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HOW TO: Garage door control using the ISY and an EZIO2x4


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UPDATE: I have updated the configuation and programs used for my garage doors. For up-to-date info, see my post in this thread dated 5/24/11.



A few people have asked about using the NK8 touch panel to control garage doors. We plan on supporting the GarageHawk product once released, but we also support garage door status and control using the Simplehomenet EZIO2x4. So, I wanted to put together a short article on controlling/monitoring your garage door using the Simplehomenet EZIO2x4 module, how to integrate it with the ISY, and finally how to integrate it with our NK8 touch panel application (and NK8-PC).


The following is for informational purposes only. Great consideration should be given to controlling something as critical as your garage door with any home automation product. An unintentional opening of your garage door could increase the likelyhood of an intruder gaining access to your home. On the other hand, the ability to monitor and control your garage door from a remote location can clearly improve security. Please consider all possibilities carefully before moving forward with a project of this type.


This information is not meant to be a complete guide to implementing a project like this. It is only meant to relay some of my own personal experiences, in hopes that it will help someone else already considering a similar project.


Please be aware that by proceeding, you are doing so COMPLETELY at your own risk.





The Simplehomenet EZIO2x4 module includes relays and inputs that make it fairly easy to control and monitor a pair of garage doors. The instructions included with the EZIO contain some basic information on how to do this. Please check their web site if you need to download a copy of the documentation in PDF format.


In short, your garage door opener should have a pair of terminals that your current controls are wired to. Simply connect the R1_A and R1_B terminals on the EZIO to the control terminals on your garage door opener. Once you do this, sending an ON command to the EZIO Relay 1 should cause your garage door to operate - if it is currently closed it will open, if it is currently open it will close. Please keep in mind that you only want to send a momentary ON command to Relay 1 - go ahead and turn Relay 1 back off once the door starts to move.


Most manufacturers have a separate set of terminals for the safety beam sensors included with your garage door opener, so using the EZIO module to control your door should not affect their operation. If you'd like, test their operation by placing an object to block the safety sensor beams. If the beam is blocked, the door opener should not be able to close the door.


Now that we have control of the garage door through the EZIO module, we need a way to determine if the door is opened or closed. I have personally used the following contact switch from Smarthome with good luck:




It's important to go with this particular model instead of the less expensive "normally closed" model. You'll probably want the EZIO's input to indicate an ON status when the door is open, and an OFF status when the door is closed. To obtain this, you'll need to use the above contact switch in "normally opened" mode by using the red and black wires. The green wire will go unused.


On the EZIO module, connect the I1+ terminal to the +5V terminal, then connect the I1- terminal to one wire of the garage door contact switch. Go ahead and connect the remaining garage door contact switch wire to the GND terminal on the EZIO. Now, if the garage door is closed (the 2 pieces of the contact switch are together), the EZIO Input 1 should read OFF. When the garage door is open (and the 2 pieces of the contact switch are apart), the EZIO Input 1 should read ON.


If you have 2 garage doors, duplicate the above instructions to wire the 2nd garage door opener to the EZIO Relay 2, and the 2nd door to the EZIO Input 2.





Now that we have control and status information from the garage door, it's time to integrate with the ISY.


For this portion of the article, I'm going to assume that we have 2 garage doors wired to the EZIO module. I'm also going to assume that we want a single KeypadLinc button (maybe in the master bedroom) to illuminate if EITHER ONE of the garage doors was left open. Finally, I'm going to assume that we want the ability to CLOSE the garage doors from this KeypadLinc, but not open them.


Once I added my EZIO module to my ISY, I found that inputs 3 and 4 were constantly floating between ON and OFF. To eliminate this, I used the Simplehomenet utility to disable the analog inputs. To force inputs 3 and 4 to an OFF state (since they are unused in this project), I wired both inputs 3 and 4 to the EZIO's +5V terminal using an 10K Ohm Resistor, such as this one from Radio Shack:


http://www.radioshack.com/product/index ... age=search


With this done, the ISY's Administrative console should show inputs 3 and 4 as OFF.



To start, I have a program that checks the status of both garage doors. If either door is open, this program will turn my "Garage Door" KeypadLinc button ON. If both doors are closed, this program will ensure that this same KeypadLinc button is turned OFF. The WAIT command is included in this program to give the door opener time to fully open or close the door before changing the status of the KeypadLinc button. "GarageDoorStatus" is a scene containing the KeypadLinc button I am using to monitor and control my garage doors.



       Status  'GarageInput1' is On
    Or Status  'GarageInput2' is On

       Wait  10 seconds
       Set Scene 'GarageDoorStatus' On

       Set Scene 'GarageDoorStatus' Off



At this point, the KeypadLinc button should illuminate if EITHER door is open, and turn off if both doors are closed. Like I mentioned earlier, we only need a momentary ON sent to the relay to operate a door. After the door starts to operate, we want the relay to return to an OFF state. To accomplish this, I use a pair of programs to turn the relays back off any time they are turned on:



       Status  'GarageRelay1' is On

       Wait  3 seconds
       Set 'GarageRelay1' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




       Status  'GarageRelay2' is On

       Wait  3 seconds
       Set 'GarageRelay2' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Finally, I have a pair of programs used to close a door that might be open if the KeypadLinc button is pressed. The "Garage Door" KeypadLinc button should be set to NON-TOGGLE OFF mode - see the instructions included with your KeypadLinc for information on how to accomplish this. If the Garage Door KeypadLinc button is pressed, and either one of the doors is open, it will close the appropriate door.



       Control 'MasterBedControls1F' is switched Off
   And Program 'Garage Door Status' is True
   And Status  'GarageInput1' is On

       Set 'GarageRelay1' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



       Control 'MasterBedControls1F' is switched Off
   And Program 'Garage Door Status' is True
   And Status  'GarageInput2' is On

       Set 'GarageRelay2' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




That's it! Test your system well, but at this point your KeypadLinc button should be ON if either doors is open, and pressing that button should close the appropriate door.



To integrate garage door control with our NK8 touch panel application (and NK8-PC application), please see the following forum post:



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Hi Mike,


Excellent write up!


I noticed in one program you did the following ...



            Status  'GarageInput1' is On 
        And Status  'GarageInput1' is not Off 
    Or ( 
            Status  'GarageInput2' is On 
        And Status  'GarageInput2' is not Off 


When using the Status, the program is run (either Then or Else) whenever that status changes. This is unlike Control where the program will only run if the action (On,Off,Fast On,etc.) matches as well.


Therefore, because you are using Status, you can simplify the If condition as follows:


    Status  'GarageInput1' is On 
 Or Status  'GarageInput2' is On 


When either status changes the program will run ... the Then path will run if either of them is On otherwise the Else path will run.

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When using the Status, the program is run (either Then or Else) whenever that status changes. This is unlike Control where the program will only run if the action (On,Off,Fast On,etc.) matches as well.


Thanks Chris! Glad to learn something new.


I went ahead and updated my initial post.

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  • 4 months later...

My wife found a bug! If something (or someone) is in the way of the door sensor, my status program listed above would not turn my KPL button back on - it would turn off and stay off when pressed, and I would not know there was an issue.


So, I divided my status program in 2 and it seems to have done the trick:





       Status  'MasterBedControls1F' is Off
   And (
            Status  'GarageSensor1' is On
         Or Status  'GarageSensor2' is On

       Wait  10 seconds
       Set Scene 'GarageDoorStatus' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')





       Status  'MasterBedControls1F' is On
   And (
            Status  'GarageSensor1' is Off
        And Status  'GarageSensor2' is Off

       Set Scene 'GarageDoorStatus' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


If my KPL button is ON, indicating a door open, I press the button and the door closes. If the door does not completely close for some reason, in 10 seconds the KPL button will turn back ON.

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Followed all the directions and kinda sorta got it working.


For a few weeks if I pressed my KPL I would have to press it again to shut off Output 1.


So, I ordered a PLC 2414S from SH (Got a good deal) and (FINALLY) got it to talk to my EZIO 2x4.


How do I set the output to only stay on a second or two then turn off?


Hex codes? I have opened the SimpleHomeNet utilty and looked at the pages and have not a clue.


Can someone help me?


Thanking you in advance,




P.S. I'm one of the unfortunate; my EZIO 2x4 and ISY don't speak...

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I am working on the garage door with the Interfacego, and might have run into three problems.


1. When I see the EXIO2x4 in the ISY it shows the following, is this normal?





I know that the first one is the trigger to open and close.


2. When I use the ISY to open the door with the (On), The garage opens, then I have to hit off, which clicks the EZ to off, and then hit on to close it. Is there a way to set it so I do not have to hit off to close the garage? What is also weird is it takes over my normal garage door opener, and makes it not usable until that off is hit.


3. Which address is the status, I am using only one garage door?

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Hey Mike -


I replied to your other post, but I will to this one too:


Use an ISY program to automatically turn off your relay any time you turn it on:


Status 'GarageRelay1' is On

Wait 3 seconds
Set 'GarageRelay1' Off

- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



.1 and .2 should be the 2 relays on your EZIO. .9 and .A should be the first 2 sensors on the EZIO, which are what I'd use for your door sensors. .B and .C should be the analog sensors, which I would not use.


If you're only controlling 1 garage door, use relay 1 and sensor 1 on the EZIO, which should be .1 and .9.

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Thanks very much for your help.


I am still run into one problem, and hope someone can help on the board.


I have the sensor wired up, but in the ISY it just showed ON. I go into the SimpleHomeNet.com utility and can see the change. Any idea why the ISY might not be picking up the status?



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Hello AnthemAVM,


Yes, this is a known issue that we are trying to resolve:

The newer PLMs and thus the newer EZIO devices have their database start at a different address.


I am hoping that we'll find a workaround within 2 weeks to a month.


With kind regards,





Thanks very much for your help.


I am still run into one problem, and hope someone can help on the board.


I have the sensor wired up, but in the ISY it just showed ON. I go into the SimpleHomeNet.com utility and can see the change. Any idea why the ISY might not be picking up the status?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Michael,


I too have the ISY99i and EXIO2X4. My PLM/EZIO2X4 combination seems to work OK with ISY except for the digital/analog inputs. I am using one of the opto-isolated inputs for garage door control combined with my ELK-M1 panel. Glad to hear you are looking for support solutions. Being able to extract analog data would be an added bonus!

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Hi George,


We are waiting for some units SHN and we'll surely have a solution (including the analog input).


With kind regards,



Hi Michael,


I too have the ISY99i and EXIO2X4. My PLM/EZIO2X4 combination seems to work OK with ISY except for the digital/analog inputs. I am using one of the opto-isolated inputs for garage door control combined with my ELK-M1 panel. Glad to hear you are looking for support solutions. Being able to extract analog data would be an added bonus!

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I want to do a similar setup as the garage door opener senario. This is for a house I'm building in Puerto Vallarta, were we have a Palapala with a huge overhead door that I'm using a standard ATV winch to lift it up and down. I already have Insteon in the house and I'm hoping to wire up a Forward/Backward buttons on the winch through the following two devices:


http://www.smarthome.com/31274/SimpleHo ... ler/p.aspx


http://www.smarthome.com/7455B/Garage-D ... -3-/p.aspx


Before I wire this all up and kill one of the dogs, do you guys think this is safe without the garage door controller this is normally interafaced with?


Also, do you think it's safe to wire up the relays of the Ezio directly to the Winch controller?


I see that for a garage, you only need to have the relay switched on for a few seconds. For the winch, I need to leave it on till it see's either a normally open/closed at the top or bottom of run. Just looking for a few tips on how to program this.


Thank you,


Juan J Ayala

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico :lol:

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For safety reasons, I'm really concerned about this. Are the program and instructions stored on the Ezio or are they stored as an actual program, which may be proned to delays or potential problems? Since I'm using a sensor's and no safety features built into Garage door openers, I want to make sure if I loose the ISY controller, that this will still work?

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Hi Juan,


It all depends on how you implement your system. If you put them in scenes, then they can continue to work even without ISY.


With kind regards,





For safety reasons, I'm really concerned about this. Are the program and instructions stored on the Ezio or are they stored as an actual program, which may be proned to delays or potential problems? Since I'm using a sensor's and no safety features built into Garage door openers, I want to make sure if I loose the ISY controller, that this will still work?

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I think you are right to be very concerned about the safety here -- and you hit on two of the issues that came to mind as I read your first post. I use numerous EZIO's (EZIO4O's and EZIO42) in my home and love them. But, I use them on curtains (that won't crush someone) and on a garage doors that have built-for-use safeties already in them. In other words, there are so many safety items that you would want in this that I strongly recommend not using ISY/EZIO/Insteon for the primary source of safety. If you did it the way it needs to be done, you'd probably spend $500 in relays and Insteon gear to get even close to a solution and then I'd wonder about reliability. This isn't questioning EZIO, ISY, or Insteon reliability. I just don't think that they were built/designed for such a critical safety situation. I suggest trying to find a heavy-lifting garage door system built for such a purpose and then install the EZIO solution on top of that for convenience. Just my $0.02.

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I designed into the door some massive counter weights, so the weight of the door is essiently only going to be about 40-50 lbs... I think I'll be okay on the safety issues now.


You suggest as a scene, can you offer just a few pointers on how to program as a scene? When I create a scene, it seems all I can do is drag items there with no logic, it just links them.


This is what I want:


I have two magnetic senors, one at the top of the door and one at the bottom.


1) When the Condition "Door Closed" is present, it allows the winch to move up/open.


2) When the Condition "Door Open" is present, it allows the winch to move down/close.


3) The contact will stay active till it senses the "Door Closed" Condition.


4) Same for opening, the second contact will stay closed till it senes the door at the top position.


I don't see a way to do this. Any suggestions please, just need some examples on how to get started.

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Hi Juan,


I see. Yes, you do need ISY programs for what you want to accomplish. I apologize for the misinformation.


With kind regards,



I designed into the door some massive counter weights, so the weight of the door is essiently only going to be about 40-50 lbs... I think I'll be okay on the safety issues now.


You suggest as a scene, can you offer just a few pointers on how to program as a scene? When I create a scene, it seems all I can do is drag items there with no logic, it just links them.


This is what I want:


I have two magnetic senors, one at the top of the door and one at the bottom.


1) When the Condition "Door Closed" is present, it allows the winch to move up/open.


2) When the Condition "Door Open" is present, it allows the winch to move down/close.


3) The contact will stay active till it senses the "Door Closed" Condition.


4) Same for opening, the second contact will stay closed till it senes the door at the top position.


I don't see a way to do this. Any suggestions please, just need some examples on how to get started.

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  • 3 weeks later...

MikeB and others,


I need some help from this great community. I have followed Mike B's instructions on setting up the EZIO4x2 and a KPL with ISY to operate my garage. I have the relay 1 working great. If i send a momentary on my garage open/Closes. However, I am also using the recommended Garage Contact Normally Opened or Closed and when my garage is open the status does not read ON. now the odd part. If I hit query on Input 1 nothing changes. IF i choose query on "my ligting" the status for input 1 will change to the correct status. If tested this multiple times for each on or off status. It will always read correctly if I query my lighting, but that is the only way i can get it read the correct status. Does anyone have an idea why ISY can not read the input 1 status correctly without the my lighting query??.


p.s I do have 2 garage doors and have the same problem with both input 1 and 2. Inputs 3 and 4 are not used but show a status of ON (which never changes). I also have no other communiction problems with my other insteon devices.


I often leave my garage door open by accident and could really benefit from a program that will alert me or shut it automatically. But i can't get it working until i can get this status to read correctly. Thanks everyone

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Try querying one of the EZIO's relays instead - that should make both inputs update. For some reason querying the input does not work.


Do you have a newer EZIO? Apparently newer EZIO's use a newer PLM which is causing compatibility issues with the ISY. I know they are working on a fix, but am unsure on the status of it.


Otherwise you might want to try removing your EZIO from the ISY, factory resetting it, then re-adding it back in. Before you do anything else test your sensors to see if the ISY is seeing status changes correctly. Watch the EZIO when you open/close a sensor - you should see its LED flash indicating it is sending out a status update, and hopefully your ISY will see it.


Good luck!

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Hi reakhavoc,


As MikeB suggested, we are working on a fix for EZIOxxx but have yet been able to find a stable solution. We have tried i2, i1, different address space, different linking method and all work once in a while and not consistently. We are still working on it and hope to either have a solution or give up completely by 12/15/2009.


With kind regards,


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Hi reakhavoc,


As MikeB suggested, we are working on a fix for EZIOxxx but have yet been able to find a stable solution. We have tried i2, i1, different address space, different linking method and all work once in a while and not consistently. We are still working on it and hope to either have a solution or give up completely by 12/15/2009.


With kind regards,



Why the 12/15/2009 date?

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Hello AnthemAVM,


Simply because we cannot spend an indefinite amount of time trying to get these units to work with ISY.


With kind regards,



Hi reakhavoc,


As MikeB suggested, we are working on a fix for EZIOxxx but have yet been able to find a stable solution. We have tried i2, i1, different address space, different linking method and all work once in a while and not consistently. We are still working on it and hope to either have a solution or give up completely by 12/15/2009.


With kind regards,



Why the 12/15/2009 date?

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Thanks, just seemed strange to see a 12/15/2009 date out there.


I hope that Smarthome starts to share the knowledge, before people start to jump over to other technology.




Hello AnthemAVM,


Simply because we cannot spend an indefinite amount of time trying to get these units to work with ISY.


With kind regards,



Hi reakhavoc,


As MikeB suggested, we are working on a fix for EZIOxxx but have yet been able to find a stable solution. We have tried i2, i1, different address space, different linking method and all work once in a while and not consistently. We are still working on it and hope to either have a solution or give up completely by 12/15/2009.


With kind regards,



Why the 12/15/2009 date?

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