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Everything posted by upstatemike

  1. Because they sold out and cannot get parts to make any more. A new replacement device should be available within a month or so.
  2. What is the non-production store? Beta software? What Yolink devices are supported?
  3. In your situation I would probably use a Yolink LoRa outlet and just control it with Home Assistant until somebody releases a Yolink Node Server. (Hopefully somebody is working on that)
  4. Might not look as nice but the outdoor Insteon On/Off modules have some advantages over outlets. Besides being waterproof the large plastic box seems to promote better RF reception which sometimes makes them reliable where other Insteon devices are marginal.
  5. To be fair I think a lot of users like me treat automation systems as appliances and don't expect to do anything to them until we need to change something. I expect once I get IoP configured it could easily be a couple of years until the next time I log in to look at updates and such. My Polisy was purchased as a pre-order before the release and once I had Hue configured I haven't had any reason to log back in until recently when I wanted to migrate to IoP. If you want to do constant updates you should look into Home Assistant.
  6. I'm curious what you are using so may Inline-Lincs for and what you plan to replace them with?
  7. Interesting that all of the links show bulbs with the filiment style LEDs. My Philips E12 bulbs have a translucent cylinder inside that contains the LED. They dim fine.
  8. They already said we won't see new PLMs this year. I doubt if they have anything more specific to say on that yet.
  9. I would sign up but I can't think of anything new to ask them.
  10. I keep an X-10 plug-in controller around for this kind of testing. Cheap and takes the ISY out of the equation so you can easily do pure signal testing isolated from any PLM issues.
  11. Also not using thermostats with Elk.
  12. What does HA do with ISY names in the form room-character-device such as Bedroom:Table Lamp vs Den:Table Lamp ?
  13. I remember when the ISY-26 was first being developed there were long discussions about scenes and whether changing the state of one device in the scene should change the entire scene to false (off). It sounds like the Home Assistant folks have not really hit on a strategy yet for addressing the situation you are describing. Maybe the scene object in Home Assistant needs to send a scene command and then immediately return to a neutral state so that you can either turn the scene off or send another on to restore the scene from any manual intervention.
  14. OK, down from 399 nodes to 176. Much more manageable, thanks!
  15. So if I delete them from Elk to keep them from coming back do I also need to delete them from the Nodes tab to actually get rid of them? Or do I uninstall and reinstall the Node server after they are cleared out of the Elk?
  16. Actually these entries look like they were imported from the ISY994. Don't know when or why I would have done that... maybe to use Insteon lights in Elk rules? Still I don't need them in the Node Server so need to delete them one way or another.
  17. I don't know why this topic submitted twice or why it is asking me which answer was most helpful when it is a new topic that nobody has relied to. Gremlins?
  18. I just installed a trial of the Elk PG3 Node server and ended up with 399 Nodes. Investigating in ElkRP I see that I had 239 lighting devices defined from the old X10 days that I forgot were there. Instead of deleting them one by one on the Nodes tab of the Node Server I was thinking of unchecking "show" for each light in Elk RP and then uninstalling and re-installing the Node Server. Will this work to prevent them from being added? Can I install a second time under the free trial since I did not consume the 30 days?
  19. So here is another way of looking at it. The other day I was watching a YouTube video of somebody who did an elaborate Halloween light show in their yard that included dozens of drones with coloer changinging LEDs forming giant figures in the sky. The control of all of these drones requires precise communication to move each one where they need to be for each scene as well as have all the lights on them work in perfect unison for color and on/off timing. I would like to know what RF protocol is used to accomplish this and why I can't have switches that use that protocol instead of ones that can't even turn on a group of four lights without popcorn effect delays?
  20. Thanks. Gone back to my ISY994 for now. I will try the PG3 version next time I decide to play around with IoP.
  21. You are right. I had 1-32 and at some point messed it up so that explains that. I have reverted back to my ISY994 for now and will not need this until I decide to try IoP again (not anytime soon).
  22. Unfortunately that is the situation we find ourselves in. Hopefully something will change for the better but you can't make a safe investment in the future based on anything we know today. And yes my house is pretty dumb... except for my Stargate which still keeps rocking along.
  23. Question has been asked to death with no clear answer. I would suggest the following guidelines: Do not switch to something based on future promises that may be delivered much later than forecast, if ever, or might deliver basic function with a promise of future features that never happen. (Matter, Zigbee 3.0, Z-Wave LR, etc.) Do not switch to anything that does not, or does not "yet", have an open API for local control: (Lutron RA3, Yolink LoRa, Control4, etc.) Do not switch to anything that has a cloud dependency (Most Wi-Fi,) Do not switch to anything that assigns IP addresses to IoT endpoints (Unless you are running a Layer 3 core switch in your house) Do not switch to anything that has known problems that have persisted a long time with no resolution such as the Z-Wave popcorn effect (If it hasn't been fixed in all these years it likely never will) And most important do not switch to anything that does not have drop in equivalents for your existing Insteon devices such as hybrid keypad/switches, wire-in fixture modeules, etc.
  24. Thanks for the suggestion but no luck. Still have only 4 nodes (should be well over 100)
  25. I'm trying to install the Elk Node Server in P2 but I don't get any zones configured. Also not getting any outputs even though I had them at one point but lost them on reboot. Here is my config: All I get is 4 nodes: Elk Controller, Main, Security Door (a zone in area 2) and output32. I should have all 32 outputs and well over 100 zones. Have deleted and re-added the Node Server several times, restarted it, restarted polyglot, and so on. What else can I try? ELK_logs_10-15-2022_104807_PM.zip
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