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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

"case" in programs, variables in network resources


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Now that I'm using more and more variables I'd like to see something like the following, to simplify some programs:


I have a video matrix switcher. Up to 8 sources, and up to 8 outputs.


I'm using a network resource to make the changes. Ideally, I'd like to see variables be used in network resources (I know this has been previously requested). In this case, I have to have 8 x 8 network resources (64). Source 1 to output 1, source 2 to output 1, etc.


The "trigger" for this is a variable that is updated externally and sent to my isy. It's being controlled by a Linux program, monitoring a whole house Russound audio system. Based on the selected source, and which zone, I have to issue the correct network resource.


That would mean, that I'd also need 64 programs. Each variable, Zone1, Zone2, etc is a state variable. I have to do the following:


If Zone1=1

If Zone1=2


What I'd like to see is this:


If Zone1<9    (which it always is, but it would trigger on each change)

Case Zone1
      1: NetworkResource1-1
      2: NetworkResource1-2
      3: NetowrkResource1-3


That would at least cut the programs down to 8 in this case. Variable within network resources would cut the 64 down to 8 as well. Possibly 1 Network resource if I could use 2 variables. There might even be a better solution where it could be:


If Zone1<9 
  or Zone2<9 
  or Zone3<9

Case Zone1:

Case Zone2


Where somehow multiple cases could be in the same program, and the state variable was also evaluated within the program itself.


Just another item on my wish list: :)


and as long as I'm putting things on my wish list, ideally I'd like to be able to issue more than one command under each number under the case.


so maybe:


Case Zone1
      1:  NetworkResource1-1
           Set scene "movie time"
           Set Varx=1
           Call program "popcorn"
      2:  NetworkResource1-2
           Set Varx=8
      3:   NetworkResource1-3


I'm really just seeing my number of programs expanding as I do more and more, and it's getting a little complicated. Even worse to troubleshoot or make an across the board change, that now requires each (in this case 64) program to be changed.


Hi MstrD,


Thanks so very much for the feedback! Something along the same lines (but not identical) is in the works and should be released after our highly anticipated Z-Wave release.


With kind regards,



Could you cut down by doing something like :


21 for the zone and the second part of the tree then use some sort of remainder math or divisible by another value in a single program that then sets a second variable of 1-8 for each half and then you just need maybe 17 programs?


Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk 4


I'd still have to have the 64 network resources, so there isn't much way around that - at least until variables become part of network resources. It's all workable now, it's just tedious and hard to manage. It's just on my wish list. :)


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