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Geddy's post in always prompted to install updated packages was marked as the answer
Will you please browse to this page: https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt (might need to change "eisy.local" to the ip of your eisy). If you get an alert about the page not being secure click "Advanced" and then "proceed..."
Search for this text: pkg tpm2-tools
What is the result?
How old is your eisy? Did you just receive it or had you bought it previously and just now installing/activating?
It's possible an update got hung. Have you pulled the power supply to have a full power cycle/reboot?
If you have pulled the power and still getting this alert make sure you follow the update process and allow it to fully run. Don't click away from the "okay" box when you first run the Upgrade Packages button. If you have UD mobile linked you should get some alerts that update has started. Once it completes you should get another update that it's done and needs a reboot. Then your admin console should give the same complete alert and that you should reboot. Press the "Reboot" button on the Configuration/System tab. Allow it to fully boot before you attempt to open admin console again (I usually allow about 3-5 minutes).
If after those steps are completed you still get the error please open a support ticket and UD will assist you further.
With other users reporting similar issues and my tpm2-tools version being earlier than 5.6_1 I wonder if UD released some underlying update before announcing it and it's causing issues to people that ran the update process recently. I have not attempted an update recently (my last update process was after the most recent post from UD - at the end of April).
Geddy's post in Which Antenna Is Which? zigbee vs zwave was marked as the answer
Referenced in the Wiki:
Z-Wave = Yellow
Zigbee = Red
Geddy's post in ERROR: See log for: Please enable "Allow ISY Access by Plugin" on Configuration Page click "Save" then Restart this plugin. was marked as the answer
Please review: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/43175-pg3x-version-3219-outdated/
As @DennisC and the post linked above the option should be on the configuration page.
If you're not seeing that option it might mean you are running an older PG3 version. Please confirm what version you are running and if you have run the "Reinstall all plugin" routine.
I do not run the Elk plugin so can't give a screenshot, but expect it should be an option with a checkbox.
Geddy's post in PG3 stopped was marked as the answer
This describes what the button presses will do. I would try the 5 button push to "reboot" it. Otherwise, go for 6 presses to power it down (if it doesn't shut down after 6 presses and 30-45 seconds it's "hung"). Once the light is red pull the power supply for 20-30 seconds then power it back up. It it appears "hung" pull the power, wait 20-30 seconds then plug it back in.
Since you already did a power cycle it might be something to open a support ticket to get some assistance:
Can you get admin console to load at all?
Can you load this page in a browser: https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt
(if it doesn't resolve try replacing "eisy.local" with your ip for the eisy.)
Just trying to see if the device is active and online in any form/shape.
Typically if PG3 goes offline randomly something might have crashed. It should have attempted to recover. The power cycle should have helped (especially since you said you pulled the power for 15 minutes). Since you've got a blue light it appears it might have started up okay, but if PG3 still isn't running something could have hung in the boot.
Geddy's post in Again "Sorry the hub ... is connected to is not responding, please check the network connection..." was marked as the answer
If you don't know which Universal Devices product you're using you probably aren't using one. You can review their website for information related to what they offer: https://universal-devices.com/
It sounds like you're just using a Hue Hub and directly operating it through Alexa. Not sure how that works so I can't help you. Maybe others can, but you're probably better off looking for specifics for Alexa and Hue products.
Good luck on your adventures!
Geddy's post in Best PLM for Eisy was marked as the answer
No need to change PLM again. I also have the serial and moved it from my ISY994 to eisy without issue using the serial to USB converter cord available at the time the eisy came out. It appears UDI is offering a different cable now that doesn't require going from the serial to USB cables so it might be shorter and one less thing to worry about in the communication aspect.
It does concern me that you just replaced the PLM on the ISY994 and you think either it or the ISY are flaky. Might be worth making sure you have a solid backup from the ISY994 before migrating to the eisy to avoid bringing over any funky issues.
I will make sure to suggest to you that you make a "hard copy" of all your programs currently on the ISY994. On the Program tab right click on the root folder (usually "My Programs") and use the last menu item of "Copy to Clipboard". Then paste into a text app (for Windows I suggest Notepad). NOT into a word processing app/document - you don't want to risk auto formatting changing things. Save this file somewhere so you can reference the programs after your migration. If you have Z-Wave or are not on 5.x firmware on the ISY994 there might be some adjustments needed for the programs and this file will help a lot of steps with correcting any program issues that might occur.
Geddy's post in Any updated info on ZMatter availability? was marked as the answer
@Nishal & @737simguy not a direct update from @Michel Kohanim, but posted in another thread that they're "very very close".
Geddy's post in Accessing Admin UI through portal/cloud was marked as the answer
YES! When you use the Portal URL and connect with the "cloud" option you have to use the my.isy.io portal credentials.
Geddy's post in Cannot Connect after update to 3.10.15 - Guess I missed the message not to update until Monday was marked as the answer
Seems the "fix" is out. See if updating helps your issue.
Geddy's post in Error message: Socket open failed SSDPClient, in admin console was marked as the answer
@ctviggen1 are you running antivirus and/or firewall software on the computer?
Disable both, clear Java cache (checking all 3 boxes). Delete any old copies of start.jnlp (and/or admin.jnlp). Download a new IoX Launcher (start.jnlp) from UD site (click on “My ISY” on the top right).
If doesn’t go away, but still able to find and access ISY then you can ignore it (based on old replies from @Michel Kohanim on this issue…used Google Site Search to find old posts with this issue).
Geddy's post in IoX reboot was marked as the answer
@SHM when you reboot next try logging in and look at the programs summary tab and sort by "last run time". See if there is something that is triggered as @n_sievers suggests. That will give you an idea if it's a program.
The "Query at Restart" and "Catch up schedules at Restart" options are on the Configuration tab. I might suggest unchecking those as first attempt of troubleshooting.
Also check for any programs that are set to specifically "Run At Startup". This option can be seen in the Programs Tab under "Summary" and then sorted by the "Run At Startup" column. Right click on any program that has a status "ON" to view the program and see if any conditions were met to trigger that program when rebooted. To disable "Run At Startup" right click on the line and select "Disable Run At Startup" (think about it before blindly doing that though...that's sometime a good option to have on if/when you lose power during the day and it comes back later in the day it will run those programs when the device boots back up).
Otherwise, are any of your devices really old (no set time, but maybe things pre-2013-2015)? They could be having the dreaded "all on" issue from lots of traffic at startup. Hard to tell what's really happening. I'm not sure if there's a sure fast "date" that things were fixed on the device firmware side, but something could be causing issues if it's an older device.
No way to keep admin console open/connected through a reboot to watch the event viewer, but if you're able to log in and get event viewer open and set to level 3 as lights still come on it might also shed light on commands being triggered/sent through the system.
Geddy's post in Managed to get a folder (not iox) at the top the tree was marked as the answer
Do you have a backup from before folder creation? I'd restore that backup and see if that puts things back to "normal".
Can you share a screen shot of this?
There should be a root folder then a sub folder that would have devices and other folders in it. Didn't think it was possible to add another folder higher than root. What probably happened is you just renamed the root folder. I've done that one on mine and it's not an issue.
I think the default was "Network" then "My Lights". It's been ages since I renamed mine so don't know for sure. Just going off some old images in the wiki.
But as @DennisC make sure you remove everything from the folder first. Right click on any devices in the folder and select "remove from folder". Once the folder is empty you can right click on the folder and select "Delete folder".
Reference: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Tree_View_(Navigation)_Pane
Geddy's post in My polyglot stopped and EISY reboot didn't help was marked as the answer
@kewashi I think in this instance you'd be better off opening a support ticket with UDI rather than trying to get help on the forums. If this isn't a common issue not too many users would be able to help on this and UDI would be able to troubleshoot quicker/deeper/better than waiting on forum posts.
Support ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
Geddy's post in PG3x Plugin Store not loading was marked as the answer
Try accessing Polyglot from a different browser.
If that doesn't work, I recall another user recently that had a similar problem.
If I recall they did the following:
login to https://eisy.local:3000 go to System | Switch Portal Profile then login (to the portal) Screen will refresh back to Polyglot click the Logout button (polyglot web access - top right) Log back in
Geddy's post in Has my ISY994i aged out? was marked as the answer
As @auger66 points out it's probably the portal subscription has expired.
Check by logging into the portal (my.isy.io) and then follow the image for License Information
Renew that for a year or two. Note the rate did increase in the last year (or so). But still a deal by any means!
This sounds like you've had a Java update and it wiped out the link with the shortcut on the desktop.
To resolve this follow these steps:
Clear Java Cache (temporary internet files) Check all three boxes! The 3rd box will/should delete the desktop icon (if you have iox launcher on the desktop). If it doesn't just delete it. You mention "Click to launch console.jnlp", not sure where that came from or how old that is. The "IoX Launcher" method has been around since 2018 and the preferred method since browsers dropped Java support. Make sure Java is up to date Just get the "standard" java version available directly from java.com https://www.java.com/en/download/ As of today it is Version 8 Update 391 Delete any start.jnlp or admin.jnlp files you have on your system Download a new start.jnlp file from UDI website https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp Go to Universal Devices site Click on "MY ISY" on the top right and you'll get the same file linked above (start.jnlp). Run "start.jnlp" and accept any Java warnings This should add the icon to the desktop for "IoX Launcher" Run IoX Launcher and you should now get a window showing as "IoX Finder". If you're local to the ISY994 it should auto populate, but if it doesn't you would need to add it manually.
More information can be found in the UDI Wiki should you need more help:
Post back and let us know how it's going.
Geddy's post in So I'm An Official Hue Polyglot Idiot was marked as the answer
@DualBandAid Did you attempt to directly connect bulbs to the eisy? Best I've seen is to simply use the Hue plugin (formerly Node Server) and control items that way.
It's possible that the Hue Hub changed IP addresses in your network. Do you (or did you) have an IP reservation in the DHCP settings on the router? If the hub changed IP address during this the eisy is looking for it at the old address. You will need to hardcode the current IP in for the bridge.
From the plugin "more info" config page:
Make sure you include the square brackets [ ] and quotes around the IP address.
I had an issue with the IP address changing when I first set it up and PG2 had a rough time getting the bridge connected again. When I setup PG3 I had a reservation made and haven't had to hard code the bridge.
Make sure you've got all the lights in the bridge before you connect to it. Also, if any devices are on outlets that can turn them off (making them unreachable to the Hue Bridge) be sure to have them powered ON or at least "reachable" when you begin the linking process.
Geddy's post in No fields in Ring Doorbell Motion Node was marked as the answer
I'm not sure if it's needed, but could be. The plugin has to authenticate with the Ring service. I've never attempted without an active Ring subscription.
One of the release notes though indicates this:
So might be a requirement. Maybe just an account...not an actual Ring subscription.
This is normal. It's the same for my doorbell pro "motion" node. My floodlight cam has information on the Motion, but the "lights" node is blank on that device.
My motion program triggers for middle of the night motion runs as expected.
~Door-Motion -
'~NodeServers / ~Ring / ~FDoor (Motion)' is switched Motion
And From 11:50:00PM
To Sunrise - 60 minutes (next day)
Set '~NodeServers / ~Hue / Couch' On
Wait 5 minutes
Set '~NodeServers / ~Hue / Couch' Off
- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Geddy's post in Programs missing was marked as the answer
When you access using the my.isy.io link you should use the portal user/pass credentials. This is usually an email for user ID.
When you connect locally or using port forward (meaning directly to the device from outside your network) you should use the local/direct connection credentials. This will usually be admin/pass (whatever pass you use when local to the device).
Security tip…since port forwarding means you bypass all security to connect to the device you should make sure you’re not using the “default” user/pass combination.
This is always how it has been…nothing new for those connection credentials.
Geddy's post in ISY Launcher and Java issues was marked as the answer
This still sounds like your file association is not correct (as I stated before)
Also, please stop posting screen shots as PDFs. You can paste images directly into the post. When viewing the site on a mobile device there's no way to download then view the PDF so posting the image directly in the body of your post is 1000x more helpful.
First, lets make sure Java is setup to run "Web Start" applications. Open the Java control panel and click on "Security" tab. Make sure the top checkbox is checked.
Once confirmed that is enabled, check this that start.jnlp is associated with Java Web Launcher. Wherever you downloaded the start.jnlp make sure it appear like this in the explorer window:
If it doesn't then it's probably not assigned to be opened with Java Web Launcher. Right click and open properties.
This is how it should look on the general tab. If not click on "Change". Usually (if Java was installed correctly) you should see a Java option available when you click on "Change" as a selection in this window:
If not you need to click "More Apps", scroll down to the bottom of the list and select "Look for another app on this PC".
Then then look for javaws.exe in the Java\jre-1.8\bin directory of your programs file (if running 32bit Java it will be in the Program Files x86 folder.
Now, if that association doesn't fix your problem, and you've cleared java cache by clicking all three boxes...
Then, as @larryllix suggested, you might need to forcefully remove IoX Launcher from the Java Cache. To do that, open the Java Control Panel and click View (on the General tab). It will open this window:
If you've gone through these steps and all the steps posted above and it still doesn't work...please open a support ticket and see if UDI can help you get this corrected.
Changing the router has ZERO impact on Java not working/opening start.jnlp file to put the IoX Launcher icon on the desktop. It would 100% impact your ability to find the device if it was an old ISY994 that you set to a static IP in your old router DHCP table, but it sounds like the device is able to get on the network since you can control it with mobile apps.
What does this mean? If you can't get the IoX Launcher/IoX Finder to run how is everything working fine with Portal? Do you mean that you can just log into my.isy.io and it appears that your device is online?
Geddy's post in Help EISY error log entries was marked as the answer
Do you have an active UD Portal subscription? That's been the suggested method of accessing the system (Admin Console) while remote. Port forwarding leaves the system open to port sniffing and risk of attacking...but they don't know what they're attacking. With a UD Portal account you don't need to port forward and just use the URL to Admin Console found in the portal information screen. Just make sure you have a strong portal password and use the portal credentials to log into admin console while remote. (or while using UD Mobile while remote)
Good luck on the ticket side.
Geddy's post in Slow Programming Menu was marked as the answer
@buckeyebez welcome to the forums!
This could be a couple of issues. Let’s check the UI and Firmware version in the “Help” -> “About” screen. Please make sure they match. The current IoX Firmware for the eisy is 5.7.1.
Next, check this section of the Wiki to set a higher memory cap for Java.
Depending on your system you could probably go up to 1024 or even higher if you have a very high memory based system, but most don’t need much more than 1024.
It is strange that you seem to imply that the programs are there, but then disappear after loading a few Z-Wave devices. I know there were some high traffic devices identified earlier this year (I don’t know which ones). Perhaps the devices you are using are very high traffic and could be bogging down the system display. I’m not 100% sure that’s even possible, but a SWAG if the above two things aren’t a fix.
Have you attempted a Java cache clearing (remove temporary files) be sure to check all 3 boxes in that process? Download a new start.jnlp (from UDI’s site and clicking on “My ISY” on the top right), Running that to get a fresh IoX Launcher.
Are you running any firewall or anti-virus programs? What computer OS are you using?
Geddy's post in Polisy and Eisy Together was marked as the answer
@phawtrey not entirely sure why you hid this in the Brultech Energy Meters area. Moved to eisy since it didn't seem to have anything to do with where you posted it.
No, this is not possible. Insteon devices can only have one controller. With the Polisy or eisy you have 1 PLM to communicate to the devices. So only one controller can/should be used at a time.
It's entirely possible to have a PLM for each system, but you could only link devices to one PLM at a time. So some devices could be linked to the Polisy and the others to eisy. Kind of awkward, but if you're up for a lot of work keeping things straight go for it. You run a risk of having 2 PLMs sending out power line signals getting crossed and missed since sometimes Insteon signals can become corrupt with a small amount of noise.
Geddy's post in Forced to change my router to AP with Internet modem now hue finds bridge but no nodes?lights was marked as the answer
@trevorst The IP has to be added to the plugin in a strange (unexpected) format with square bracket and quotes.
KEY = bridges
Value = ["#.#.#.#"] (MUST include the square bracket AND the quotes!)
"Failed to read bridges variable" means it didn't connect properly.
Now I forget if I had to pres the hub button or not, but I'm fairly certain it might still be needed. Make sure you press "restart" on the plugin then within a few moments can press the button on the hue hub.
Once you get success make sure you restart the node server and also restart Admin Console (if you have it open - please note it's always best practice not to have both Admin Console AND PG3x web interface open at the same time. Admin Console only receives changes/update when reloaded. If you're making changes in PG3x always re-launch admin console (if you had it open) for the changes to show up on the IoX side. I always suggest people not have both open so you don't forget that step!)
If you're unable to get it configured please open a support ticket with UDI to see what other tricks/tips they might have for getting this resolved.
Just looking at my Hue setup realized that I don't have the IP address coded in the PG3x version. I ran Hue under PG2 on a Polisy, but when I changed to the eisy think it setup correctly and I've got a reserved IP for the Hue bridge. I wonder if you could delete the plugin and reinstall if it might connect without forcing the IP as a custom parameter. I know in the old PG2 there was an issue with the plugin storing the IP somewhere and it always looked at the old IP for it even though I did have it move (like you I replaced a router with a different DHCP table).
Geddy's post in Unusual Startup - Does anyone understand what this means.... was marked as the answer
@Bob Amott This means you're running an old version of the IoX Launcher.
To fix:
Close admin console Clear your java cache (temporary internet files) Delete all old start.jnlp files from your system Download a NEW start.jnlp file from the UDI website (clicking "My ISY" on the top right) Run start.jnlp to add the IoX Launcher back to your desktop Several months ago a bug was introduced into the start.jnlp code, but was fixed almost immediately.
The 2 addresses are fine, and not an issue. UDI even confirmed this is "normal" and expected, but it has caused some to be concerned. It randomly happens. Because both addresses are "found" they cannot be deleted. Either can be used interchangeably to connect to your device as they are the same device.
Also, if you haven't run an 'update packages" lately please do so to be sure you are at the current versions for PG3x and IoX. There were bugs in early IoX 5.7.0 that have been fixed, but no "official" post/announcement was made (it was posted in the support thread).
Browse to this page: https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt
(if you get an alert for it not being secure click on advanced and proceed to page)
Search the page for "isy-5.7.0" and see what you have after the .0. Looking for _5 (as of this posting).
Should see it showing as:
isy-5.7.0_5 Name : isy Version : 5.7.0_5
Geddy's post in No node servers appear, unable to update new system to become stable and normal. was marked as the answer
FYI it's this area: https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/339-current-release-announcements/
All "current release" announcements are made there.
I haven't attempted to update through UD Mobile in a very long time so I'm not sure what's the issue with that. The "Upgrade Packages" in admin console should work. Don't click any of the alerts after you start the upgrade process and you should get another alert that it has completed and needs to reboot. Follow the steps above again to power cycle the system.
After any IoX update you will need to clear the java cache (selecting all three boxes) and get a new start.jnlp file to put the icon back on the desktop. This way the "local" option of connecting through the IoX Launcher won't complain about the UI/Firmware mismatch. The "cloud" option should download the proper UI, but I've found that the local still needs a fresh start.
I'm not sure what you mean by "transferred all the licenses". What licenses and how did you do that? Do you just mean portal account migration?
How is your UD Mobile setup to connect to the eisy? If only through portal then you need the portal credentials. If you have a local network setup that would be the same that you use when connecting through admin console locally.
I think you've attempted a lot of troubleshooting on your own that might have put the device into a point that it isn't an "easy" fix with forums posts. Your best bet would be to open a support ticket and have UDI help troubleshoot and fix directly.