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Difference between two X10 Preset Dim choices?


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The short Answer:


Standard Bright/Dim commands require a series of concatenated commands to achieve a particular level. They don't obey normal X10 protocol, they're extremely hard on repeaters and receivers (easy to mis-interpret), and they take forever to transmit (over 5 seconds for a 100% bright command).


Preset dim commands allow you to command a device directly to a particular level. The old X10 protocol allowed 32 different levels to be commanded through "Preset Dim1" and "Preset Dim2" commands (16 levels each).


  • 1) Preset Dim(4) - The "4" specifies a "Preset Dim1" command (0 to 48% bright). This must be used with a "letter code" to specify the "dim level" (see table below).

  • 2) Preset Dim(12) - The "12" specifies a "Preset Dim2" command (52 to 100% bright).




Using this command with the ISY is a bit different from "standard" X10 commands.


  • 1) You must first address your device with a House/Address code and NO Command. Use the ISY "NO Command" from the drop down command list.

  • 2) You then send the preset command with a house code that corresponds to the Bright/Dim level that you desire.
    A) Specify the Housecode (M,N,O...)
    B) Specify no unit code ( use the "-" on the unit code drop down).
    C) Select Preset(4) (0 to48% bright) or Preset(12) (51 to 100% bright)


  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Send X10 'B3'                        (Address device)
       Send X10 'M/Preset Dim (4)'    (Send Preset Dim1 Level=0%)
       Wait  10 seconds
       Send X10 'B3'                         (Address device)
       Send X10 'J/Preset Dim (4)'     (Send Preset Dim1 Level= 48%)
       Wait  10 seconds
       Send X10 'B3'
       Send X10 'M/Preset Dim (12)'  (Send Preset Dim2 Level = 52%)
       Wait  10 seconds
       Send X10 'B3'
       Send X10 'J/Preset Dim (12)'   (Send Preset Dim2 Level = 100%)

       Send X10 'B3/Preset Dim (12)'


The above is an adaptation (for the ISY) from an article from fellow Hoosier, and X10 Guru, Uncle Phil Kingery. If anyone is interested in the "nuts and bolts" of the above, the long answer is located here:




Actual X10 protocol (command structure) is located here:



Hope this helps,



Edit: Replaced links from the old Geocities site (offline - sorry)

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I never got that far into X10, especially when they really started pushing the sleazy surveillance camera adds all over the web. Then I really started looking else where. Insteon was just getting started then.


I don't see anything short about this answer. I will add it to the Wiki.


Thanks Dude!

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I never got that far into X10, especially when they really started pushing the sleazy surveillance camera adds all over the web. Then I really started looking else where. Insteon was just getting started then.


I don't see anything short about this answer. I will add it to the Wiki.


Thanks Mark. I'm due to loose those braincells around 6:00 PM tomorrow (final four tipoff).



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