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SwitchLinc Relay causing Fluorescent Buzz


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My bathroom has a single switch controlling a florescent supply with two bulbs and a single incandescent. With a standard switch there is no buzz what so ever. I have tried two models of older SwitchLinc Relays (2383 and a 2385W). Both cause a very loud buzzing in the florescent supply.


1) Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?


2) What are the chances that a newer SwitchLinc V2 Relay Insteon/X10 will not have the same problem? (I'd just buy one if I had any faith it would not buzz, but I am nearly sure it would end up having the same problem)

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I must admit that I have never had this problem reported and, as such, I am not sure how helpful we can be. While I am sure our loyal forum members will chime in with as much insight as possible, but may I humbly suggest calling SH's tech support. If you get a run around, please PM me and I'll hook you up with the right people.


With kind regards,



My bathroom has a single switch controlling a florescent supply with two bulbs and a single incandescent. With a standard switch there is no buzz what so ever. I have tried two models of older SwitchLinc Relays (2383 and a 2385W). Both cause a very loud buzzing in the florescent supply.


1) Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?


2) What are the chances that a newer SwitchLinc V2 Relay Insteon/X10 will not have the same problem? (I'd just buy one if I had any faith it would not buzz, but I am nearly sure it would end up having the same problem)

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