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Delayed Signal

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I am having an issue that seems odd to me. 


Sometimes my devices take a LONG time to respond.


Yesterday I sent an IR command, only to have the ISY respond about 10 minutes later to the command.


The ISY seems to have no issue sending and receiving Z-wave commands, but if I send an Insteon command it can take a long time. It could be due to the fact that I may not be noticing the Z-wave commands being delayed.


This does not happen all the time, it is intermittent. 


I do not see any programs running during this time, so this is confusing.


Any help would be appreciated.

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As far as I can tell there are no patterns to this. 


Currently I have no issues with my home communicating via Insteon. When I hit a button, any device connected immediately responds. The problem i am having is with the PLM and the ISY I assume. I have had issues with this for a while. I have tried 4 different PLMs and even an additional ISY.


My house seems to work most of the time. I have put a filter on anything and everything I can think of. Microwave, Furnace, TVs, Computers, etc... 


I have issues with my EZIO8SA receiving a signal, and then a few minutes later the action will complete. What I find strange is that the action completes several minutes later. From what I've been told Insteon does not retry sending signals for more than a few seconds.


I have not been able to check on the status of running applications when one of these events occurs. Like I said, as far as i can tell it's not repeatable, and I am just very confused.


I just wanted to document this, if someone else is having similar issues.


I will contact support

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have figured out what was causing my issues. It comes from a lack of timeout in the Mobilinc application. If I turn of something on my Mobilinc and the system does not respond, Mobilinc will make sure that the command is sent even minutes later. While this sounds great for some applications, momentary switches become a problem. 


My problem stemmed from an Insteon communication issue I was having. The system would be completely unresponsive, I would try and turn a light off and nothing would happen. The communication issue would go away, and the system would start catching back up.

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