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Remotelinc triggers lights not programmed to it.

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Hi guys;


I have the remotelinc's C button triggering a scene with one light in it but it seems to turn other lights in the house on and off when I press it.


I tried adding those lights to the scene and then removing them but no change.

When I check the 'Membership' it shows its a controller for the scene and a responder for the scene, nothing else.


Not sure what's up with that behaviour. Any help would be great.


Thanks, Drew

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For a device to react to the RemoteLinc button press either


a. the device has a Responder link to the RemoteLinc

b. the RemoteLinc has a Controller link to the device.


Do a Show Device Links Table for both the device and RemoteLinc. A Restore Device should clear the bad link. It sounds like the RemoteLinc was linked to the device with a Set button link at one time.

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c. A program is responding the the RL button and activating a scene/devices.


Sort the program summary by last run time and press the RL button. See if anything runs when the button is pressed.



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Hi guys;


Thanks for the replies.


Xathros, sorting out the programs and watching worked.

My question is this; Why did that program not show up on the 'Membership' area?


Also, I have a question that has perplexed me for a while. (ive replaced KPLs because of it)


When I hold a KPL button (D for instance) to dim the scene the button triggers, the load of the KPL brightens.


Is this normal?



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Hi guys;


Thanks for the replies.


Xathros, sorting out the programs and watching worked.

My question is this; Why did that program not show up on the 'Membership' area?


Also, I have a question that has perplexed me for a while. (ive replaced KPLs because of it)


When I hold a KPL button (D for instance) to dim the scene the button triggers, the load of the KPL brightens.


Is this normal?




Hi Drew-


Membership applies to scenes and devices. A device can be a member of a scene as a controller or responder. Programs are unrelated as they are neither scenes nor devices.


As for the KPL button, On they by default are in toggle mode. When in toggle mode alternating presses issue On or Off commands. Likewise alternating Holds issue Fade Up or Fade Down commands with a fade Stop issued when you release the button. What it sends is directly related to the last command that button sent. If the last thing was a fade up then you will get a fade down with the next press and hold. Is this not what you are seeing?



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