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ISY994i locks up after power failure

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After a power failure, my ISY 994i does not run programs anymore and I cannot connect to it anymore via ethernet.

The POWER, RX, and TX LEDs are solid on.

I recover from that by unplugging the power from the ISY.


Anyone has seen this before?

Would my ISY be defective?

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Does the router/modem lose power with a power failure?


Does the ISY lose power with a power failure?


Assuming the ISY and router/modem lose power it sounds like the ISY comes back before the router/modem. I keep my router/modem and PC on a UPS so I don't lose the DSL connection. The router/modem takes a very long time to get back up compared to the ISY.

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I was referring to a whole house power failure/glitch.


I would assume that the ISY will behave nicely in an ethernet environment and not lock up because the network is temporary not available.

In addition, it is not only that I cannot connect to the ISY anymore via a browser, the ISY also does not run programs anymore (e.g. time-based programs); a sure sign of being locked up.


Note that in my case, the POWER, the RX, and the TX LEDs are solidly on.

The closest thing in the manual says "If the RX LED is on steady, the ISY is having a problem communicating with the PLM. Unplug the PLM for 10 seconds, then plug it back in to reboot. If the problem continues, either the PLM or cable is most likely defective."


Does anyone have better experiences with the Insteon Hub compared to the ISY?

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The HUB is not in the same class as the ISY as far as function. A HUB cannot replace an ISY.


It is true the ISY should be able to run without a router. That question was posted and answered by UDI a few weeks ago. However, there may well be a difference between not having a router and having one that is minutes away from being functional after a power outage. For sure the ISY would not be accessed from a browser as it has no IP address until the router is operational.


Are these power outages of short duration (1-2 seconds) or measured in minutes? How many times has the ISY not come back after a power outage? How long does it take the router/modem to come up after a complete power outage.

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Hi Bert2013,


LeeG is 100% correct (see above).


Are any of the other lights blinking while power, rx, and tx are solidly on?


Do you have EZRain/EZFlora? Have you looked at Tools | Error Log?


Also, you are welcome to send us your error log and we'll definitely check it out and let you know what we find.


With kind regards,


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