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Is it possible to remotely (ISY over the net) turn a scene on/off? Here is my scenario...


KPL #1 Button D

KPL #2 Button D

APL #1


Are all linked together, i.e., the two KPL's control the APL (either on or off). That in turn tells ISY to run or not run a scene. Works great. I was looking to be able to remotely turn the KPL's off (including LED) which in turn would turn off the APL remotely.


Possible, not?





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If I understand correctly, you have a scene (let's call it Scene 1) which has the two KPL buttons as controllers, and the APL as a responder. A program monitors the status of the APL, in order to determine whether or not to run another scene (Scene 2).


If that is correct, then you can remotely simply turn Scene 1 on/off, which will turn on/off the APL and the KPL button LEDs. Is that what you wish?

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Yes that is almost all correct. The Scene 1 as you describe is monitored by a "program" and not another scene. That program either is false or true. That then runs a "then" call. With the KPL's and APL off, nothing runs, If they are on, the program runs. I'd like to be able to turn the scene on or off and in turn the program true to false by internet. The real crux here is that I'm not 100% sure that a KPL secondary can be turned on/off vis internet or ISY for that matter. If it were a SW, I can see it working OK.


I'll await your answer



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