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Everything posted by xlurkr

  1. Funny. I just had a ToggleLinc completely die on me, and I replaced it in < 5 minutes, excluding the wiring and mounting labor. It was in many scenes, and was linked to an MS I. If I hadn't had to wake up the MS to get the ISY to rewrite its links, it would have been about 2 minutes. Pure gold. -Tom
  2. PatM's ISY is up for sale in the Coffee shop. Deaf ears, probably. -Tom
  3. And don't worry about the ISY being a point of failure. When you create an ISY scene, the links are created in the devices that respond to the button press, so even if the ISY goes offline, the button press will still cause the scene to execute. The ISY is essentially another responder, and it can do some other things when the scene is triggered if you want it to. At a minimum, it logs the events and keeps track of the status of all of your devices, which you probably want. -Tom
  4. This happened to me yesterday, and I fixed it today with a power cycle. Nasty bug. I was attempting to add an EZSnsRF, which I did successfully today. -Tom
  5. I live near several Fry's stores in the SF Bay Area, and over the years I've bought several Shaxon-brand power strips that have no surge protection functionality. I just checked their website, and it looks like they still carry lots of models that they'll ship anywhere.. In my experience, the longer power strips are more likely to be vanilla, unless they state otherwise. Like this one: https://www.frys.com/product/6820356?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG -Tom
  6. I just upgraded my old setup (99i w/ 2412S) to a 994/i with a 2413S. After a few false starts, everything seems to be running mostly OK. However, two nights in a row I have woken to the sound of the PLM beeping. The first night it was a continuous pattern of 4 beeps, and I had to get up and push the button on the side of the PLM to make it stop. Last night it seemed more random and stopped on its own eventually. Anyone have any ideas what might be going on? Is there a way to disable the beeping? Some other info: I have several wireless devices, RemoteLIncs and motion sensors mostly, though none have pending updates. I also had two devices in the device tree that are missing. Today I disabled immediate updates and battery-powered-device updates in the interface, and removed the missing devices, hoping that will help. We'll see tonight, I guess. -Tom
  7. Hi: I got a new 994 and a new 2413 PLM. I want to put them both into service, replacing my existing 99 and 2412 PLM. Is this the right SOP? Back up 99 Disconnect 99 from network and 2412 and unplug 2412 Connect 994 to network and 2413 and power both on Restore 99 backup to 994 Will I then need to do a "Restore PLM" so it rewrites all the links in all my devices? -Tom
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the doubletap fastoff will always turn the local load off immediately. You could have the ISY run a program to turn it back on, then off after 5 minutes. Or you could rewire so that the switch doesn't control the load, but contols an Inlinelinc that controls the load. -Tom
  9. Got it. Thanks for the prompt reply. -Tom
  10. I'm writing an "Away" program. I want it turn off all my lights, among other things. It seems that there is no pre-defined "All" group to use in programs, even though one must exist, since there are "All On" and "All Off" buttons on the main page. Do I really need to make my own "All" group? -Tom
  11. I too just got done replacing all V.35's, though mine were mostly Togglelinc relays. Night 'n day difference. I'd say it's the first step in troubleshooting. I'm glad I read about the problem on this forum. Last time I checked there were at least half a dozen threads discussing some aspect of this. Might be good to do a stickie. -Tom
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