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How to setup a Senario


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Hey there,

I want to have the following happen, but I'm not sure how to set it up.



1. Press button on KPL for NIGHTIME

2. Lights on second floor turn off

3. Lights on the stairs turn on

4. Bedroom lights turn on


How can I make it so when I push a button, devices go off AND on?



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It could be either. If you leave it as toggle, you can allow it to turn all the devices on or off, depending on the button state. Each press would alternate between the scene selected and all devices in the scene being off.


If you have it set to "on only" then every button press will result in the devices going to the scene as desire.


If you have it set to "off only" then no device can have any level other than off...if you go that route, you would have to use a program to set the desired state of the lights.

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So it seems as if setting it to ON ONLY is what I would want.


So I would use the below:


  Status 'KPL NightTime' is not off


Then in the THEN area I would set each device to either be on or off? Sorry for the confusion? It seems I am always asking for help in the same area, but each scenario is always different!



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So I would just make a scene and set the ON LEVEL to 0 for what I want off and higher for what I want on?

If the button is set to non toggle on then it will always be lit after being pressed. You probably will want a way to turn it off. Here is a good tutorial for a program that tracks a scene and turns on or off a Kpl button if the scene is active or not.


Since you cannot send a direct command to a button to turn it on or off you have to create a scene and add the Kpl button as a responder. Then you turn the scene on or off to get the button to turn on or off.

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Granted, I am an ISY noob, but I have been spending a lot of time reading about the ISY. I have been using Insteon for more than three years and previously had events in Houselinc. Ill show you my program for the night scene, but think about automating some of this. For example, the lights for our steps adjust at different points of the day. I could probably simplify these to two programs, but for right now I like the three separate programs. There are also ways to adjust a scene. I have two scenes, stairs 50%, response is set lights at 50%, and a 90% scene.:

After sunrise, lights to 90%:

       Time is Sunrise +  1 hour 

       Set Scene 'Hall and Foyer / Hallway Stairs 90%' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Before sunset to 9pm they go to 90%, in case they were adjusted during the day:

       From    Sunset  -  1 hour 
       To       8:59:54PM (same day)

       Set Scene 'Hall and Foyer / Hallway Stairs 90%' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Finally, from 9pm until after sunset, the lights go to 50%:

       From     9:00:03PM
       To      Sunrise + 59 minutes and 57 seconds (next day)

       Set Scene 'Hall and Foyer / Hallway Stairs 50%' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

When controlled locally with the switch the response is to go to 90. I set up double tap programs (fast on/off) to go to 50%.


We have a night scene, also used in the AM for the great room, kitchen lights and under cabinet lights on. The button is set for non-toggle on so pressing it always turns the scene on. However, if someone turns off the kitchen lights or cabinet lights (first two lines in the parentheses) or turns on any other device in the room then the scene is not really active. I got this program from the link I posted which then turns the kpl off by turning off the Great Room Night KPL scene:

       Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Spots KPL (DB) - A Spots / GR Spots KPL (DB) - F Night' is not Off
   And (
            Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Kitchen Lights' is Off
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Sink KPL - A Cabinet' is Off
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Island Lights' is On
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Breakfast Lights (DB)' is not Off
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Pantry Lights' is On
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Cabinets R (DB)' is not Off
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Family Room Lights' is On
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Spots KPL (DB) - A Spots' is not Off

       Wait  4 seconds
       Set Scene 'Great Room / GR Night KPL' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Hopefully some others will chime in with additional options for you.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So if I understand correctly, this code:


       Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Spots KPL (DB) - A Spots / GR Spots KPL (DB) - F Night' is not Off
   And (
            Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Kitchen Lights' is Off
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Sink KPL - A Cabinet' is Off
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Island Lights' is On
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Breakfast Lights (DB)' is not Off
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Pantry Lights' is On
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Cabinets R (DB)' is not Off
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Family Room Lights' is On
         Or Status  'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Spots KPL (DB) - A Spots' is not Off

       Wait  4 seconds
       Set Scene 'Great Room / GR Night KPL' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Will it allow me to turn off all the downstairs lights, turn on the stairs lights AND turn the KPL button off?

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Will it allow me to turn off all the downstairs lights, turn on the stairs lights AND turn the KPL button off?


This program neither allows or prohibits anything. This program, by itself, will simply turn off a device called 'Great Room / GR Night KPL' when the condition is met.


If you are asking whether one could create a program that would turn a KPL button off in response to all "downstairs" lights being off and all "stairs lights" being on, the answer is YES. Whether this specific program could do so, it is hard to tell because I see not way to make a distinction between downstairs lights and stairs lights.


It appears to me that you may be struggling with understanding or explaining your requirements. You originally stated that you wanted to be able to press a KPL button and have some lights turn on and some lights turn off. If your intention for this button is simply to have this response EVERY time you press the button, then put it in non-toggle mode and create a program or scene that sets the light levels as you wish.


Now you ask:


Will it allow me to turn off all the downstairs lights, turn on the stairs lights AND turn the KPL button off?


This is a different question, in my mind. Are you asking whether you can manually turn OFF the KPL button, or whether a program can be set up to turn off the KPL button in response to a set of conditions? Is this the same KPL button that is the subject of your original question?


Perhaps it would be a good idea to restate your entire set of requirements for this KPL button.

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Sorry for the confusion.


I simply want a button on the KPL, for this instance, Nighttime. When I press this, it turns off all the lights in the house to turn off, but have the lights on the stairs and bedroom turn on. However, I want to make sure, as someone pointed out, that when I press the button on the KPL, that the light on the KPL does not remain on.


Does that make more sense?


Thank you!

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Sorry for the confusion.


I simply want a button on the KPL, for this instance, Nighttime. When I press this, it turns off all the lights in the house to turn off, but have the lights on the stairs and bedroom turn on. However, I want to make sure, as someone pointed out, that when I press the button on the KPL, that the light on the KPL does not remain on.


Does that make more sense?


Thank you!


First, the only way that I know to have a KPL backlight turn off every time you press it is to put it into NON-TOGGLE-OFF mode. My experience is that this works, but apparently there are those who's keypads don't work consistently, so you will have to check that yours perform in this manner.


Second, given that you keypad will be sending OFF commands, the only way I know to have lights come on based on receipt of an OFF command is to use a program.



control keypad button is set off


do whatever


Third, you have a couple of options to do whatever. You can send descrete commands to each device you want to respond (turn bedroom lights on, turn stairs lights on, turn every other light off) . Alternatively, you can create a scene that includes all the responder devices, and the ON levels at which you want them to respond, including zero (turning off). Then send a scene on command. I would probably opt for the second option.

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I think I have it set, sort of. I have a scene with the devices in it. I have the devices I want OFF set to 0%. I have the devices I want ON set to 100%. But, the devices that go off, they do not turn off on the KPL that also controls them.


However, if I set it to NON-TOGGLE-OFF, the lights that need to go to 100% do not go on. When I set it to NON-TOGGLE-ON, it works, but the KPL light is still on.

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Great. Now you have a second problem. I am not sure that I accurately understand it.


But, the devices that go off, they do not turn off on the KPL that also controls them.


You have devices (switchlincs, togglelincs, inlinelincs, things like that) that now correctly turn off when you press the nighttime button. However, you have other KPL buttons that also control these same devices individually. And these other KPL buttons are not turning off when you press the nighttime button. Do I understand your problem correctly?

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You have devices (switchlincs, togglelincs, inlinelincs, things like that) that now correctly turn off when you press the nighttime button. However, you have other KPL buttons that also control these same devices individually. And these other KPL buttons are not turning off when you press the nighttime button. Do I understand your problem correctly?


Correct. As well as the Nighttime button when set to NON-TOGGLE-ON.

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As well as the Nighttime button when set to NON-TOGGLE-ON.


So, your original problem is not solved?


I think my suggestion was to set it to NON-TOGGLE-OFF and to write a program triggered from an OFF command coming from the nighttime button. What approach did you take, instead?

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