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Everything posted by upstatemike

  1. I wonder if the ISY994 case can be repurposed somehow?
  2. I don't see any way for Matter to be incorporated at the protocol level so for Insteon it will always be a hub integration. Since we all use Polisy/Eisy as our Insteon hub and we know it will support Matter, why do we care what Insteon does with Matter?
  3. I wish the M1 had more output options. I have some areas where I want to hear all chime announcements during the day and others where I want to Disable Non-Alarm voice messages 24/7.
  4. I don't think "modules" in this context means Insteon modules but rather ISY extensions such as X-10 or Z-Wave.
  5. Yes to the TI 99 at least.
  6. Is support ending for the ISY26 also? I still have mine!
  7. What a lot of folks consider unneeded duplication, I see as redundancy and resilience. I like the idea of minimizing any dependencies between systems and maintaing high reliablity. I don't care about power consumtion or shelf/rack space required. I just want things to work, continuously and with zero latency, no matter what.
  8. I never really saw the point of virtual machines. Too much centralization and contention in sharing hardware ports etc. My Home Automation strategy is federated systems with each unit playing to its particular strength, high resiliency due to independance from failures in other areas, and easier incremental evolution of the system from upgrading one isolated component at a time. I do have to admit though that most people prefer your philosophy to mine.
  9. What are you moving on to?
  10. True. I just hope the production stuff is rock solid. The main audience for Matter, non-techie consumers who just want stuff to work with their phones and voice assistants, are going to have ZERO tolerance for something this buggy. You never get a second chance to make a first impression!
  11. Here is a good video showing how easy it is to set up Matter to work across multiple ecosystems:
  12. Looking forward to the updates!
  13. Customer: I want a completely interoperable standard so I am free to mix and match brands with no concerns about impacting features, even advanced ones. I want a wide variety of vendors, styles, and device types. I want vendors to distinguish themselves with things like quality, look and feel (style), price, and availability. I don't want any learning curve or to worry that I have invested in the wrong thing. I think Home Automation should be a commodity. Equipment Manufacturer: I want to make a product that hits all the buzzwords in the most cost effective way possible. I want to have the ability to lock users into my ecosystem either by having a walled garden or by limiting access to unique advanced features when used in a mixed environment. I want to target low hanging fruit like entry level users who will buy a few items in big box stores and then never bother with it again. I do not want to make any niche, low volume products. I think Home Automation should be a cash cow. Protocol Developer: I want my protocol to be accepted as an industry standard to maximize licensing and/or market share. I want companies to see value in adopting my standard so I want it to appear that there is consumer demand for it. I want companies to adopt my standard so I will compromise on enforcing standards so they can "distinguish themselves in the marketplace" without resorting to style, quality, or commodity pricing. I think Home Automation should be whatever I define it to be as long as I can dominate and control this technology segment. So how do all these different priorities get reconciled?
  14. Here is an example of a designer quality Matter switch from Nanoleaf. I'm sure there will be no pushback from your significant other when you explain you plan to install these stylish things throughout the house. https://nanoleaf.me/en-US/products/nanoleaf-sense-plus-controls/
  15. Really? The whole rest of the world?
  16. Maybe they could just put a button on Matter devices to put them into pairing mode? No security risk because you have to have physical acess to the device.
  17. QR codes are fine as a quick way to enroll things, they just need a physical alternative in case the sticker becomes illegible or gets lost or whatever. Expecting consumers to keep copies of QR codes in case they might be needed again years down the line does not seem very practical.
  18. I wonder why there is no status for Keypadlinc on/off or micro on/off?
  19. All On and All Off cannot be programmed as far as I know. They simply act on all of the devices linked to the RemotLinc. I don't use dim and bright much but I assume they act on the devices associated with the last button you pressed on the RemoteLinc. I'll give it a try and confirm that this evening.
  20. One thing that caught my ear in the Home Assistant January Release Party was the fact that Matter devices require you to scan a bar code to add them to a system. There is no manual alternative to this and if you lose the code your device is basically a brick (if you ever need to re-add them to your system). I'm not sure how much I would want to invest in Matter hardware with a risk like that hanging over my head. I would gladly accept a little less security in exchange for a more forgiving enrollment process. Is Homekit that strict on enrollment? Or is there a way to recover the address if you lose the barcode?
  21. Now that Hubitat supports Homekit I have seen speculation that it will be a better integration tool than HomeBridge. Curious how that will play out.
  22. @oskrypuch Which tape width did you use to make these labels?
  23. And what kind of labelmaker offers clear film labels? I have a Brother P-Touch and I don't think clear is an option.
  24. You should probably open a service ticket on this issue.
  25. Are you asking if he did a double blind test?
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