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Increased availability using multiple PLM's - any downside?


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Hi All,

My Insteon system is setup in my Holiday home which I tend not to visit that often. This means that I cannot undertake local maitenance/repair should anything go wrong - and my property manager is not tech savy!. With this in mind I tend to like to create redundant setups wherever possible.


As PLM failure could take out my complete automation system I need to build in some sort of redundancy.


I was considering adding a second PLM attached to a PC running HouseLink (in addition to my ISY994i)


This would, in theory, mittigate some of the risk of PLM design or software issues (as they are two different types of PLM (one USB based the other serial based) and two different control softwares (HL and ISY)).


Has anyone any experience of running an environment with multiple PLM's?

Are there any downsides (other than the PLM link tables won't match the device link tables as the device will have the second PLM included).


I would not envisage ever actually controlling the system from the HL and second PLM unless the primary ISY and PLM failed in some way - however they would be plugged in and running. I would also not need to have the scenes or programmes replicated. Simple manual control would be OK until repairs could be undertaken.


The other option is of course to implement the backup system with a second ISY and serial PLM - this would allow me to replicate the programs and scenes fairly easily.


If the primary PLM failed I assume there would be a certain degree of performance hit on the setup as each Insteon device would have the PLM address included in its link tables and would try to communicate with something that is no longer there. How could this be delt with?



Any thoughts/recommedations?

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Setting up multiple environments to control the same devices is difficult at best. With today's I2CS devices they need to be linked to the PLM to do even basic On/Off operations. Linking devices to two PLMs and maintaining those links are difficult. I don't think the idea is practical.

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As Lee said that would be very difficult.


If you are concerned about a PLM failure, you could run 2 plm's and use a relay to switch the 120v power between the 2. You would also need a splitter for the rj45 so that both PLM's would be connected at the same time to the ISY, but since only one is powered on, the other would be invisible to ISY. You would need a controller for that relay that could be operated via a network connection. If the PLM failed, you could switch to the second PLM, reboot your ISY remotely and then do a restore PLM remotely.

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How about 2 ISYs each with its own PLM. Leave one as a secondary unconfigured and unlinked to anything, but IP reachable. Should the primary fail, restore the backup from the primary ISY to the secondary ISY.


And then restore PLM.


I agree it should work, but it is expensive. And you would have to keep both ISY/PLM's up and running waiting for the possibility of being called into action. Since it seems that PLM's have a ticking time bomb in them that explodes just after 2 years, you might find that the backup PLM is also no good when it comes time to switch to it. That is why I would suggest not having the backup PLM powered up until it is needed.

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  • 1 month later...



My ISY994/PLM setup has been working just fine for years with servicing over 100 devices ... till 30 min into a party yesterday ;-(


It wrecked havoc.

All my fancy automation was out of the window, and I was left scrambling between guests and requests for music, landscape lighting, etc.

Quite a disaster indeed.


I rebooted the ISY, my router, put the ISY on a different network, without success during the party.


After the guests had left, as a last ditch effort, I disconnected the PLM getting ready to RESET the ISY. And Voila !!! everything started working.


I would love to setup a redundant system.


Any further thoughts or advances wherein, I could switch on the backup system seamlessly and work on troubleshooting later.


I am definitely buying a spare PLM. But, would like to have it setup correctly to get it up and running within minutes.





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Switching PLMs requires every device link record (1 to many per device) containing the PLM address be changed. Not something to done in a few minutes. The UDI Wiki describes the process. Not complex but it takes time to change many link records over 100 Insteon devices. Plus the battery powered devices have to be done one at a time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, LeeG & Michel.


I guess I got lucky with my PLM ... it is going strong for the past 3 years.




1. Given all the negative reviews on current PLM's, is there an alternative to the PLM ? another manufacturer ? another device ?


2. Is there a preference on kind of PLM for ISY 994i - Serial or USB ?



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Currently only one manufacturer of PLM, SmartLabs. Smartenit carries an EZIComm which is a SmartLabs PLM. A Serial version is required for the ISY. There has been some discussion that UDI will develop their own PLM but that is months away.

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PLM died. Ordered a new one that should arrive in a few days.


VERY INTERESTED in High-Availability Solution.

Family not geared to order and replace PLM while I am traveling.

It would be nice to setup something idiot-proof and seamless.


Not a programmer, but, wondering aloud if this will work

1. Master ISY1/PLM1 and Slave ISY2/PLM2 on the same network

2. Ping Master for availability every 'x' minutes/hours.

3. If Master Down, Bring Slave online seamlessly

4. Send email alert indicating Master Down


I am sure there can be some optimization to keep costs down - one ISY and two PLM's, or something. Also, less worried about battery powered devices coz these are very few and can be ignored in emergencies.


Also, will the INSTEON HUB (2242-222) work instead of the Serial PLM (2413S) ?


Do keep us posted.





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1. The ISY controller has to talk to the PLM with a serial connection. I see no way of having both connected at the same time.

Both PLMs would have to have its ID number in every module in the system it controls and each module it controls ID in its Link Database. The links for the unused PLM would cause all kinds of communications errors and retries.


The ISY controller tests for communications with the PLM at power up or reboot. Change the PLM to the backup and it will not be detected if a reboot is not done.


The HUB has no serial interface. No it will not work with an ISY Controller.

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