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Dying PLM?

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Hi all,


I'm not sure what has been happening, I suspect a bad/dying/old PLM (v52)

Recently upgraded from an ISY-26 to the ISY-994i

Things were fine.

Weeks after adding 2 dual band LampLinc's and a DualBand SwitchLinc, I noticed that the system would just "lock up" at totally random times.

Attempting to manually control a device from the ISY interface would fail.

I have a program to poll a status update on the two thermostats every 15 minutes.

This is usually what tips me off to somethings wrong, as the ISY will say Communication Error with both units, then I notice I can't control/query ANY device.


Opening up the log at level 3 and trying to turn the fan on reveals this.

Wed 04/03/2013 05:40:38 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 11 94 F5 0F 6B 07

Thats it.

That was me attempting to reach my 2nd floor thermostat. Nothing else shows up in the log.


The way I resolve this issue is by pulling the power on the PLM (Rebooting the ISY won't do the trick)

I've already re-sync'd my two access points, no dice.


Before I go and purchase a replacement PLM I figured I'd reach out and see if this all sounds right, or if I'm missing something here.


Thank you for your time,




That looks like the PLM is hung up. The posted message is being sent to the PLM. The PLM should echo back that same string with an 0x06 on the end. This is all serial interface communication. I would replace the PLM. Even if not defective (which I think there is little chance it is not) v.52 PLM firmware is very old. The current firmware is v.9B. The only PLM available now is the 2413 which does not provide power for the ISY. It is necessary to purchase an external power supply when moving to a 2413 from a 2412.




Thanks for the quick reply,


Now that it is in its rare state of working, I see via a Level 3 log that yes, it does kick back a "06" in the next line upon a successful message.


Just ordered a new PLM, and thanks for the heads up about no more PoE with the newer PLM's, I still have the power supply.


Thanks again,



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