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  1. I'm moving into a new house and working with electricians to install Insteon dimmers throughout. Several 3- and 4- way switch circuits are now wired with a single dimmer powering the load and the rest with no-load dimmers or keypads acting as controllers. The devices are two-way linked using the link button so the LEDs sync. When I eventually install an EISY and add the installed and linked dimmers to it, will the linked dimmers show up grouped together as a scene? If not, should I create scenes that mirror the linked groups? Would that then cause a conflict having dimmers linked plus a scene doing the same thing? Or would it be better to unlink the Insteon dimmers and re-create the 3- and 4- way groups as scenes? Or is there a better way altogether? One concern is that some of the dimmers are micro modules buried in the box so I would prefer not to dig them out for de-linking if there's an easier option.
  2. I second this, it works great with HA.
  3. Any updates?
  4. Just a hunch, is it trying to connect to a 5G SSID? Pretty sure it only works on 2.4.
  5. Sadly I don't think it is. https://forum.netgate.com/topic/187100/serious/4?_=1712143039222
  6. Apologies if I'm speaking out of turn, and I would go one step further and ask what is the future of hardware-based EISY? Technology is advancing faster than ever, so it makes less & less sense to target development to one very specific box that may or may not be available next year. Or in view of technological progress, even desirable next year. I'd be first to purchase an EISY software product - container or VM - that customers can run on hardware of their choosing. Another benefit is the headache of UDI dealing with other VMs (HASSIO for example) and PG3(x) etc. running in the EISY MeLE box goes away, so they can focus on the core product and not try to be all things to all people. My $0.02.
  7. You can still buy these zwave fan controllers. I have a couple of the Jascos, they work very nicely. GE Jasco Enbrighten 14287 Leviton ZW4SF-1BW
  8. It ought to be. I'd gladly pay for a license. @Michel Kohanim what are your thoughts? Even if there's only community support, I would jump in it.
  9. I'm running Proxmox on a Topton N100 box in my homelab. I also have an EISY. Instead of running a Home Assistant VM in the EISY as many have tried, I want to run EISY as a VM under Proxmox. I already have pihole running in a debian lxc container and OPNSense (FreeBSD) and Home Assistant (HAOS 12.0) in VMs on Proxmox. What's the best approach to getting in EISY image onto the Proxmox? Obviously this is an unsupported (for now) configuration. However my motivation for doing so is that, while running Home Assistant on EISY can be hit or miss (based on many posts here), so far my experience running HA under Proxmox has been trouble-free. Plus I think it would be nice to have all my home services running in one small, low-power box.
  10. Long time ISY994i user here. What are UDI's policies are regarding second hand units? I may have a chance to get a used EISY and/or Polisy and wondering if it's possible to transfer them to me and if so is there a charge for this? Thanks.
  11. PatPend

    Portal cost

    Is it required in order to use the eisy?
  12. I had 3 Trane 824XL thermostats that were solid, looked great, and worked well with HA. Their Zwave is proprietary but it's not needed anyway since it uses WiFi to connect to their cloud and the HA integration.
  13. Home Assistant with the ISY integration, influx and grafana installed should do what you need.
  14. SONOFF SNZB-02 Zigbee Temperature and Humidity Sensor °F or °C selection Rounding to 0, 1 or 2 decmal places Battery level etc. https://sonoff.tech/product/gateway-and-sensors/snzb-02/ SONOFF SNZB-03 ZigBee Motion Sensor https://sonoff.tech/product/gateway-and-sensors/snzb-03/
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