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Stuck linking


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I just installed my isy-994i Pro, and I can't seem to get it going. I fired up the admin UI, changed the ip address to static, restarted the UI with the new IP, then clicked start linking icon per the instructions. Now a Linking dialog with a status bar comes up repeatedly and doesn't stop. It goes to 100%, closes, then reopens and starts the process all over again. If I close and the reopen the admin UI, it just starts the linking dialog again. Help! I have no idea how to move forward.

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I don't believe this problem has any relationship to the static IP address.


This DOES look like a communication issue between insteon devices to me. While it is not unheard of for a progress bar to reach 100% then start over, a simple linking of a device should happen pretty quickly.


Depending on what devices you are trying to link, try moving them close to the PLM (or the PLM close to the device). By close, I mean on the same outlet or circuit.


How new are you to insteon? How many devices do you have? How many are dual-band? Do you have access points and, if so, have you confirmed that they are on opposite legs of your electrical system? What other electronic gadgets are plugged into the same circuit as your PLM?


Hopefully, these questions make some sense to you. If not, let me know.

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Thanks for the reply. I know Insteon pretty well. I had set up a fairly extensive system in another home, but I'm just starting out in my new home. I am completely new to the isy controller, however. Right now I simply have three switches: two dimmer and one on/off for a fan. They are all dual-band. At least two of these I know are on the same leg as they are on the same breaker as the PLM.


I ended up killing the java process running the admin client and rebooting everything. I had the PLM on a surge protector, so I moved it directly to an outlet. I restarted the search process, and it is still cycling. I'll give it a some more time and report back to see if anything has improved.


Thanks for your help. I'm sure I'll be visiting here often.



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PLMs on a surge suppressor, or in the same outlet or circuit as a surge suppressor are one of the first things I suspect as potential problems. Try moving the PLM from that circuit, or temporarily unplug the surge suppressor to see if this helps.


Given that the ISY is often plugged into a router makes it pretty common for the PLM to be on the same outlet and circuit as a computer system with surge suppressors, UPS, power supplies, and lots of other things that can cause problems. I suspect you will find that those with the most experience will generally have their computer system on a filter.


If adding a device to the ISY takes more than a few seconds, this represents a problem that should be fixed sooner rather than later.

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After trying multiple locations and outlets for the PLM, I finally figured out that the culprit was Avast anti-virus. I disabled it, rebooted the isy, and now devices are quickly found. I'm even seeing buttons and options that didn't even exist on the UI prior to my turning off Avast. Should have thought of that sooner.


Thanks for the assistance.



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After trying multiple locations and outlets for the PLM, I finally figured out that the culprit was Avast anti-virus. I disabled it, rebooted the isy, and now devices are quickly found. I'm even seeing buttons and options that didn't even exist on the UI prior to my turning off Avast. Should have thought of that sooner.


Antivirus software is one of those problem causers that does not naturally occur to me. I am impressed that you thought of it. Sorry to send you down those other paths.

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