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Importance of Signa-Lincs (service upgrade)


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No problems here, at least anymore, they're all fixed now. While I'm still a bit of a novice compared to others in this forum, I thought I'd share this just in case someone else is upgraqding their power service.


After having my service upped to 200 amps (from 100) My ISY was giving all kinds of errors, ie: time out exceptions, socket open, no such session, and a host of others. Originally I thought the surge of power turning back on had fried my ISY, well after a little while it had occured to me that perhaps the signalincs were no longer on different legs of service, and they weren't. I went through the relatively easy set up of my signalincs once again and presto, everything is working as it should. :D

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Hello Zellarman,


Thanks so very much for the update. Are these SignaLincs or AccessPoints?


With kind regards,



No problems here, at least anymore, they're all fixed now. While I'm still a bit of a novice compared to others in this forum, I thought I'd share this just in case someone else is upgraqding their power service.


After having my service upped to 200 amps (from 100) My ISY was giving all kinds of errors, ie: time out exceptions, socket open, no such session, and a host of others. Originally I thought the surge of power turning back on had fried my ISY, well after a little while it had occured to me that perhaps the signalincs were no longer on different legs of service, and they weren't. I went through the relatively easy set up of my signalincs once again and presto, everything is working as it should. :D

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Thanks so very much Zellarman ...


We have had many issues reported with SignaLincs ... I do not think you will have the same issues with APs. Have you tried replacing/upgrading your SLs with APs?


With kind regards,


It's the older signalincs that I have, though I imaggine it would've been the same w/ the newer accesspoints. Basically (as far as I know) my network was broken into two halves w/o the signalincs connecting the two.
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