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ISY stopped after Insteon PLM

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Hey Guys... I think I faced some short circuit or overload problem with my PLM and ISY....


Today I noticed that my ISY isn't working and doesn't appearing on the network. The lights on the network connector were all off. I look at the PLM and noticed that it was off too...


Then I decided to open the PLM when I faced this situation (picture attached).


I think that something overcharged my home electrical system and PLM suffered the consequences... Unfortunatelly I think that ISY was gone too because it is not communicating with my router anymore...


My doubt is, considering that PLM is directly connected to electrical line, shouldn't it have some protection like a fuse or something? Considering that it doens't has, shouldn't ISY have something too?


What could I've done to prevent that??


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It does look like your home took a large power surge.

There is a MOV on the top of the board that should absorb some surges.

You may also find a blown MOV on the top of the PCB. D4 and maybe others also look blown

The possible burn mark near pin 2 of the the LNK354GN {Switching regulator IC] would also indicate a fairly large surge.


The secondary of the switching power supply in the PLM is isolated from the AC Line powered side.

I doubt the surge got into your ISY controller. From the PLM. Though anything is possible.


Is the Blue power LED on your ISY Controller On?

It is possible the surge also got the external power supply used to power your ISY controller.

Not communicating with your network could indicate your router also took a hit.

If there is no PLM connected. The ISY Controller maybe in the Safe Mode and I don't know if that disables network communications.


I have seen a few users here. That say a whole house surge suppressor has helped them in protecting their installation.

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Yes that was a ruge power surge and I have a suspicion... Last week, my dad was trying to fix a luminaire (IN THE MIDDLE OF BRAZIL GAME :| ) and suddenly the 3 phased switch was down. I saw that he was fixing a screw that made a short circuit between two phases. Didn't remember any other event...


Just yesterday I realized that the ISY was gone...


The PLM is gone for sure. I don't think I have a way to save it. Should I try to sent it to SmartHome for some maintenance?


About the ISY, it seems everything fine. It turns on, the powersupply is ok, all the leds are on and I can reset it. I opened it and don't see any signal of damage on the board. My doubt is that, when I conect the ethernet cable, nothing happens and the connector leds didn't turn on... sad...

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What LEDs are On when you power up the ISY Controller?

With no PLM the Blue Rx LED maybe ON.

With no Network connection. The Blue Memory and Red error LEDs should be flashing.

I would try the ISY controller on a different Router or port on the router. To see if your router also took a hit.

You can't log into the ISY controller at all?

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Can't remember exactly now, but as I remember I got all lights on and the blue memory and error blinking.


I tried ISY on a different router port and got nothing. What is intriguing me is that even the ethernet connector lights are on when the cable is plugged... shouldn't?

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Memory and Error flashing is a network connection issue. As pointed out in the chart supplied above.

Have you verified that the router is working with other devices?

I would think the Green LEDs on the network jack would be on if there was a valid network connection.


Maybe UDI will have some further tests you can do to verify the ISY controllers condition.

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I tried it on again. Changed cable, reset ISY, changed router port... I even took out my PC from the router and put the ISY in its port, all with the same error...


RX on steady, problem with the PLM. Ok I understand that because my PLM is gone.

Memory and Error blinking... :( sad..

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If the ISY controller is still blinking the Error and Memory LED. Using the router port the computer functions correctly with.

The ISY controller may have taken a hit in the network interface area.

I would not think that was a common thing to happen but in my years of electronic testing. I have seen things that in theory should not have happened.


That is a big flash mark in the photo. Do you have any idea how high the voltage was?

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I know that is network related but I'm hardly declined to find out that there's a hardware problem on Isy now. I tested it with different ethernet cables on two different routers that are working ok and got the same errors....


I don't know how big was the voltage but it was a short circuit between 2 phases. A present from my dad changing a luminaire.. :?


What should I do with this ISY know? Can I send it to Universal Devices back to see if there's a way to fix it?

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I'm gonna see if I still have the original invoice, really don't know. Could this be a problem? I don't know if this could realy be considered as a RMA as long as it was apparently caused by my dad...


I live in Brazil but I have a partner that lives in Chicago and he is comming to Brazil in november to visit the family. I'll send the ISY with him so he can send it to you ok?

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