nice wooden box with buttons and status LEDs. I do like using Alexa with the ISY. She seldom makes a mistake and we don't have to get up to command something on or off (lazieness). Automation was a play toy for this retired electrical engineer but it has become a necessity for us. We rely on it daily.
  9. I couldn't resist commenting...As a person that lacks mobility relying on "remote" control; I find the ISY affords me extremely reliable non stop failure free operation with Z-Wave. Fortunately I am able to write my own software hense a tailored UI to my needs. I don't mind saying if I could interface my home spun sensors to HA easily, with HTTP protocol, I would consider HA. I do like the UI possibilities. Unfortunately, HA would be an indepth learning experience with got-chas along the way, relying on forums for assistance. Best of luck..
  10. @io_guy and all, thanks for the posts. I too had a similar experience with 500 series and a new Sledge. I didn't want to deal with it and my long time working ISY so I returned the lock. Best of luck.
  11. @wingman1487Thanks for the post. Several times over the last year I have almost pushed the buy button for a Schlage. I certainly am not looking to waste a lot of time calling vendors. Thanks for the reminder. Does UDI have any thoughts?
  12. Hi all. The FX sound module that I used requires an amp and of course 5v. It has 10 contact inputs that you short to ground to play the associated .wav file. To load the sounds you plug the raw module into your computer's USB. It looks like a memory device, just copy your wave files to it. The Adafruit FX that I am using does not have an audio amp on board so an external is needed. I use this with an Arduino WIFI R2. My ISY sends HTTP POST messages to play audible associated alarms; door open, etc. Hope this helps.
  13. I use an Adafruit FX 16mb sound card with a 20 watt amp. The sound card can play up to 10 discrete wav. It has discrete inputs so you don't need a computer. Real simple. I use it to announce gates open, doors open and it barks when the mailbox is opened. Best of luck.
  14. Don't know about Insteon but a Mimo device would work for ZWave. Best of luck.
  15. @wdhille Thanks very much for keeping us updated on your "expedition". For the longest time I have wanted to incorporate smart locks. Not wanting the cloud or headaches like you I have avoided it. As a side note, I have tried several different extenders. Even though they are ZWave certified compatible, they do not all perform the same. Best of luck..
  16. I have three Aeotec window/door sensors, bought same time, stamped same rev, same date and each one shows up different. Started when switched to 5. They work as simple contact sensors so let it be. I am over it. Best of luck.
  17. I use an Aeotec Door/Window sensor to detect a specific light level. I removed the internal magnetic switch and put my circuit in place. I used a resistive photo device and a couple of transistors to adjust for a specific light level. Best of luck.
  18. Congratulations to the UDI team for attaining the Z-Wave Plus Certification!!! Many thanks to @Chris Jahn and @Michel Kohanim for their undying effort and support!
  19. We need to remember that 5.x.x is not an official software release and we are the "test bed". On the flip side, 5.x.x offers more features and functionality than 4.x.x, in bringing ISY up to today's level of functionality. I am not pro or con. I too experienced major frustration in my 3x attempts at update. However ISY is purring along once again with 5.2.
  20. I realize that 5.2.0 is not "released" software and we are using it at our own risk. All my devices are currently 300 series. I have recently installed a 500 series module and 5.2.0 in an effort to be more compatible with newer devices. So far all is good for me but I read about a lot of communication problems and the inability for the ISY to see certain devices without moving them close. My question is: Is there a problem with 5.2 that will rear it's ugly head when I add more devices and door locks?
  21. @bcdavis75 Look at FortrezZ Mimo. It is ZWave, 2 inputs and 2 relay outs.
  22. Not at a computer to look it up this morning. I did a search on 300 to 500 series update or upgrade. It is short but it says to do a zwave restore and that makes all good.
  23. @matapan After you load 5.2 you need to do a ZWave restore. Follow the detail instructions in the Wiki not the web site. Had the same problem as you yesterday.
  24. Kind of torques me a bit.
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